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Entries Tagged as '“Constantin Roman”'

Poetry in Translation (CXXII): Rafael MORALES (Toledo, 1919 – 2005), Poet Spaniol – “Nud de Femeie” (Mujer Desnuda, Naked Woman)

August 31st, 2012 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CXXII): Rafael MORALES (Toledo, 1919 – 2005), Poet Spaniol – “Nud de Femeie” (Mujer Desnuda, Naked Woman) · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Nud de femeie, corp minunat,
Ţinut plin de fruct,
Zori cântate de ciocârlii,
Curs liniştit al serii în ape adormite.

În fildeşul tău pur mijesc zorii,
Trandafiri fierbinţi se nasc în sângele tău,
Ziua surâde în cireşul captiv al buzelor tale.

Lumina crestelor de zăpadă sclipeşte în sânii tăi
Dimineaţa vine curgând domol în braţele tale,



Poetry in Translation (CXXI): Gabriel CELAYA (Guipúzcoa, 1911 – Madrid, 1991), Basque Poet – “TEROAREA SPAŢIULUI” (Terror of the Open, Terror de lo Abierto)

August 29th, 2012 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CXXI): Gabriel CELAYA (Guipúzcoa, 1911 – Madrid, 1991), Basque Poet – “TEROAREA SPAŢIULUI” (Terror of the Open, Terror de lo Abierto) · International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Celaya is an artiste of many facets: born in the Basque country at the time of its heavy Industry boom, he forged for himself a career in Engineering, which allowed him sufficient financial independence to follow the interest closest to his heart: poetry and left-wing politics. He succeeded to carve for himself a reputation of an “engaged” poet and fan of Fidel Castro and his Cuban social experiment.
Celaya’s silence over the plight of his fellow writers in Berlin (1953), Budapest (1956), Prague (1968), or indeed in Stalin’s gulags, is consistent with his putting his name forward as a candidate of the Spanish Communist Party, in the 1977 general elections, in his native Guipuzkoa.. By this time he was idolised as a national literary hero (and survivor), having heaped on him moult Literary prizes: Critics’ Award (1957), Libera Stampa International Award (1963), Etna-Taormina International Award (1967), Atalaya Award (1967) and finally the National Spanish Literature Award (1986).
Given such success, it is reasonable to think that Celaya may have dreaamt of a Nobel Prize, but this, sadly, eluded him, as by then, such accolades went to other “engaged” fellow-writers in the East, such as Pasternak (1958), Solzhenytsyn, (1970) Walesa (1983), or Brodsky (1987), who appraised the world of the stark realities of the ‘communist paradise’ – realities which Celaya, sadly, chose to ignore.
Notwithstanding such reticence, the poet remains one of the greats of Basque (and Spanish) literature, who left behind a prodigal output.



Poetry in Translation (CXX): Joseba SARRIONANDIA (Vizcaya, Spain, b. 1958), Basque Poet – “Încălţări găurite” (A pile of broken shoes)

August 26th, 2012 · 3 Comments · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Încălţări găurite
Joseba Sarrionandia (b.1958)

Drumul poate fi metafora vieţii,
Iar moartea doar nişte incălţări găurite, tânjind sub oglinda lunii,
Care luceşte subtil, pentru propria ei satisfacţie.
După o viată întreagă de umblat, pingelele
Nu-şi mai amintesc pe ce caldarâm au păşit:
O grămadă de pantofi găuriţi, cu şireturile pierdute
Pentru că drumeţii le-au luat pe toate
Ca să le spânzure de grindă.

Versiune în limba Română
de Constantin ROMAN
Londra, August 2012
© Copyright 2012, Constantin Roman



Poetry in Translation (CXIX): Joseba SARRIONANDIA (Vizcaya, Spain, b. 1958), Basque Poet – “Memoria fostului condamnat”

August 26th, 2012 · No Comments · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

“Memoria fostului condamnat”
Joseba SARRIONANDIA (n. 1958)

Memoria fostului condamnat
se întoarce mereu în închisoare.
El vede judecători, magistraţi
şi avocaţi, peste tot, pe stradă,
şi chiar dacă nu îl recunosc,
poliţiştii toţi îl privesc
mai îndelung decât oricine, pentru că
mersul lui este prea stânjenit
sau poate nu destul de stânjenit
În sufletul lui trăieşte mereu un condamnat.

versiune în limba Română
de Constantin ROMAN
Londra, 17 August 2012
© Copyright Constantin ROMAN, 2012



Poetry in Translation (CXIX): Bernardo ATXAGA (Guipúzcoa, 1951), Basque Poet – “Vechiul Testament după Adam” (“Adan eta bizitza”, “La vida según Adán”)

August 26th, 2012 · No Comments · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

In prima iarnă după alungarea din Rai, Adam a zăcut la pat
Şi, alarmat fiind, tare, de simptomele lui (tuse, călduri, dureri de cap)
A izbucnit în hohote de plâns, aidoma Cuvioasei Magdalena, mult după vremurile aistea.
Şi aşa, Adam îi zise Evei, jelind: ‘nu ştiu care-i năpasta ce m-a trăsnit.
Vino lângă mine, muiere dragă, căci ceasul când îmi voi da duhul, simt că este aproape’.
(Varianta în limba Română, de Constantin ROMAN)

The first winter after leaving Paradise, Adam fell ill,
And, alarmed by his symptoms: coughing, fever, headache,
He burst into tears, just as Mary Magdalene would many years later.
Then, addressing Eve, he cried: ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
Come here, my love, I fear the hour of my death is near.’
(Translated by Margaret Jull Costa)

Gaixotu zen Adan paradisua utzi eta aurreneko neguan,
eta eztulka, buruko minez, hogeita hemeretziko sukarraz,
negarrari eman zion Magdalenak gerora emango bezala,
eta Evagana zuzenduz “hil egingo naiz” esan zion oihuka,
“gaizki nago, maite, hilurren, ez dakit zer gertatzen zaidan”.

