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Romanian Destinies in The Times of London Obituary: Monica Lovinescu

April 27th, 2009 · Books, Diaspora, Famous People, History, International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, POLITICAL DETENTION / DISSENT, quotations

Monica LOVINESCU - Luptatoare Anticomunista

(commissioned by The Times, 25 April 2008)

(19 November 1923, Bucharest – 20 April 2008, Paris)
Romanian francophone Journalist, broadcaster, literary critic, political analyst, anti-communist and human rights activist, exile in France

Journalist and broadcaster Monica Lovinescu, was born in 1923, in Bucharest, the daughter of literary critic Eugen Lovinescu and Ecaterina Bàlàcioiu. She graduated with an M.Litt. in 1946 and after being granted a scholarship by the French government left for Paris in 1947. By the time Romania was declared a People’s Republic and the Iron Curtain had come down, Lovinescu was granted political asylum. As a literary critic and journalist surviving on the written word alone, Lovinescu could not have anticipated the climate confronting Romanian exiles in post-war France, which she recalled in her memoirs:

‘The French intellectuals not only positioned themselves to the left, but they were already mentally ‘sovietised’. Any attempt at opening the eyes of those intellectuals to make them more receptive to the plight of their fellow professionals in Eastern Europe was rejected as ‘fascist’ as soon as they declared themselves anti-communists’.

Such differences were the source of ongoing intellectual battles for the hearts and minds in French society, in spite of such revealing events as occurred in Hungary 1956, Czechoslovakia in 1968, or Gdansk in 1981. Even after the fall of Berlin wall in 1989, East European exiles were still branded as ‘visceral anti-communists’, an indictment intended to silence through isolation. Yet in spite of such dictums as Jean-Paul Sartre’s (‘the anti-Communist is a dog’),

1967_la_vingt_cinquieme_heure Lovinescu was not for turning. Monica Lovinescu instead took up the role of freelance translator, publishing in her adoptive country many Romanian novels including Virgil Gheorghiu’s best seller La vingt-cinquième heure. Her translation was adapted for the big screen in The 25th Hour (1967) by Carlo Ponti, starring Anthony Quinn and Michael Redgrave.
Lovinescu also acted as an informal literary agent for her friend Eugène Ionesco, whose play The Bald Primadonna she recommended to avant-garde theatre director Nicolas Bataille, introducing Ionesco as ‘a young playwright with a funny name’. Bataille instantly liked the play, which ends with the audience being ‘shot’, and although Lovinescu was a joint producer she insisted her name be omitted from the posters.

Eugene Ionesco, translated and launched by Monica Lovinescu

Eugene Ionesco, translated and launched by Monica Lovinescu

In her unassuming fashion, it was typical of Lovinescu to maintain that her contribution to Ionesco’s reputation was ‘inessential’. In retrospect, however, her vision was clear and message forthright. Her persistence paid off and soon the play was winning the plaudits of such seasoned critics as André Breton, Raymond Queneau, and Albert Camus. In the end the French public followed suit and the Theatre of the Absurd gained recognition.

Monica Lovinescu always remained devoted to her circle of Romanian exiles which included Mircea Eliade and Emil Cioran, but increasingly grew weary of acting as an intermediary for other authors. Instead she decided to dedicate more time to a career in broadcasting and journalism. She produced a huge number of articles in a myriad of cultural and political periodicals: East Europe, Kontinent, Preuves, L’Alternative, Les Cahiers de L’Est, Témoignages, La France Catholique, to name but a few and in the Romanian press in exile: Luceàfarul, Caiete de Dor, Fiinta Româneascà, Ethos, Contrapunct, Dialog, Agora.

Most importantly Lovinescu’s broadcasting activities had a much wider international impact, especially in Romania, where her contribution to literary criticism, as much as to political analysis, were the subject of regular transmissions on Radiodiffusion Française and Radio Free Europe. Henceforth the voice of Monica Lovinescu became synonymous to the voice of freedom and a lifeline for those listeners behind the Iron Curtain, hitherto deprived of any alternative views. Monica Lovinescu’s ‘Thèses et Anti-Thèses’ and the ‘Current Romanian Culture’ series would dispel the smoke screen of communist propaganda.

This was particularly important at a time when Nicolae Ceuasescu, the shoemaker dictator became the ‘darling’ of the West with his avowed ‘anti-Soviet’ stance. By contrast Monica Lovinescu’s was a singular, if discordant voice. She consistently resisted the psychological pressure of those ‘agents’ which she perceived as a real threat to Western civilization and which were bent on destroying it.
Lovinescu could see clearly through Ceausescu’s own brand of national communism, the myth of popular support he enjoyed at home and the ‘originality’ of his ideas. Lovinescu dismissed such humbug saying:

Ceausescu ordered the physical assault on Ms Lovinescu in Paris.

Ceausescu ordered the physical assault on Ms Lovinescu in Paris.

These lies are at the root of a suicidal complicity between the hangman and his victims. It is through this very act that we secured for ourselves our ‘originality’ within the communist context. The antagonism between ‘Them’ and ‘Us’, (…) dissolved in the derisive. On that tragic Shakespearean stage all characters of prime stature had disappeared, leaving behind only the buffoons, whose ribaldry is hollow.

