“Have Mercy, o God, on our King,
Lend your ear and hear
The prayer of our whole Land…
Give Him many days,
Anoint His brow with Thy Grace,
Have Mercy, o God, on our King!”
(Nichifor Crainic, (1889-1972). Poet)
“Have Mercy, o God, on our King,
Lend your ear and hear
The prayer of our whole Land…
Give Him many days,
Anoint His brow with Thy Grace,
Have Mercy, o God, on our King!”
(Nichifor Crainic, (1889-1972). Poet)
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“He looks like a bottle of mustard with a black label.”
Marthe Bibesco
“A well spent hour is worth more than centuries and centuries of ignorance and neglect.”
Eugene Ionesco
“Old people do not need so many calories.”
Nicolae Ceausescu
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Emil Cioran·"Eugene IONESCO"·"Human rights"·"Marthe BIBESCO"·"Mircea Eliade"·"Nicolae IORGA"·"Romanian to English"·Happy·Historiography·History·Hitler·Holiness·Honour·Hope·Hour·Hungarian·hunger·Lucian BOIA·Nicolae CEAUSESCU·traducator·translation·translator