George Seferis
Coals in the fog
were roses rooted in your heart
and the ashes covered your face
each morning.
Plucking cypress shadows
You left a summer ago.
George Seferis
Coals in the fog
were roses rooted in your heart
and the ashes covered your face
each morning.
Plucking cypress shadows
You left a summer ago.
Tags:"Bitter Moments"·"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"George SEFERIS "·"Poetry in Translation"·"Romanian Translation"·editor·Epitaph·Grecia·Greece·poetry·poezie·Sunday·traducator·translation
when we came, and I caught
the whiff of your sweat, like human sweat,
and your glow, saw your feathers and hair
flare like an Inca head-dress, though
no more than a match-flame, over and out, not catching
anyone’s fire but mine,
Tags:"And if it was"·"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Poetry in Translation"·Carol RUMENS·English·London·poem·poet·poetry·romanian·traducere·translation·“Iar dacă…”
Carol Rumens (b. 1944, London)
I wander if Ecclesiasstes
Could have been cheered up by a glass of pastis,
And if a double brandy
Might even have made him feel randy.
Albrecht Dürer
Naturally, never heard of the Führer…
I wonder if the latter…
But that does not really matter!
Tags:"Albrecht Dürer "·"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Poetry in Translation"·"W. Leslie NICHOLLS"·Carol RUMENS·Ecclesiasstes·editor·English·epigram·epigrama·romanian·traducere·translation
Domnule, tu să ştii că-orice linguşitor,
Doar profită din munca celui ce îl ascultă:
Lecţia să-ţi servească, mult mai mult ca o brânză.
Domnul corb, ruşinat de o astfel de pildă,
Se jură, cam târziu, că n-o să-l mai prindă.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"corbul si vulpea"·"de Lafontaine"·"Jean de Lafontaine"·"le corbeau et le renard"·"Poetry in Translation"·""·editor·poem·poezie·romanian·traducere·translation
Nu mai e nici bunăstare, nici odihnă.
Fiara neagră vine pe aripă de vânt, iar oamenii sunt înfieraţi cu cifră de moarte.
Nu mai e nici bunăstare, nici odihnă.
Sub un soare torid, într-un vas de lacrimi, în suflet de visuri negre, un răcnet adânc creşte, ţesând cele mai triste fibre, iar în insomnia lor, mamele ce sălăşluiesc în inimă de fulger, îşi aţintesc privirea spre pădurea împietrită.
Do birds so groan?
All is blood soaked.
Deaf at the source of the music, ought I to insist anymore?
There is vigilance in the gardens placed between my spirit and the precision of the spies.
There is watching in the churches.
Beware of calcination and incest; I say, beware of your very self, Spain.
Tags:"Antonio Gamoneda"·"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Gravestones"·"Pietre funerare"·Asturias·poet·poetry·poezie·romanian·Spain·Spanish·traducere·translation
POETRY IN TRANSLATION (CCXLVIII): IRELAND – Oscar WILDE (1856 – 1900): “Sonnet On Approaching Italy”, “Sonet Italiei”
Sonnet On Approaching Italy
Oscar Wilde (1856, Dublin – 1900, Paris)
I reached the Alps: the soul within me burned,
Italia, my Italia, at thy name:
And when from out the mountain’s heart I came
And saw the land for which my life had yearned,
I laughed as one who some great prize had earned:
And musing on the marvel of thy fame
I watched the day, till marked with wounds of flame
The turquoise sky to burnished gold was turned.
The pine-trees waved as waves a woman’s hair,
And in the orchards every twining spray
Was breaking into flakes of blossoming foam:
But when I knew that far away at Rome
In evil bonds a second Peter lay,
I wept to see the land so very fair.
* * * * *
Dar când, în vechea Romă stau zăcând,
În fiare, sfinţii tăi fiind priponiţi,
Cu lacrimi, am văzut al tău temei.
Versiune în limba Română de Constantin ROMAN,
© 2014, Copyright Constantin ROMAN, Londra
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Copyright Constantin ROMAN"·"Oscar Wilde"·Italia·Italie·Italy·Londra·my Italia·sonnet·translation·© 2014
“Te iubesc!”- a spus ea, surprinsă să fi rostit-o prima oară,
Şi intrebându-se cum ar fi: a descoperit
O situaţie interesantă!
“Şi eu te iubesc!”- a răspuns el, repetând o frază obişnuită,
Plină de anticipări nefaste, şi sperând
Sa o îmbrobodească şi pe ea.
‘I love you’, she said, never having said it before,
And wondering what it was like; she found it
An interesting experience.
‘I love you too’, he said, having said it many times
For nefarious purpose, and hoping it would
Work with her as well.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Louis de Bernieres"·"Poetry in Translation"·"Romance"·poem·poet·poetry·poezie·romanian·traducere·translation
Il n’aura jamais été vu dans les rues du port,
Avec ses lèvres idéales et ses membres idéales,
Tourbillonnant et dansant dans les boites de nuit,
Ou bien faisant le pied de grue, dans l’ombre,
Au coin des rues sombres, réchauffé brièvement par des joies passagères,
Voletant et glissant, un chapeau rabattu sur son visage
Comme tous les autres garçons beaux et maudits.
Version Française par :
Constantin ROMAN, Londres
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Louis de Bernieres"·"Poetry in Translation"·England·English·Français·Francophonie·poem·poet·poetry·traduction·translation·“Le garçon maudit”·“The doomed Boy”
Inzomma, cazzo, se pò avé sto bbascio?
se pò ttastà un tantino er pettabbotto?
Ma nnun avé ppavura, che ffo adascio:
cuanto che ssento che cce tienghi sotto.
Ce naiba, n-o să-mi dai nici un sărut?
Nici sânul n-oi putea să ţi-l alint?
N-ai teamă, o s-am grije când te prind:
Doar vreau să aflu ce-ai pe dedesubt.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Poetry in Translation"·Italian Trasteverin Poet: “ “La scrupulosa”·POETRY IN TRANSLATION (CCXLV): Giuseppe Gioacchino BELLI (1791-1863)·translation·“Scrupule”
A Dedication
Herbert Asquith
FRIEND if all these verses die:
Soon will you, and soon will I
But, if any word should live,
Then that word to you I give.
Ptietene, când versu-mi va muri,
Şi noi aşa ne-om duce.
Şi-o rimă, doar, de ar mai fi, –
La piept să-ţi fie cruce.
Rendered in Romanian by: Constantin ROMAN,
© 2013, Copyright Constantin ROMAN, London
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"engleza-romana"·"English to Romanian translation"·"Herbert ASQUITH"·"Poetry in Translation"·English·Inchinare·London·poet·traducere·“A Dedication”