Lovinescu’s tremendous media activities attracted the inevitable attention of the régime in Bucharest at a time when silencing the voices at home was defined by utmost brutality. In 1958 her 71-year-old mother was arrested, the family flat in Bucharest was ransacked, books and papers either burnt or confiscated. Lovinescu’s mother was incarcerated and given an eighteen-year sentence for ‘undermining the State order and passing secrets to a foreign power’. The sentence was then, as was customary, bartered against her daughter’s return to Romania, a deal that her mother refused. She died shortly thereafter, only two years into her 18 year sentence, aged 72, having been refused all medical attention, her body thrown into an unmarked grave.

But her personal tragedy only steeled Monica’s resolve to fight for human rights. During the 1970’s and 80’s Ceausescu resorted to more brutal action abroad. Four of Monica’s colleagues at Radio Free Europe in Munich were either assassinated or died in suspicious circumstances and other prominent Romanian exiles received letter bombs. Ceausescu himself took control of the operations and Carlos ‘the Jackal’ was instructed to carry out retribution.

According to General Ion Pacepa, the deputy chief of the Romanian foreign intelligence services and defector, Ceausescu was reputed to have instructed his henchmen:

Monica Lovinescu must be silenced, not killed. I do not need any uncomfortable French and American investigations… I want her to become a living corpse. Use foreign hands, so that no evidence can turn up that could lead back to the Romanian connection.

In 1977, Lovinescu was attacked by a hired PLO hit squad outside her Paris home. Luckily the assailants fled as neighbours were alerted but the victim was still left with severe head injuries. She revived from her hospital coma only to resume her crusade with a handful of Romanian friends including Marie-France Ionesco, Sanda Stolojan and Michel Foucault, the French Marxist and Structuralist philosopher. They exposed Ceausescu’s atrocities at anti-totalitarian vigils in front of the Romanian embassy in Paris.

Monica Lovinescu outlived Ceausescu whose exit culminated in his televised trial and execution in 1989. Ten years on, in recognition of her life-long contribution to Romanian political and cultural life, Ms Lovinescu was awarded the Order of the Star of Romania, by the democratic-liberal President, Emil Constantinescu.

Asked in April 2002 about her opinion on the desirability of a Nuremberg-style trial of communism, Lovinescu answered:

The trial of communism might have offered Romanian mentality a real chance for change. The handful of initiatives taken so far are built entirely on moving sands. We cannot consider a Nuremberg-style trial simply because that involves winners and losers. Or, in this particular instance, communism lost its own war: it simply imploded, not exploded. But one should consider at least a moral prosecution. It is impossible to contemplate the fact that torturers in Romania have not been yet morally indicted.

Monica Lovinescu, M.Litt., Grand Officer, Order of the Star of Romania, was married to fellow journalist, literary critic and political analyst Virgil Ierunca (1920-2006). They leave no children and their estate has been bequeathed to a Romanian government foundation.

Constantin Roman © 2008-2009. All Rights Reserved.

The Romanian Media has translated (with predictable liberal approximation) the Times Obituary of Monica Lovinescu. However what was truly striking (although perhaps unsurprising) is that ALL, but absolutely ALL newspapers without exception have applied that ubiquitous expectation of “self-censorship” which required them to omit ANY reference to the defector and ex-Securitate General Ion Pacepa as well as to Ceausescu’s practice of ordering the murder and intimidation of dissidents: in a 2009 Survey on the Freedom of the Press (or lack of it) Romania came 85th amongst all the countries of the World – not bad at all for a country which claims to be democratic but cheats on Democracy, twenty years after the dictator was put down!
The above text is unabridged, as it was published in the London Times, in April 2008.

For MORE INFORMATION about the DESTINIES OF ROMANIAN WOMEN, read the E-Book Anthology:
“Blouse Roumaine – the Unsung Voices of Romanian Women”

An Alternative Anthology of Romanian Women


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ROMANIA VAZUTA “ALTFEL”: ‘Blouse Roumaine – the Unsung Voices of Romanian Women’

April 26th, 2009 · Books, Diaspora, PEOPLE, quotations, Translations

‘Blouse Roumaine – the Unsung Voices of Romanian Women’
(O carte in limba Engleza, 1.100 pagini, 160 biografii)

De ce si pentru ce “altfel’?
Din mai multe puncte de vedere:

In primul rand mesajul lucrarii NU este unul ‘oficial’, parafat de cei care ne dramuiesc adevarul. Autorul este constient de faptul ca traim intr-o perioada a nesfarsitei “Tranzitii” unde bajbaim inca, pe carari intortocheate, ca sa ne aflam identitatea, Pe aceleasi carari misuna ‘experti’, autoproclamati ‘boieri ai mintii’, care nu numai ca isi dau coate intre ei ca sa ramana in capul bucatelor, dar sunt gata ori si cand sa ne abureasca memoria si sa ne re-scrie istoria. Metodele sunt aceleasi care au fost folosite sub dictatura: o amnezie preprogramata, urmata de un facsimile cosmetizat atat de neverosimil incat tipa dela distanta.

