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Entries Tagged as 'Belgium'

Poetry in Translation (CCXXVIII): Maurice MAETERLINCK, (1862-1949), BELGIUM, “Heures ternes ”, “Stagnant hours ”, “Ore amorţite”

November 25th, 2013 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCXXVIII): Maurice MAETERLINCK, (1862-1949), BELGIUM, “Heures ternes ”, “Stagnant hours ”, “Ore amorţite” · PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Ore amorţite
(Maurice Maeterlinck)

Aici sunt doruri ce se-ntrec
Prin gânduri de bătrâni ce mor
Cu alte visuri, care trec
În zile lungi, tânjind de dor.

Unde-om afla vre-un cer senin,
Când nu vom mai găsi cumva
În cale, spre un nou destin
A infinitului, vre-o stea?

În hohot sună valea toată
De victime abandonate,
Ca miei sacrificaţi de soartă…
Ai milă Doamne păcate!

Doar eu aştept când ziua trece
Să mă trezesc din somn odată,
Ca să adăst in noaptea rece,
Să îmi îngheţe fiinţa toată.

Romanian version by:
Constantin ROMAN, London,
© 2013, Copyright Constantin ROMAN



The Art of Nicolae GROZA

October 3rd, 2010 · 2 Comments · Art Exhibitions, Diaspora, PEOPLE

NICOLAE GROZA a Romanian artist now living in Belgium, near Liege, follows the tradition of Transylvanian icon painters on glass and his themes often borrow symbols, motifs and the graphism from the old icons. However Groza gets his inspiration from non-religious subjects – from folk legends and historical characters.
Nicoale has an extraordinary sense of humour, imagination and a high artistry which sets him apart from his contemporaries. He has held many individual and group exhibitions of these works which are in private collections in England, Belgium, Romania, Germany, France.
Nicolae Groza’s main form of expression are huge murals, mosaics, decorative panels in ceramics.
His oil paintings are to be found in Musems and private collections in Europe.Nicolae Groza’s main form of expression are huge murals, mosaics, decorative panels in ceramics.
His oil paintings are to be found in museums and private collections in Europe.

