Perhaps only one Western journalist ever managed to interview Ayatollah Khomeini twice. And from those long discussions we learned an enormous amount about the nature of the adamant theocracy that he was bent upon instituting. The second session was an achievement in itself, since Oriana had terminated the first one by wrenching off the all-enveloping chador she had been compelled to wear and calling it a:
“stupid, medieval rag.”
She told me that after this moment of drama she had been taken aside by Khomeini’s son, who confided in her that it had been the only time in his life that he had seen his father laugh.
Entries Tagged as 'Ratzinger'
Thirty five Years ago: Oriana Falacci interrogates Ayatollah Khomeini (1979)
December 31st, 2015 · Comments Off on Thirty five Years ago: Oriana Falacci interrogates Ayatollah Khomeini (1979) · Books, Diary, Famous People, History, OPINION, PEOPLE, quotations
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·ayatollah·Bhutto·editor·English·Falacci·History·Interview·Italian·journalist·Khomeyni·Kissinger·London·Makarios·Ratzinger·reporter