Enfermó Adán el primer invierno después de su salida del paraíso
y asustado con los síntomas, la tos, la fiebre, el dolor de cabeza,
se echó a llorar igual que años más tarde lo haría María Magdalena,
y dirigiéndose a Eva, “no sé qué me ocurre” gritó, “tengo miedo”
“amor mío, ven aquí, creo que ha llegado la hora de mi muerte”.



Poetry in Translation (CXVIII): Bernardo ATXAGA (Guipúzcoa, 1951), Basque Poet – “Pietá”

August 25th, 2012 · No Comments · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Bernardo ATXAGA

Mătuşile, ba chiar şi mamele noastre
N-au luat nici odată în seamă cât de importantă era viaţa
Înainte să împlinească şaizeci sau şaptezeci de ani,
Ca apoi, mirate fiind de o astfel de descoperire,
Să rămână năucite, preţ de câteva săptămani:
După care au uitat subit întâlnirile săptămânale cu familiile lor,
Şi au început să cumpere lucruri de care nu mai aveau nevoie
Şi să zbiere incontinu, la telefon,
De parcă Marţienii ar fi aterizat în pragul casei.



Poetry in Translation (CXVII): Miguel Hernández Gilabert (Murcia, 1910 – d. Prison, 1942), Spanish Poet – “Război” (Guerra – War)

August 20th, 2012 · No Comments · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Poetry in Translation (CXVII): Miguel Hernández Gilabert (Murcia, 1910 – d. Prison, 1942), Spanish Poet – “Război” (Guerra – War)


Bătrâneţea satelor
Inimă fără corp.
Dor lipsit de obiect
Iarbă, praf şi ciori.

Şi tinereţea?
În cosciug.

Pom singuratic şi uscat
Femeie ţeapănă ca un lemn
Un trunchi culcat în pat
Ură fără sfârşit.

Şi tinereţea?
În cosciug.

(Rendered in Romanian
© copyright Constantin ROMAN
London August 2012)



Poetry in Translation (CXVI): Angela Figuera AYMERICH (Bilbao, 1902 – Madrid, 1984), Basque Poet – “Corpul Iubitului” (Carne de mi amante – My lover’s flesh)

August 20th, 2012 · No Comments · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Marmură-ncinsă, fierbinte
Pătrunsă în muşchi şi în fibră.
Corpul viril al iubitului
Zvâcneşte-ncordat în fiinţă.

Suav îmi apare în braţe
Aprins de a mea mângâiere.
Dulce îi este sărutul
Un fruct ce-am muşcat însetată.

Corpul iubitului meu
Îmi intră în fibră şi-n sânge.

(Versiune în limba Română
Copyright Constantin ROMAN



Ceausescu’s “Diplomats” in Britain (Extract from: “Defying the Idiocracy” – Cambridge Memoirs, 1969-1974)

June 29th, 2012 · No Comments · Books, Diary, Diaspora, PEOPLE, quotations, Uncategorized

The burly comrade came banging at the door. There was something terribly Romanian about his banging on my door: an Englishman would have rung once, perhaps twice and after a few moments, seeing that nobody answered he will have left. I had no need to find out who it was, in order not to open the door: the Comrade was banging solidly at my door… I thought:

– This was his visiting card, the physical muscle of the uneducated, the pressing need of the apparatchik, whose mission was, come what may, to bang at my door, regardless, until somebody would respond. He should be so lucky! But what if the door gave in, under his brute force, which he might have applied at Lubyanka? These modern doors were so flimsy…

I never felt so insecure. Still, I had enough courage to tiptoe upstairs and look down from a rooftop terrace, several floors above the door. It was early afternoon and hardly anybody about, who might put him off his rude behaviour:

– Not a very good PR, Comrade, doubtless this was a textbook behaviour aquired in Moscow, with very little currency in the West!

Eventually he left:

– God bless him! He gave up on me, for the time being!

I waited long enough to make certain he had left. I went straight to the Head Porter and related the story.

– Next time he comes, you should call the police!
– What a good idea! Why haven’t I thought of it?

It took time to absorb the new rights to which I was entitled, as a free citizen. It felt like an animal born in captivity, which lived in a cage, for most of its life and now that the cage door was open it did not understand the benefits of Freedom…



Poetry in Translation (CX): Joseba SARRIONANDIA (n. 1958), Poet Basc – ÎNTOARCEREA ACASĂ (Return Home)

June 22nd, 2012 · No Comments · International Media, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Poetry in Translation (CX): Joseba SARRIONANDIA (n. 1958), Poet Basc – ÎNTOARCEREA ACASĂ (Return Home)
cu braţul plin de hărţi, la subţioară
m-ai trimis de-acasă
prin coclaurile fricii
in căutarea cântecului de sirenă
tot ce ţi-am adus din peregrinarile mele
au fost doar nişte pietricele, măruntv de cremene
şi cuiburi, destrămate de mierle
care zboară in străfundul întunecat al junglei
timpul a inghiţit cărarea
şi aşa, m-am întors acasă la tine
dar uşa ta era nouă
şi lacătul schimbat

versiune în limba Română de Constantin ROMAN
Londra, 22 Iunie 2012
© Copyright 2012, Constantin ROMAN