Acest fenomen nu este unul propriu Romaniei ci se afla in speta in toate tarile ‘ex-comuniste’ fiind insumat perfect de simplu si plastic de catre un parlamentar Polonez cand a afirmat:

‘Imperiile se destrama doar in cateva saptamani, in timp ce mentalitatea imperiala are nevoie de cateva generatii ca sa dispara’.

Antologia de fata nu isi poate permite sa ‘corecteze’ dintr-un condei aceste aberatii care se impamantenesc, dar isi propane in schimb sa ofere cititorului o lucrare sub un unghi ‘alternativ’ si pe undeva neconformist, despre o realitate istorica perceputa ‘de partea cealalta a baricadei’.

In al doilea rand alegerea subiectului si al punctului de referinta, plasarea lui intr-un context istoric si social dar si intr-un cadru European, plaseaza antologia “Blouse Roumaine” intr-o categorie foarte diferita.

In al treilea rand, ca Forma, lucrarea se adreseaza nu numai specialistilor din Universitati dar si publicului larg, facand-o accesibila unei categorii mari de cititori romani si straini.

In acest context formatul Antologiei ofera pentru prima data cititorilor Anglo-Saxoni, nefamiliarizati cu Romania, posibilitatea de a intelege ca Romanii nu au fost doar simpli consumatori ale unor valori Euuropene dar au contribuit in mod substantial la cultura Europeana si de peste Ocean. Aici Antologia evoca o panoplie intreaga de voci de femei de profesii foarte diverse si uneori neasteptate evocand astfel imagini cu totul insolite si admirabile: femei ramase in Romania dar si femei desradacinate, care au luat drumul exilului sau care s-au nascut pe pamant strain doar pentru ca parintii sau bunicii  lor s-au exilat, femei care au reusit in mod extraordinar sa isi pastreze valentele romanesti.

Pe parcursul cartii vom putea face o selectie dintre cele o suta saizeci de biografii critice sau ne vom putea delecta alegand dintre cele sase sute de citate, in majoritate traduse pentru prima oara in limba engleza. Aici se vor gasi nu numai citate in proza dar si versuri. Cei care ar dori sa aprofundeze unele aspecte specifice au la dispozitie o bibliografie de circa 4.000 referinte inclusiv situri web (URL), credite de spectacole, recitaluri si expozitii, inregistrari audio, s.a.
Iata de ce, fara nici un dubiu “Blouse Roumaine” se poate considera o carte “altfel”. o Antologie foarte diferita care ramane, totusi, o carte de capatai si poate un manual de studiu pentru aprofundarea subiectelor de interes mai specializat.
Cautarea selectiva este usurata considerabil de existenta a nu mai putin de sase Indexuri organizate pe profesii, subiecte de citate, localitati geografice, nume de familie, sau ordine alfabetica sau cronologic.

Stilul lucrarii este voit alert si accesibil si prin urmare usor de parcurs, sau asa cum marturisea o cititoare din Texas:

‘la inceput mi-a fost teama ca ar fi fost o carte plictisitoare, dar citind-o mi-am dat seama ca mi-a oferit o lectura foarte placuta si instructiva’.

O alta cititoare din Hawai a scris:

‘reticenta initiala de a cumpara cartea a rezultat din teama ca ar fi fost o carte academica, arida, dar citind rezumatul si unele pgini accesibile liber pe Internet m-am decis sa o comand’.
Autorului i-a fost placut sa constate ca dimensiunea Europeana a Antologiei a fost recunoscuta de experti de formatie foarte diferita, din afara perimetrului de interes romanesc, respectiv cercetatori ai literaturii franceze, muzicologi, istorici, sociologi, etnografi, comentatori politici, ziaristi.

Mesaj catre cititorul Roman:
Daca traiesti in Romania si ai impresia si ti-ai pastrat curiozitatea si dorinta de a-ti recupera Memoria pierduta sub Dictatura sau falsificata sub Tranzitie si ai vrea  sa ai acces la un unghi ‘diferit’ – atunci “Blouse Roumaine” este o carte pentru tine, plina de surprize placute si informatii noi, provocatoare.

Daca traiesti in strainatate si esti plictisit de stereotipia care ni se aplica noua Romanilor in mod injust si reductiv – despre Dracula, orfelinate, prostitutie, coruptie, violuri, cersetorie sau saracie si vrei sa tii capul sus si sa demonstrezi copiilor, prietenilor, vecinilor, sau colegilor tai de la birou, ca Romanii sunt “altfel”, traiesc si gandesc “altfel” si ca au fost si sunt destul de talentati ca sa contribuie la valorile universale, dincolo de manele, de mici, de cantece de pahar sau de dorinta de a ne pricopsi peste noapte, indiferent de mijloace, atunci “Blouse Roumaine” este o carte pentru time.

Daca esti profesor de liceu sau universitar si esti de origine Romana predand in Strainatate sau in Romania, atunci poti folosi “Blouse Roumaine” in cursurile tale, poti recomanda studentilor cartea,  sau o poti recomanda bibliotecii institutiei unde predai ca sa o cumpere (costul vanzarilor merg pentru a genera o editie tiparita (paperback) precum si pentru a genera noi lucrari de cercetare de interes romanesc.  Aici nu este vorba de o favoare personala ci mai degraba de o simpla recunoastere a unei valori intrinseci a  cartii, asa cum a fost recunoscuta mai intai de straini si in strainatate si deci poate fi considerata si de romani neconstransi de acele retineri sau prejudicii Mioritice, care ne dauneaza atat de mult!

