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Entries Tagged as 'Sculptor'

BLOUSE ROUMAINE: Daughters of BESSARABIA – Milita PATRASCU (b. 1883, Nisporeni, MOLDOVA – d. 1976, Bucharest, ROMANIA)

June 26th, 2016 · Comments Off on BLOUSE ROUMAINE: Daughters of BESSARABIA – Milita PATRASCU (b. 1883, Nisporeni, MOLDOVA – d. 1976, Bucharest, ROMANIA) · Art Collections, Art Exhibitions, Books, Communist Prisons, Famous People, History, International Media, PEOPLE, POLITICAL DETENTION / DISSENT, quotations

Milita Pàtrascu (b. 31 December 1883, Nisporeni, Bessarabia – d. 1 February 1976, Bucharest): Sculptor, pupil of Constantin Brâncusi, graphic artist/illustrator, member of the 1930s-1940s Avant-Garde Group Arta Nouà Movement
Arrested in 1959 by Romania’s Communist regime but saved by writer and politician Mihail Sadoveanu and kept instead under house arrest.



Poetry in Translation (CCCXIV): Alexandru O. TEODOREANU, aka PASTOREL (1894-1964), ROMANIA – “Soldate Rus, Slavă Ţie!”, “Hail, Soviet Soldier!”, “Gloire au Soldat Soviétique!” –

January 23rd, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXIV): Alexandru O. TEODOREANU, aka PASTOREL (1894-1964), ROMANIA – “Soldate Rus, Slavă Ţie!”, “Hail, Soviet Soldier!”, “Gloire au Soldat Soviétique!” – · Poetry, quotations, Translations

You, Soviet soldier, Soviet soldier,
Why are you perched so high, I wonder?
Because you conquered us, as well,
Or that your feet may stink like hell?

Păstorel Teodoreanu

Toi soviétique, si haut perché,
Pourquoi es-tu si isolé?
Serait-ce par marque de respect? s
Ou pour ne pas sentir tes pieds?

Version Francaise par Constantin ROMAN,
London © 2014 Copyright Constantin ROMAN, Londres



Poetry in Translation, (CCLXXXIX), Michelangelo BUONARROTI (1475-1564), ITALY/TUSCANY: “Sonnet Nr. 47”, “Sonet Nr. 47”

May 24th, 2014 · No Comments · Books, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Michelangelo BUONARROTI (1475-1564)

Când dragostea-i mereu înflăcărată,
Mai mult decât credeam, în tinereţe,
Regret adânc vapaia-ntârziată,
Ce mă încearcă, greu, la bătrâneţe.

Căci cerul este crud, când, sub văpaie,
Îi cere inimii, ce-abea că mai rezistă,
Ca bătrâneţea să îmi poarte crucea,
Iubind o fiinţă, cu-o privire tristă.

Dar poate-atunci când soarele apune,
Iar viaţia-i la sfârşit, putea-voi spune,
Că-n noapte, voi trăi o umbră vie.

Căci, în amurgul vieţii, dorul ştie
Cum focul mă va pune la-ncercare:
Iubite, fă din noapte-o sărbătoare!

Rendered in Romanian by Constantin ROMAN
© 2014 Copyright Constantin ROMAN, London



Mircea Milcovitch – Un irréversible journal de retrouvement, by Thiery Jolif (www.unidivers.fr)

October 21st, 2012 · Comments Off on Mircea Milcovitch – Un irréversible journal de retrouvement, by Thiery Jolif (www.unidivers.fr) · Books, Diaspora, International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, quotations, Reviews

Comment faire d’un chemin d’exil une marche de « retrouvement », de retournement sans retour ?
Si, ainsi qu’aimait le rappeler Claudel, « Dieu écrit droit avec nos lignes courbes », l’écriture pourrait bien alors se révéler être le vecteur de ce ré-embrassement à la fois charnel et spirituel, demeurer étranger à son pays, à son passé et pourtant présent à tout et à tous.

Il aura fallu plus de quarante années de maturation pour que l’artiste Mircea Milcovitch publie son « journal d ’exil ». Un journal qui n’est pas le fait d’un scrutateur de soi, d’un « indiscret observateur » de soi-même mais une toile écrite comme est tissée celle de l’araignée. Les gouttes de rosées qui ici s’irisent à la lumière du soleil de la mémoire sont des souvenirs. Ecrits, ils sont pris dans la toile fine, subtile, prisonniers ils étaient destinés à l’oubli…

Il faut écrire la pensée pour la dérouler. (p. 225



Book Launching (France): “Journal d’exil” by Mircea Milcovitch, Éditions Amalthée

January 8th, 2012 · 2 Comments · Books, Diaspora, International Media, PEOPLE, quotations, Reviews

Les “Éditions Amalthée” publieront dans la seconde moitié du mois de février 2012 le “Journal d’Exil”. Ce récit avait été rédigé après l’arrivée en France de l’artiste, entre octobre 1968 jusqu’à la fin de l’année 1969. Le livre est préfacé par le docteur Marc Andronikof.
he Éditions Amalthée publishing house will launch in February 2012 the Memoirs of artist sculptor Mircea Milcovitch (Mircea Milcovici), with a preface by Mark Andronikoff. This book is written by en exile, whose family was no stranger to the sad road of uprooting. Mircea’s father, himself a native of Bessarabia, was compelled to seek refuge in the Kingdom of Romania in the wake of the invasion by the Red Army, at the end of WWII. T
Whilst reading an early draft of this Memoir, one encounters a certain melancholy, imbued by generations of displaced ancestors, living at the confluence of warring empires. But beyond this one can detect a strong determination to live the newly-found freedom and to succeed in the artistic career.



Palm Springs Art Gallery (California) exhibits American-Romanian sculptor Christopher Georgesco

September 20th, 2010 · Comments Off on Palm Springs Art Gallery (California) exhibits American-Romanian sculptor Christopher Georgesco · Art Exhibitions, Diaspora, PEOPLE

Michael H. Lord Gallery is a prestigious Art Venue in Palm Springs, California. Established in 1978, the Michael H. Lord Gallery is located in the Palm Springs Uptown Design District at 1090 North Palm Canyon Drive.
he three sculptures seen in the centre of the showroom for the current exhibition are by American-Romanian artist Christopher Georgesco. Born in Nebraska, Christopher grew up in California, where his father, Haralamb Georgesco had his private practice. Georgesco Senior was an internationally renowned architect of the early Modernist movement in Europe and the United States. His archives were donated by Christopher to the Getty Museum in the care of Special Collections Department.
Pasinetti House a listed building by Haralamb Georgesco, situated in LA and restored in 2008 by Willow Glen Partners. Georgesco Jr sculpture is in the background (permission; Tim Braseth_

