Constantin Roman invites us for a walk, during which he enjoins past and present alike, in a brisk coming and going of the narrative. It is a narrative that cannot suddenly end, but rather one which compels us to start all over again and revisit. It is a truly wonderful gift, a very happy surprise indeed of an inherently original book, which haunts us like the persistent music of those Romanian women’s voices.” (French Government Adviser, Paris)
Entries Tagged as '“Post-Communism” QUotations'
“Blouse Roumaine – the Unsung Voices of Romanian Women”: what the Readers say:
September 3rd, 2009 · 2 Comments · Books, Diaspora, PEOPLE, Poetry, Reviews, Translations
Tags:"19th Century"·"20th century"·"Blouse Roumaine"·"Post-Communism" QUotations·"Romanian Women". Romania·"Social History"·anthology·Culture·Europe·Feminism·Multi-disciplinary·politics·quotations·translation