Daca esti un official Roman, diplomat, politician, functionar public, director al unui ONG, editor de revista sau ziar (inclusiv Director al Institutului Roman, Ministru al Culturii sau al Turismului) si vrei sa demonstrezi ca realitatea este “altfel” si ca am fi inceput de mult procesul de NORMALIZARE, de a ne fi debarasat de acea “mentalitate imperiala”, inoculata de un imperiu acum apus, atunci “Blouse Roumaine” este o carte pentru tine: felicitarile cu adevarat sincere se pot demonstra doar prin promovarea activa a acestei carti prin publicarea rezumatului, sau a unei evaluari critice, al unui LINK  pe site-ul tau, sau asa cum ar spune Englezul:

The proof is in the pudding.

ceea ce intr-o traducere mai libera ar insemna:

Dovada se poate gasi chiar in meniul care il consumam,

sau intr-o fraza mai vernaculara:

Gustul este in placinta care o mestecam!

Constantin Roman © 2009. All Rights Reserved.



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An Alternative Anthology of Romanian Women

April 26th, 2009 · Books, PEOPLE, quotations, Reviews, Translations

Blouse Roumaine – the Unsung Voices of Romanian Women’
An E-Book Anthology by Constantin ROMAN

A Spanish grandee and Ambassador to the Court of St James’s once compared the success of an Anthology to that of a culinary chef d’oeuvre: for Santiago de Mora Figueroa y Williams, Marques of Tamarón, a great Anglophile but also a refined European:

The perfect anthology, like the perfect hors d’oeuvre, should turn us into gluttons. The many small dishes add up to a balanced and nourishing meal, but they are so exquisite that they whet one’s appetite for more. And the anthology should also include unexpected delicacies, things that even the literary gourmet had not heard about.

blouse-roumaine-cover2On a deeper reflection, Tamarón’s metaphor encapsulates perfectly well the ethos of the ‘Blouse Roumaine’. Yet, as an Anthology of Romanian women, this corpus was initially conceived to connect with a French painting of Henri Matisse – the eponymous canvas, ‘La Blouse Roumaine’ (1940), which hangs today in the Musée d’Art Moderne in Paris: for every and each biography contained in this Women’s Anthology is like a minutely embroidered stitch on an ethnic tapestry, such as we have admired, not so long ago in the Retrospective exhibition of Matisse’s collection of textiles, presented at the Royal Academy in London and later also shown in New York. For those of us who missed this exhibition the analogy to the current book is like a roll call of women presented in a sequence of biographical cameos. These sketches are displayed like a series of miniatures in a virtual National Portrait Gallery: they are all glittering stars from Western galaxies and Eastern nebulae, in all 160 of them…

The manuscript gestation involved a work of love and dedication, spanning over several years, a creation which gradually came to life very much like in the Marques of Tamarón’s definition – a “menu of diverse and delicious hors d’oeuvres, visually appealing” but at the same time teasing the imagination and stimulating the taste: for such choice not only offers food for thought as well as for the heart, but also food for academic appetite, extending the frontiers of taste beyond the familiar courses of history, politics, literature, music, film, theatre, feminism or science – for ‘Blouse Roumaine’ is at the same time a trans-disciplinary book.

This subjective if somewhat esoteric compilation of impressionistic essays is preceded by a historical, cultural and political overview of Romanian society. This introductory social fresco sets the tone of the narrative which is perceived through a European looking glass, allowing the reader to consider Romania not in its exotic isolation, but as part of a much broader ‘concert of nations’ and therefore evaluate it within a familiar territory. These will be countries such as France, Italy or Britain which for the last two hundred years were the playground of Romanian aristocrats (Bibesco, Noailles, Ghika, Brancovan, Cantacuzène)


and lately the land of exile of many an uprooted artist and writer (Brancusi, Ionesco, Cioran, Eliade, Georges Enesco, Dinu Lipatti, Clara Haskil, Nadia Gray, Elvire Popesco, Hélène Vacaresco).

The Anthology is complemented by texts often published for the first time in English and sourced from over 4,000 French, Romanian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and German references. Six hundred quotations convey the narrative an arcane erudition inviting the reader on a joyful pursuit of an abstruse and little-explored subject. This is virgin territory offering sheer delight.

As we turn the pages of this book we are made witness to an exotic cavalcade of female characters who conjure the scent, colour and voices of time past to the present day, from the sunflower fields of the Danube Plains to the darkest forests of Transylvania, from the languid music of the Carpathian panpipes to the uplifting Parisian literary salons and the stages of La Scala, Covent Garden and the Metropolitan operas, haricleadarclee6or the prestigious Comédie Française and the Royal Shakespeare Company. Further afield some of these intrepid amazons reached the distant shores of the river de la Plata, or, in the 19th century discovered the sources of the White Nile.
Yet, if such momentous revelations were not surprising enough, ‘Blouse Roumaine’ would also evoke associations with scores of famous glitterati and politicians of European and American dimension… For these women of the Orient Express disembarking in Milan, Paris, London, New York or Buenos Aires, women who inspired poets and composers, who created new opera roles, these muses enthralled political eagles and aristocrats alike, caused crown heads to dream and lesser mortals to lose their heads.

