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Entries Tagged as 'traducator'

Poetry in Translation (CCCIX), Charles Hubert SISSON (1914 –2003), ENGLAND, “Finale”, “Final”

January 2nd, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCIX), Charles Hubert SISSON (1914 –2003), ENGLAND, “Finale”, “Final” · PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Nothing means anything now:
I am alone
— My mind a vacant space,
My heart of stone.

Nimic nu mai contează
Singur sunt
Memoria’m pierdut
Viaţa să-nfrunt.



THREE POEMS IN TRANSLATION, (CCLVI-CCLVIII), GREECE, George SEFERIS (1900 – 1971): `’Epitaf”, “Epitaph”, “Duminică”, “Sunday”, “Bitter Moments”, “Clipe amare”

February 14th, 2014 · Comments Off on THREE POEMS IN TRANSLATION, (CCLVI-CCLVIII), GREECE, George SEFERIS (1900 – 1971): `’Epitaf”, “Epitaph”, “Duminică”, “Sunday”, “Bitter Moments”, “Clipe amare” · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

George Seferis

Coals in the fog
were roses rooted in your heart
and the ashes covered your face
each morning.
Plucking cypress shadows
You left a summer ago.



POETRY IN TRANSLATION (CCXLI): Herbert ASQUITH, (1881-1947), ENGLISH Poet, “The Fallen Subaltern”, “Soldatul-Erou”

December 23rd, 2013 · Comments Off on POETRY IN TRANSLATION (CCXLI): Herbert ASQUITH, (1881-1947), ENGLISH Poet, “The Fallen Subaltern”, “Soldatul-Erou” · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

The Fallen Subaltern
Hebert Asquith

The starshells float above, the bayonets glisten;
We bear our fallen friend without a sound;
Below the waiting legions lie and listen
To us, who march upon their burial-ground.
Herbert Asquith

În cânt de clopote şi în sclipiri de săbii
Tovaraşul de arme-l îngropăm,
Iar în ţărână suflete-adormite
Ascultă cum păşim mormântul lor.
Rendered in Romanian by: Constantin ROMAN,
© 2013, Copyright Constantin ROMAN, London



Poetry in Translation (CCXXXVII): W. H. AUDEN, (1907, York – 1973, Vienna): “Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone”, “Oprește orologiul”

December 9th, 2013 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCXXXVII): W. H. AUDEN, (1907, York – 1973, Vienna): “Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone”, “Oprește orologiul” · PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.



Poetry in Translation (CCXXXIV – CCXXXVI): Ion CAROIAN (1923, Romania – 1986, Switzerland): “Hope”, “Snow” and “You are weary Wanderer”

December 7th, 2013 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCXXXIV – CCXXXVI): Ion CAROIAN (1923, Romania – 1986, Switzerland): “Hope”, “Snow” and “You are weary Wanderer” · Diaspora, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations

“You are weary, wanderer”
Ion CAROIAN (1923-1986)

“You are weary, wanderer,
As we are filing in a single line, hooded,
(a fistful of nothingness).
They – the ignorant retainers,
Digested through the stomach of time.
They – the decent rabble.
Give Caesar his dues!
As for the rest, to Hell!”

(English version by: Constantin ROMAN,
© 2013, Copyright Constantin ROMAN, London)



Poetry in Translation (CCII): Johann Wolfgang von GOETHE (1749 – 1832), GERMANY, “Nähe des Geliebten”, “Dor”

July 30th, 2013 · No Comments · International Media, Poetry, quotations, Translations, Uncategorized

Ich bin bei dir; du seist auch noch so ferne,
Du bist mir nah!
Die Sonne sinkt, bald leuchten mir die Sterne.
O, wärst du da!

Sunt lânga tine, departe de ai fi,
În dorul ce m-apasă,
Iar în amurgul serii, din nou aşi vieţui
De te-ai intoarce-acasă.

I am with you. However far you are,
I know you’re near!
The setting sun sets stars up over me.
I want you here!



