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Entries Tagged as '“follow your dreams”'

Poetry in Translation (CCXXI): Anonymous, British Author, “Follow Your Path”

November 10th, 2013 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCXXI): Anonymous, British Author, “Follow Your Path” · Diaspora, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

To G.A.
Follow Your Path

Please, just follow your path,
In these sorrowful moments,
Which are, often, so brittle.
Yet, reflect our Love!

For I hope you will worship
Our wonderful longings,
Though we live in the Present,
Just to steal passing Dreams.

Whilst you’ll reach newer Havens,
Leaving the Past behind you,
I shall still be your beacon
Lighting your Road ahead!

As I’ll shepherd your Yearnings,
Striving for new Horizons,
I shall beg now to snuffle
All I cherished in you!