liane_de_pougy_pss-ghika Some of these women made their lovers’ suicide respectable, before they retired to the seclusion of their convent to pray for the salvation of their soul, where some of them were suspected of trying to seduce God!… Through these enchantresses come to life a choice array of foreign suitors, lovers, admirers, patrons and sometimes husbands: Lord Carnaervon, the Earl of Asquith, Lord Thomson of Cardington, Satcheverell Sittwell, Noel Coward, David Farrar, Paul Morand, Marcel Proust, Pierre Lotti, Anatole France, Puvis de Chavannes, Vincent Van Gogh, Mark Twain, Verdi, Puccini, Richard Strauss, Eric Satie and more recently Humphrey Bogart, Lord Lloyd Webber, Roberto Alagna, Michel Foucault or Jacques Lacan, to name just a few.

Princess Georges Ghika, aka Liane de Pougy

But looking at this rich social tapestry, this folk embroidery of multicoloured and infinite stitches, one is equally absorbed by the darker side of the 20th century history 117-elisabeta-rizea-01 of women who died in prison for their political beliefs, of Passionarias       who, after the Second World War, took the armed struggle to the Carpathian mountains, women of the maquis, or simply the faceless yet equally important unknown illustrious peasant women, or middle class housewives who steeled their obstinate resolve and silent resistance against the levelling steamroller of dictatorship.  smarandabraescu14

Constantin ROMAN evokes these heroines with a melancholy acknowledgment of the brutal destruction of a society and culture. This Romanian society was alive and well and it was so aptly described before WWII by Paul Morand and Marcel Proust, by Marie of Edinburgh and Patrick Leigh Fermor, by Satcheverell Sittwell, Elizabeth and Margot Asquith, by Vineretta Singer de Polignac and Violet Trefussis, Olivia Manning, Panait Istrati or Gregor von Rezzori, Colette or Virginia Ocampo, by the Princess Hélène Chrissoveloni Soutso, Princess Marthe Bibesco,     or Countess Anna de Noailles.
This was the ‘faraway country’ which inspired Dorothy Parker’s classic verse:

Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song,
A medley of extemporanea;
And love is a thing that can never go wrong;
And I am Marie of Romania.

queenmarieofromania2For some of these women also represent the extravagant if exotic Romanian society evoked in the correspondence of Queen Victoria, Napoleon III, King Alfonso XIII of Spain, Don Pedro of Portugal or Ramsey MacDonald, Winston Churchill, Roosevelt, and de Gaulle. In the process we also admire portraits left to posterity by artists of   world repute such as Rodin, Zuloaga, Whistler, Singer Sargent, de Laszlo, Vuillard, Paul César Helleu, Edmond Lapeyre, Puvis de Chavannes. Many other portraits are also immortalised by the London society photographers Walter Barnett, Van Dyke, Lafayette or Russell Westwood, or brought to life by film directors such as Federico Fellini of ‘La Dolce Vita’ fame, or more recently by opera stage directors such as Francesca Zamballo, David Pountney and even and quite oddly by a young student of Edinburgh University by the name of Gordon Brown, Britain’s future Prime Minister…

Princess Antoine Bibescu by Augustus John (1919)

Princess Antoine Bibescu by Augustus John (1919)

There is never a dull moment in this gallery of royals and aristocrats but also of ordinary but exuberant women of talent, who fascinated the British society to the point of venting
its wit in the now classic limerick about King Carol II’s mistress, a diabolically seductive and unrepentant divorcee, who kept the English gossip columnists busy for many long years:

Have you heard of Madame Lupescu
Who came to Romania’s rescue?
It’s a wonderful thing
To be under a King:
Is democracy better I ask you?

At the other end of this social spectrum we discover women inspired by loftier ideals: enrolling as fighter pilots during WWII, or breaking world records at parachute jumping, pioneer solo pilots across the Mediterranean, or international sports champions, opera divas, suffragettes shaking the Parisian bastions of male power in the legal profession, in architecture or international diplomacy… women with guts who inspired so many.

These colourful strong-headed and often beautiful ladies, whether of the exile or home-grown variety had all, without exception, an amazing story to tell and often a memorable quote to impart. For Blouse Roumaine is not only a celebration, it is also a memorial to the past, as the stories unfold before our eyes not just as pickings for the literary gourmet and delicacies for the academic palate, but also as an Orthodox liturgy, a Romanian Epiphany which brings alive in our mind a nearly-forgotten but fascinating history with unexpected DNA links to the Western European psyche.

The lyrical, witty, and often satirical and uncompromisingly critical narrative of the ‘Blouse Roumaine’ may appear to some readers if not controversial at least thought-provoking, as it offers forays into some of the recesses of time prior to WWII, reflecting a somewhat politically schizophrenic world of contrasts. To complement this period the reader is offered also a close look into the emotional times of modern communist Nemesis. This is the darker world of the vengeful and remorseless Ana Pauker, Elena Ceausescu and their fawning Court poets which explains the legacy of their system in the post-modern Romania.
The synthesis of such bipolar images conjured in the Blouse Roumaine remains a memorable witness to:

‘the joy and pain and privilege of a writer to save the memories and thereby the physical beauty of past glories, a task which he sets about to carry out supremely well and with an immense joie de vivre’.

