The poplar rages gusts of wind against my window,
Alas, it can no longer our ancient tongue avenge.
As a fakir, whose act to mesmerize is over,
The most docile of cobras now seeks to take revenge.
Entries Tagged as 'Romania'
Poetry in Translation (CCCXXVIII), Valeria GROSU (1950-2012) – ROMANIA/MOLDOVA: “Criză”, “Crisis”
March 20th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXXVIII), Valeria GROSU (1950-2012) – ROMANIA/MOLDOVA: “Criză”, “Crisis” · Famous People, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"lost tongue"·"Romanian to English"·ancient tongue·cobra·editor·fakir·Moldova·Romania·romanian·translation·traucere·Valeria Grosu
Poetry in Translation (CCCXXV), Constantin ROMAN, ENGLAND / ROMANIA: “Chelsea Bridge”
February 26th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXXV), Constantin ROMAN, ENGLAND / ROMANIA: “Chelsea Bridge” · PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations, Uncategorized
Now I shall seek endlessly
the streets where we walked together
I will drag along my fading dreams
starting at Chelsea Bridge
(Constantin ROMAN, ENGLAND / ROMANIA: “Chelsea Bridge”)
(Poetry: Centre for Romanian Studies – London)
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Chelsea Bridge"·"Constantin Roman"·against the tide·castles in the air·dreams·dystopian·England·expectations·fading dreams·Montepulciano·poet·poetry·rendez vous·Romania·vacant eyes
Poetry in Translation (CCCXXIV), “Păstorel” TEODOREANU (1894-1964), ROMANIA: “Sadoveanu”, in Romanian, English & French verse
February 19th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXXIV), “Păstorel” TEODOREANU (1894-1964), ROMANIA: “Sadoveanu”, in Romanian, English & French verse · Diaspora, Famous People, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations
Sadoveanu filo-Rus,
Stă cu curul spre Apus:
Ca s-arate-Apusului
Care-i fața Rusului”.
Sadoveanu’s Russian farse,
To the West it turned its arse,
To show to the Allied Press
What’s the Russians real face.
Sadoveanu, filo-Russe,
A devoilé son anus:
Pour montrer à l’Occident
Le visage d’un Russe brillant.
Poetry in translation (CCCXXII): Ion MINULESCU (1881– 1944), (ROMANIA) – “Rugă pentru Duminica Floriilor”, “Palm Sunday Prayer”
February 14th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in translation (CCCXXII): Ion MINULESCU (1881– 1944), (ROMANIA) – “Rugă pentru Duminica Floriilor”, “Palm Sunday Prayer” · Books, Famous People, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations
A glittering pearl necklace, made of sunflower seeds,
A double-winged Pegasus out of a humble bee …
Forgive me, though, dear Father, of this – mine foolish jest,
To have imagined Thee –
As I thought might be best…
But the World was too pallid, than I thought it might be.
My Lord, sprinkle my eyebrows, with drops of holly sea.
Chastise my sinful body,
Behold my tongue of python,
Remove the foolish demon, that pronounced the unheard.
Do give zest to my body, depicted in Your icon…
To forget I was ever beholden by Thy word!
Rendered in English from the original Romanian verse: by Constantin ROMAN, London
© 2015 Copyright Constantin ROMAN, London
Tags:"Constantin Roman"·"Romanian into English"·Center for Romanian Studies - London·Dumnezeu·editor·God·Ion Minulescu·lawyer·Literature·Paris·poet·poezie·Romania·Symbolist·traducere·translation·translator·verse·“Palm Sunday Prayer”·“Prayer”·“Rugă pentru Duminica Floriilor”
Poetry in Translation (CCCXX): George TOPÂRCEANU (1886-1937), ROMANIA – “L’âne philosophe”, “Măgarul filosof”, “The Philosopher Ass”
February 8th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXX): George TOPÂRCEANU (1886-1937), ROMANIA – “L’âne philosophe”, “Măgarul filosof”, “The Philosopher Ass” · Diaspora, Famous People, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations
Un jeune âne amoureux d’une noble cavale,
Lui demanda la main (le sabot de devant).
— Mais… vous êtes du peuple, et moi — je suis pur sang,
Je vous ferai cocu! lui promit-elle.