Romanian Dictionary of Quotations, Selected & Translated by Constantin ROMAN: Letter ‘H’

July 21st, 2013 · No Comments · Diaspora, International Media, PEOPLE, quotations, Translations

“He looks like a bottle of mustard with a black label.”
Marthe Bibesco

“A well spent hour is worth more than centuries and centuries of ignorance and neglect.”
Eugene Ionesco

“Old people do not need so many calories.”
Nicolae Ceausescu



Poetry in Translation (CLXXXIV): Jacques PRÉVERT (1900 – 1977), France, Poet: “Cântecul Senei”, “Chanson de la Seine ”

April 18th, 2013 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CLXXXIV): Jacques PRÉVERT (1900 – 1977), France, Poet: “Cântecul Senei”, “Chanson de la Seine ” · Poetry, quotations, Translations

Chanson de la Seine

La Seine a de la chance
Elle n’a pas de souci
Elle se la coule douce
Le jour comme la nuit
Et elle sort de sa source
Tout doucement, sans bruit…
Sans sortir de son lit
Et sans se faire de mousse,
Elle s’en va vers la mer
En passant par Paris.

Ce noroc are Sena
Fiind lispită de griji
Şi se duce la vale,
Fără zor, zi de zi,
Când din munţi izvoreşte
Liniştită, tiptil…
Fiindu-i grije să fie
Între maluri curgând,
Să ajungă la mare,
Prin Paris străbătând.
(Rendered in Romanian by Constantin ROMAN
© 2013 Copyright Constantin ROMAN)



Poetry in Translation (CLXXXIII: Jorge Luis BORGES (1899 – 1986), Argentina, Poet: “Noi suntem Epoca, Noi suntem Legenda”, “We are the time. We are the famous”, “SON LOS RÍOS”

April 14th, 2013 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CLXXXIII: Jorge Luis BORGES (1899 – 1986), Argentina, Poet: “Noi suntem Epoca, Noi suntem Legenda”, “We are the time. We are the famous”, “SON LOS RÍOS” · International Media, Poetry, quotations, Translations, Uncategorized

We are the time. We are the famous
metaphor from Heraclitus the Obscure.

Somos el tiempo. Somos la famosa
parábola de Heráclito el Oscuro.
Somos el agua, no el diamante duro,
la que se pierde, no la que reposa.
We are the water, not the hard diamond,
the one that is lost, not the one that stands still.

Noi suntem Epoca, Noi suntem Legenda
Jorge Luis Borges
(1899 – 1986)

Noi suntem Epoca. Noi suntem Legendara
Metaforă a lui Heraclit cel Obscur.

Noi suntem unda, nu piatra nestemată,
Cea trecătoare, nu cea de sine-stătătoare.

Noi suntem apa şi chipul antic
Al profilului grec, ce se reflectă în undă. Faţa
Lui se transformă în apele oglinzii schimbătoare
A pietrei nestemate sclipind ca flacăra.

Noi suntem fluviul inutil, preprogramat,
În drumul lui spre ocean.

Umbrele l-au cernit.
Totul şi-a luat rămas bun dela noi, totul se îndepărtează.

Memoria nu- şi pune stigmatul pe propria-i pecete.

Şi totuşi, este ceva ce rămâne
Şi totuşi, este ceva ce mâhneşte.

(Rendered in Romanian by Constantin ROMAN
© 2013 Copyright Constantin ROMAN)



Poetry in Translation (CLXXVI – CLXXXII): Robert Creeley (1926 – 2005), USA, Seven Poems

April 6th, 2013 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CLXXVI – CLXXXII): Robert Creeley (1926 – 2005), USA, Seven Poems · International Media, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Still the same

(Robert Creeley)
Încă aceeaşi

Poetry in Translation (CLXXVIII): Robert Creeley (1926 – 2005), USA, “Do you think…”, “Crezi, oare…”

(Robert Creeley)

(Robert Creeley)

Crezi, oare, dacă
vre-o dată ai face ce-ai vrea
să faci, atunci n-ai mai dori să o faci?

Crezi, oare, dacă
mărul de pe masă
ar fi fost mâncat de cineva, atunci
n-ai mai fi fost acolo?

Crezi, oare, dacă
la un moment dat doi oameni s-ar iubi
ori şi cum la un moment dat unul sau celălalt
ar iubi mai puţin
intr-o clipă sau alta a unei relaţii eminamente fericite?

Crezi, oare, dacă
respirând adânc, odată, ai fi
obligat atunci să repeţi din nou
şi iarăşi din nou, până când mecanismul
respiraţiei nesfârşite ar deveni
o necessitate aproape infinită?

(Rendered in Romanian by Constantin ROMAN, London,
© 2013 Copyright Constantin ROMAN)