. – o O o – .

‘Blouse Roumaine – the Unsung Voices of Romanian Women’ preceded by a historical, social and cultural overview contains 1,100 pages, 160 critical biographies, 600 quotations, six indexes and 4,000 selected credits and references.


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The Author:

the Author: Constantin ROMAN

the Author: Constantin ROMAN

Constantin ROMAN was a Scholar of Peterhouse, the oldest Cambridge College, founded in 1284. He took his PhD in Geophysics at a time evoked in his Memoir published by the Institute of Physics Publishers (Bristol and Philadelphia, http://www.constantinroman.com/continentaldrift/

ROMAN is a Professor Honoris Causa and a Commander of the Order of Merit. He lives in London, where he is a Member of the Society of Authors, an independent consultant and a contributor to British media.


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Constantin Roman ©2000- 2010. All Rights Reserved.

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September 6th, 2006 · Diary, Diaspora, International Media, OPINION

ROMANIA VAZUTA DE LA LONDRA – problema copiilor Abandonati


Sunt cam deprimat de cand, pe canalele englezesti ale televiziuniii, tot ce se discuta este despre valul iminent de imigranti romani si bulgari care ar incerca sa vina sa lucreze in Marea Britanie odata cu noua extindere a UE.
Motivul acestei ingrijorari? “Sunt deja prea multi straini (Polonezi) la munca, veniti in Marea Britanie”. Numarul lor nu se stie precis, dar se pare ca ar fi circa 450,000 – adica aproximativ cam de zece ori mai multi de cat prevederile cifrelor oficiale.
Alt motiv al ingrijorarii?
“Romanii sunt corupti si criminali”.

Da, ori si cat ar fi de umilitoare si de incomoda eticheta care ni se da, asta este perceptia in occident – falsa si nedreapta, gandim noi, dar asa este! Aceasta eticheta a conducatorilor si a politicienilor nostri de azi acum se lipeste omului de rand, care vrea sa castige o bucata de paine, muncind cinstit in strainatate.
Dar ca si cum aceasta perceptie negativa nu ar fi fost destul ca sa ne otraveasca viata, mai recent jurnalisti britanici au filmat in orfelinatele din Romania:
Desigur am fost prea naiv ca sa dau crezare afirmatiilor guvernului de la Bucuresti, conform caruia aceasta racila a trecutului disparuse, doar ca sa aflu ca este aceeasi ca acum 17 ani – cu singura diferenta ca acum realitatea se ascunde sub pres: copii abandonati, infometati, piele pe os, legati cu mainile la spate sau legati de pat, fara stimulatie de nici un fel, lasati sa stea in pat toata ziua si toata noaptea fara a fi schimbati, personal insuficient, ingirijire medicala zero – copii destinati sa devina niste zarzavaturi umane vestejite, inainte sa infloreasca: era o viziune de cosmar medieval.

Pana acum dadeam vina pe Ceausescu si pe comunism – dar acum, dupa 17 ani de “tranzitie”?
Acum trebuie sa dam vina pe ipocrizia si dublele standarde, pe prefecatoria institutionala si politicianista care da praf in ochi publicului autohton si strain, asigurandu-ne ca “totul este bine”, ca “suntem la nivel European, sau aproape.” Cu alte cuvinte, asa cum ar spune englezul, “cloud cuckoo-land”, sau “Alice in Wonderland”: totul factice!


De fapt, de ce suntem in starea asta de abandon al aproapelui? Nu sunt acestia copiii nostri? Generatia de maine? Nu, nu are importanta! Societatea Civila nu are inca forta, spiritul civic nu s-a format. Aveam, chiar acum o suta cinci zeci de ani spiritul de ajutorare, de civism si de caritate patronat de Elena Doamna, de Carmen Silva, de Regina Maria, care prin exemplul si dedicatia lor au antrenat in aceasta activitate nu numai pe barbatii lor, oamnei politici si de stat, dar si pe doamnele inaltei societati: regimul communist s-a inversunat sa distruga tot ce se cladise cu truda de cateva generatii si sa stinga spiritul de civism in cele mai inumane inchisori si lagare de concentrare, in domiciliul fortat al Baraganului nesimtirii noastre viscerale. Ar cam trebui nevestele si amantele tovarasilor, incepand cu cei cu dosare de retea si de informatori sa-si ispaseasca pacatele facand opera de caritate – sa-si vanda termopanele ca sa le ofere copiilor nostri o existenta civilizata si umana. La fel cu nevestele oamenilor din aparatul de guvern si de stat, sau ale oamenilor cu profil inalt; sa se demarcheze, sa se declare, sa se implice in opere de caritate.Si aici o precizare; ma refer nu la caritatea personala, pt conurile de banca proprii, gen Matusa Tamara.

Bani in prostie de la UE au venit, ba au fost dati mai multi decat i-am fi meritat, sau care i-am fi putut fura prin coruptia ministeriala si de la toate nivelele (vezi scandalul Palatului Justitiei).