— J’avale
Tout ce que vous voudrez! dit l’âne sans émoi,
Promettre c’est noble, tenir serait bourgeois…
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin ROMAN" London·"County Argeș"·"George TOPÂRCEANU"·"Memorial House"·"Poetry in Translation"·ass·Bourgeois·cuckold·editor·French into English·French into Romanian·low breed·mare·Nămăești·noble·pedigree·poet·promise·Romania·TOPÂRCEANU·traducteur·traduction·translation·translator·writer·“L’âne philosophe”·“Măgarul filosof”
Poetry in Translation (CCCXIV): Alexandru O. TEODOREANU, aka PASTOREL (1894-1964), ROMANIA – “Soldate Rus, Slavă Ţie!”, “Hail, Soviet Soldier!”, “Gloire au Soldat Soviétique!” –
January 23rd, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXIV): Alexandru O. TEODOREANU, aka PASTOREL (1894-1964), ROMANIA – “Soldate Rus, Slavă Ţie!”, “Hail, Soviet Soldier!”, “Gloire au Soldat Soviétique!” – · Poetry, quotations, Translations
You, Soviet soldier, Soviet soldier,
Why are you perched so high, I wonder?
Because you conquered us, as well,
Or that your feet may stink like hell?
Păstorel Teodoreanu
Toi soviétique, si haut perché,
Pourquoi es-tu si isolé?
Serait-ce par marque de respect? s
Ou pour ne pas sentir tes pieds?
Version Francaise par Constantin ROMAN,
London © 2014 Copyright Constantin ROMAN, Londres
Tags:"Alexandru O. TEODOREANU"·"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Dimitrie DEMU"·"Poetry in Translation"·"Romanian to English"·"Romanian to French"·"Roumain-Français"·editor·epigram·London·Macedonia·Pastorel·poezie·Romania·Roumain·Sculptor·Slavă Ţie!”·Soviet Soldier!”·traducere·traduction·translation·Venezuela·“Gloire au Soldat Soviétique!”·“Hail·“Soldate Rus
Poetry in Romanian (CCCVI): Constantin ROMAN, ROMANIA/ENGLAND, “Epitaf I”
November 8th, 2014 · Comments Off on Poetry in Romanian (CCCVI): Constantin ROMAN, ROMANIA/ENGLAND, “Epitaf I” · Diaspora, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations
Prostaţi vom fi de gravitate
Şi de orgoliul său latent.
Vom pierde ori ce levitate
Şi magnetismul remanent….
O! plângeţi miligali, oerstezi o mie!
Savantul a murit deunăzi:
De-atât amar, cu toţi ne-om repezi
Să-i luam fotoliul la Academie.
Dar plini de scrupule pentru Ecologie
L-om împăia, ca să nu îl uităm:
Cadavrul lui Antipa o să-l dăm,
Ca să–l admire marea Omenire.
Şi-acolo regăsindu-l, într-un fine,
Printre strămoşii noştri troglodiţi
Vom adăsta cu toţi, înmărmuriţi,
De acolada ce i se cuvine.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"limba Romana"·"strămoşii troglodiţi"·Bucuresti·cadavru·ecologie·Epitaf·Muzeul Andipa·poet·poetry·poezie·Romania·troglodiţi
Poetry in Translation, (CCXCV), Andrei-Tiberiu Majeri, (ROMANIA/Transylvania): “Poezie “, “Poem“
September 9th, 2014 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation, (CCXCV), Andrei-Tiberiu Majeri, (ROMANIA/Transylvania): “Poezie “, “Poem“ · PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations
you, my soul
take a look at other souls
to get to know yourself
men of deep sadness
priviţi în alte suflete
să vă cunoasteţi
oameni de profundă tristeţe
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Poetry in Translation"·Andrei - Tiberiu MĂJERI·English·poem·Romania·soul·Suflet·translation·Transylvania
Poetry in Translation, (CCXC), Magda ISANOS (1916 – 1944), ROMANIA/MOLDOVA: “Green Dream”, “Vis vegetal”
May 31st, 2014 · No Comments · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations
“Vreau, suflete, să mă dezbar de tine
şi să trăiesc ca pomii de pe vale,
cu flori în locul gândurilor tale,
o viaţă fără rău şi fără bine.”
“Dear Soul, I’d gladly do without your swings of mood,
To live among the trees, down in the valley
And smell the bloom, rather than hear your parley –
A life unsullied by the Bad, or Good.”
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Eastern Europe"·"Green Dream"·"History of Romanian Literature"·"Poetry in Translation"·"Vis vegetal"·Basarabia·Bessarabia·editor·English·Eusebiu Camilar·Interbellum·Magda Isanos·Moldova·poetess·poetry·poezie·Romania·romanian·traducere·translation·Women poets