Patrick McGuinness: Father and Son
(in memory of my father, and in welcome to my son)
In the wings there is one who waits to go on,
and another, his scene run, who waits to go.
I would like to think they met; if not here
then like crossed letters touching in the dark;
the blank page and the turned page,
the first and the last, shadows folding
over and across me, in whom they’re bound.
Published in Metre, Spring 2005
Tata si Fiu
(In Memoria Tatalui si Binevenirea Fiului meu)
In culise un om asteapta sa intre in scena,
iar altul, cu rolul terminat, asteapta sa plece.
asi vrea sa cred ca s-ar fi intalnit, cel putin aici,
daca nu, intocmai cuvintelor, trecand prin ceata;
o pagina alba si una intoarsa,
prima si ultima, umbre impaturite
peste mine si prin mine, o fibra din trupul meu.
(versiune in limba Romana © Constantin ROMAN, 16 Iulie 2011)