De fapt grosso-modo, societatea romaneasca s-ar putea imparti aproximativ in doua categorii: cei care s-au imbogatit peste noapte “pe spinarea poporului”, ca sa folosesc un cliseu Marxist, dar care nu au inca inoculat sentimentul unei obligativitati de caritate fata de semenii din jur. Avantajul personal implica si obligatii, nu?

O a doua categorie, majoritara, este a oamenilor de rand, care isi abandoneaza temporar copiii ca sa castige un ban mizer la culesul rosiilor in Pugllia Italiana, unde sunt tratati ca vitele, sau sa culeaga capsunile Spaniei.. mai sunt si oamenii care isi abandoneaza copiii ca si sub Ceausescu pt ca nu pot sa ii creasca, sau pt ca nu au auzit sau nu isi permit sa foloseasca metode de contraceptie: acestia daca nu reusesc sa vanda un copil, ii lasa (in scutece!) la usa orfelinatelor. Am vazut pe canalul televiziunii britanice un copil de trei ani oferit la vanzare chiar de catre mama lui… cu prima “tranzactie”, pe zece mii de lire sterline, isi construise casa – am vazut filmat si am ramas inmarmurit! Dar oficialitatile romane stiu cum sa escamoteze realitatea – conform scenariului bine pus la punct inca de pe vremea Conducatorului Iubit: arata doar institutiile “model” exact ca pe vremea “colhozurilor model” unde veneau “delegatiile straine, de partid si de stat”. In plus, pur si simplu, aceleasi oficialitati intimideaza pe toti cei care ar demasca realitatea goala – de-a valma, romani si straini; oamenilor incep sa le fie teama sa vorbeasca, ca in trecutul glorios al “iepocii de aur” – o conspiratie a tacerii redivivus.

Asta va ramane imaginea Romaniei in creierul englezului de rand care se uita la televizor, consternat de civilizatia romaneasca.


De ce nu se pronunta despre aceasta napasta corifeii intelepciunii romanesti de la amvonul spiritualitatii noastre? Prin Dliema veche si mai noua, pe la Humanitas, pe la Revista 22, pe la chat-showrile de care ne-am scarbit de atatea injuraturi si afirmatii injurioase, de pe la realitatea-TV samd, prin ‘scrisorile deschise” ale puritatii filosofiei romanesti, sau pe la Institutul Inculturii noastre?

Si aici trebuie sa fac o precizare: spun “incultura” nu pentru ca ne-ar lipsi o cultura nationala, care sta si asa,oropsita mai departe, neglijata si nemarturisita, nepieptanata si neprezentata occidentului, pentru ca trufia noastra ne impiedica sa o facem: “sa ne descopere ei, ca noi stim cine suntem, ce valoare avem si cat de talentati suntem!”: uite ca nu ne stie nimeni in strainatate mai mult de cat de Dracula, de saracie, de coruptie, de prostituate, de orfelinate si nici de cum de aforismele pretioase ale auto-proclamatei “elite” intelectuale romanesti: observand preocuparile acesteia cel mult i-am putea oferi acolada unei provincialitati. Exceptii sunt, dar se pierd in noianul mediocritatii , intruchipata chiar de Academia Romana. Mai putem astepta o mie de ani un premiu Nobel la folosofie, literatura, la stiinta, sau vre-o recunosatere internationala atata timp cat ne balacim in aceeasi balta intelectuala statuta. Suntem poate de un cot mai rasariti de cat Albanezii – si aici sa nu uitam ca celebrul Ismail Kadere s-a propsait in exil, intr-o limba alta de cat a lui, adresandu-se unui public occidental – deci aviz amatorilor damboviteni.
Spun pur si simplu “incultura” in sensul lipsei de perceptie, lipsei de umanitate, din cauza deconectarii noastre inapatanate fata de valorile societatii civilizate de sorginte culturala europeana.
De ce mai laudam cu Noica, Steinhart (in majoritate necunoscuti in afara Romaniei) cu Cioran sau Eliade, daca generatia de maine se topeste fizic in minciuna si degradarea institutiilor romanesti – spitale, orfelinate, camine etc. unde nu ti se da o cana cu apa intr-un spital din buricul Tarigradului fara sa dai pesches?


Si sutanele noastre super imbuibate care ne cer bani ca sa inaltam Catedrala Mantuirii Neamului care nu se mai mantuieste de cat prin reprezentantii clerului lui?
Ele ce fac? Ce initiativa iau? Ce realizari au in domeniul social, caci cel spiritual l-am inteles din spovedaniile facute Securitatii? Caci prin cimitirele ortodoxiei noastre nici mortii nu mai sunt siguri de un lacas unde “nu este nici durere, nici suspin” (intrebati administratia cimitirului Ortodox Bellu (declarat sit UNESCO), din Bucuresti, unde mortii nu au avut timp sa se raceasca inainte de a fi desgropati ca sa li se vanda “locurile de veci” pe 30,000 Euro!) Ce sa mai vorbim de cei vii, care sunt complect devalorizati?


