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Entries Tagged as 'traducere'

Poetry in Translation (CCCL), Nichita STĂNESCU (1933-1983) ROMANIA: “De dragoste ”, “About love”

August 8th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCL), Nichita STĂNESCU (1933-1983) ROMANIA: “De dragoste ”, “About love” · Books, Famous People, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

She looks so bored, yet she is still so pretty,
her ebony composure is upset …
her hand so bright, her face appears so witty…
she had forsaken me – I feel too wet!

Ea stă plictisită şi foarte frumoasă
părul ei negru este supărat
mâna ei luminoasă
demult m-a uitat,



Poetry in Translation (CCCXLIX), Care SANTOS (b.1970) SPAIN/CATALONIA: “Atlasul Corpului”, “The Great Atlas of the Human Body”

August 7th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXLIX), Care SANTOS (b.1970) SPAIN/CATALONIA: “Atlasul Corpului”, “The Great Atlas of the Human Body” · Books, Famous People, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Cortexul prefrontal
este cea mai mare cameră din casă
pe care o numim creier.
Este motivul pentru care foloseste ca debara,
ca să păstrăm acolo toate lucrurile:
The Prefrontal Cortex
is the largest room of the home
we call the brain.
That’s why it’s used as the storeroom
to keep everything:

Versiune în limba Română de Constantin ROMAN,
© 2015 Copyright Constantin ROMAN, London



Poetry in Translation (CCCXLVIII), Charles BAUDELAIRE (1821-1857) FRANCE: “The Murderer’s Wine”, “Nevasta a murit”, “Le Vin de l’assassin”

July 31st, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXLVIII), Charles BAUDELAIRE (1821-1857) FRANCE: “The Murderer’s Wine”, “Nevasta a murit”, “Le Vin de l’assassin” · Books, Famous People, OPINION, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations, Uncategorized

Ma femme est morte, je suis libre!
Je puis donc boire tout mon soûl.
Lorsque je rentrais sans un sou,
Ses cris me déchiraient la fibre.

Nevasta a murit această seară,
Sunt liber, pot să beau, fetiţă…
Când mă-ntoarceam acasă, criţă,
Zbiera, de îmi tăia suflarea.

My wife is dead and I am free!
And I can guzzle all I want.
When I came home without a cent
Her crying knifed the heart in me.



Poetry in Translation (CCCXLVII), William Butler YEATS (1865-1939) IRELAND: “Down By the Salley Gardens”, “Râul cu salcâmi”

July 26th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXLVII), William Butler YEATS (1865-1939) IRELAND: “Down By the Salley Gardens”, “Râul cu salcâmi” · Famous People, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Down by the salley gardens my love and I did meet;
She passed the salley gardens with little snow-white feet.
She bid me take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree;
But I, being young and foolish, with her would not agree.
La râul cu salcâmi, mi-am întâlnit iubita;
Fiind trasă prin inel, mi-am încercat ispita.
Mi-a spus s-o iau uşor, ca florile de nea,
Dar, tânăr fiind, am vrut norocul a-ncerca.
Versiune în limba Română de Constantin ROMAN, Londra
© 2015 Copyright Constantin ROMAN, London



Poetry in Translation (CCCXLV), James KIRCUP (1918-2009) UK/ENGLAND: “No Men Are Foreign”, “Nimeni nu e străin”

July 11th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXLV), James KIRCUP (1918-2009) UK/ENGLAND: “No Men Are Foreign”, “Nimeni nu e străin” · Diaspora, Famous People, History, International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Reviews, Translations

No Men Are Foreign
James KIRCUP (1918-2009)
Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign
Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes
Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon
Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie.
Nimeni nu e venetic
James KIRCUP (1918-2009)
Străine, ia aminte, nimeni nu e venetic, iar glia nu-i străină.
Sub orice uniformă acelaşi trup zvâcneşte,
Asemeni cu al nostru; iar câmpul bătăliei, cuprins de fraţii noştri,
E-aidoma cu al nostru, sub care-om zace morţi.
în limba Română de Constantin ROMAN, Londra
© 2015 Copyright Constantin ROMAN



Poetry in Translation (CCCXLIV), James FENTON (n. 1949, Lincoln), UK/ENGLAND: “The Song of the General”, “Cântecul Generalului”

July 8th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXLIV), James FENTON (n. 1949, Lincoln), UK/ENGLAND: “The Song of the General”, “Cântecul Generalului” · Famous People, International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, quotations, Translations

I serve an unjust lord.
Exile is an early tomb.
The heart bleeds dark.
Death is a journey home.
By the bright dew on the hill,
By the sharp blade of the moon,
I shall wake my grieving men.
I shall make that journey soon

“Cântecul Generalului”
Înrolat în război, de pripas,
Exilul îi pare-un mormânt
Inima-i e sângerândă s-ajungă devreme acas’…
Fiindcă Moartea-i de veghe, mergând.
Luna luceşte pe spadă.
Roua, pe frunza deasă
Voi deştepta soldaţii mei, în grabă;
Curând mă voi întoarce-acasă.
Versiune în limba Română de Constantin ROMAN, Londra
© 2015 Copyright Constantin ROMAN, London



Poetry in Translation (CCCXLII), Philippe JACCOTTET (b. 1925), SWITZERLAND/VAUD: “Intérieur”, “Interior”

July 4th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXLII), Philippe JACCOTTET (b. 1925), SWITZERLAND/VAUD: “Intérieur”, “Interior” · Books, Famous People, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Il y a longtemps que je cherche à vivre ici, dans cette chambre que je fais semblant d’aimer, la table, les objets sans soucis, la fenêtre ouvrant au bout de chaque nuit d’autres verdures, et le cœur du merle bat dans le lierre sombre, partout des lueurs achèvent l’ombre vieillie.
Încerc de mult timp să locuiesc aici, în camera aceasta în care îmi închipui că îmi place, masa, obiectele fără grije, fereastra deschizând la sfârşitul fiecarei nopti perspectiva altor brazde de flori si iarăşi inima mierlei zvâcnind în iedera umbrită, mărgele de sclipiri înfruntând umbra ostenită.



Poetry in Translation (CCCXLI), Eugenio MONTALE (1896 – 1981), ITALY / LIGURIA: “Aniversare”, “Anniversaria”

June 16th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXLI), Eugenio MONTALE (1896 – 1981), ITALY / LIGURIA: “Aniversare”, “Anniversaria” · Books, Famous People, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Stând in genunchi, tot darul ce-am crezut
Nefiind al meu – ci-al altora de fapt,
Acum e-al meu. Căci bunul Dumnezeu a vrut
Să-nchege-ntreg tot sângele vărsat …
Ca-n pomul vieţii să atârne al tău fruct.

Rendered in Romanian by Constantin ROMAN, London
© 2015 Copyright Constantin ROMAN, Londra



Poetry in Translation (CCCXL), Eugenio MONTALE (1896 – 1981), ITALY/LIGURIA: “Ripenso il tuo sorriso ”, “I recall your smile”, “Surâsul tău”

June 15th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXL), Eugenio MONTALE (1896 – 1981), ITALY/LIGURIA: “Ripenso il tuo sorriso ”, “I recall your smile”, “Surâsul tău” · Books, Famous People, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Nu visez decât la surâsul tău – o apă limpede,
mărturie întâmplătoare în albia râului,
oglindă în care zăresti frunza iederei,
dar mai ales cuprinsul cerului, strălucitor şi calm.
I recall your smile, and for me it is limpid water
witnessed by chance among the stones of a riverbed.
slight mirror in which you see an ivy and its inflorescence,
and over all the embrace of a serene white sky.
Ripenso il tuo sorriso, ed è per me un’acqua limpida
scorta per avventura tra le pietraie d’un greto,
esiguo specchio in cui guardi un’ellera e i suoi corimbi;
e su tutto l’abbraccio di un bianco cielo quieto.



Poetry in Translation (CCCXXXIX), Herta MULLER (b. 1953), ROMANIA-BANAT/GERMANY: “Colour Grey”, “Gri”

June 15th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXXXIX), Herta MULLER (b. 1953), ROMANIA-BANAT/GERMANY: “Colour Grey”, “Gri” · Communist Prisons, Diary, Diaspora, Famous People, International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, Poetry, POLITICAL DETENTION / DISSENT, quotations, Reviews, Translations

I was nice to him
He was nice to me
Our doors, our windows
Kept closed
Lest we smell each other.

Nu mă gândesc la tine
Dar când pământul aprig îmi va cuprinde pieptul
Voi visa tot mai mult la acele zile.