Si tovarasii de pe la ambasade care trebuie sa contracareze, sa neutralizeze, sa informeze publicul occidental ca “lucrurile ar sta altfel, mai nuantat” (desi imginea camerei de vederi este inconturnabila) sa “ia atitudine” sa tina o conferinta de presa la Londra, sa dea un comunicat de presa agentiilor, sa scrie o scrisoare la ziar, pe la “London Evening Standard” sau “The Times”! Chiar ce fac? Unde sunt? Cu ce se ocupa? Judecandu-i dupa lipsa lor de reactie acesti functionari publici sunt ori incapabili, ori complect neinteresati: se ocupa de afacerile lor personale (pe leafa contribuabilului). Nici nu ma mai mira pt ca sunt a doua generatie de nomenclaturisti – unii care inca nu stiu sa insire impreuna doua cuvinte in englezeste sau o fac pe dos, sau daca stiu o fac doar in interes personal!
Astia sunt oamenii care ne reprezinta si care ar trebuie sa serveasca cauza nationala! O atmosfera calduta, unde facem bine-merci si unde ne dam ifose de mahala si cantam de ziua nationala a Romaniei cantece de pahar la resedinta chiar a ambasadorului (cu el in frunte): dar sa fim echitabili – am avut ‘realizari’… am achizitionat doua fregate englezesti, care le-am salvat de la fiare vechi, pe un comison de sapte milioane de lire sterline. Atentie: nu vorbesc de costul de cumparare a fregatelor ci doar de comision, – termenul politicos pentru bacsis. ori acesta (care ori si cum era interzis in contract) ar fi fost suficienti pentru a aduce la nivel European toate orfelinatele din Romania, cu personalul medical destul de bine platit ca sa nu mai ceara pesches la un spital din inima Tarigradului ca sa iti scoata plosca de sub fund, sa sa-ti dea o simpla cana cu apa!


Aceste ganduri negre sunt bazate pe o realitate dureroasa: 17 ani dupa caderea dictaturii si inlocuirea ei cu dictatura invartitilor, a nesimtitilor si coruptilor. Asa se explica de ce tinerii romani au plecat prin strainatate, care cum au putut – populatia Romaniei a scazut cu 2 milioane nu prin efectul unei natalitati scazute, dar prin emigratie – oamenii au votat pur si simplu cu picioarele, luandu-si talpasita, caci, in mod dureros si inevitabil tinerii, dar si oameni mai invarsta, s-au saturat si au inteles ca nu se va schimba mai nimic,in Romania, in afara de fardul si vopseaua tarfei, ca nu vor avea nici o perspectiva, in afara cercului restrans de granguri si de bisnitariii inca in libertate, de oamenii care ne-au mintit din totdeauna si care continua sa ne minta sfruntat.


In ultimele 48 de ore cand programele de televiziune britanice redau la ora de varf, pt maxima expunere, starea nevropata din Romania lui Papura Voda; mai putem pe undeva spera intr-o raza de optimism?

Trebuie sa fie lumina la capatul tunelului! Formula? sa plecam cu totii! Dar unde, ca nu ne mai vrea nimeni sa ne deschida usa, cu o astfel de reclama!

Si atunci nu ne mai ramane de cat sa facem, asa cum ne-a invatat obedianta securisto-comunista: “Multumim din inima partidului!”. Care Partid?
Pei toate acele, devenite mai marunte: aschiile din aceeasi buturuga: PSD, PD, PNL, PRM. UDMR, PC, PNTCD, alianta DA, alianta CDR si toate, toate care au conspirat la neputinta si umilinta noastra mioritica din vazul tuturor:
imparatul este gol, este chiar ridicol de gol, dar la palatul Victoria, la Cotroceni, la Senat si Parlament, la BOR se crede in straie de sarbatoare!

Londra, 7 Septembrie 2006

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Poetry in Translation (XLVIII-LIII): Josef Ozga MICHALSKI (1919-2002, Polonia): Sase poezii

August 22nd, 2006 · PEOPLE, Poetry, Translations

Josef Ozga MICHALSKI, Poland (1919-2002)


Ma darui Frumosului
Ca norul – vantului
Ca somnul desteptarii
Ca noaptea – zorilor

Nu pot lega vantul
Nu pot scapa desteptarii
Zorilor nu ma pot ascunde

Sa te intrezaresc, numai, de as putea
Prin globul de sticla
Prin oceane
In loc sa scriem scrisori
Sa indreptam privirile, numai, de am putea

De la antipozi
Si prin cele doua mari

Sa privim in ochii nostri
Tu de la Est

Si eu de la Vest
Universul este transparent.

(In Romanian by Constantin ROMAN, published in: Luceafarul,, IX, 5 (164), pp.12. Bucharest, 25th February 1965)

Josef Ozga MICHALSKI, Poland (1919-2002)


Sa te ascunda marea
Intr-o cochile,
Te-as gasi
Langa grauntele de nisip.
Sa te ascunda visul
Intr-o furtuna,
Te-as gasi
Langa picatura de ploaie.
Sa te ascunda moartea
In tarana,
Te-as gasi
Langa steaua ce cade.

(In roamaneste de Constantin ROMAN,
Tribuna, 30, 29th July 1965, Cluj)

Josef Ozga MICHALSKI, Poland (1919-2002)


Linistea invaluie capul
Ca o uzina construita
Fara gand indaratul peretilor sai.
Ca si cum un ghioc
Ar fi cantat o arie
Ca si cum in miezul Pamantului
S-ar fi copt seminte de mar
Ca si cum Dumnezeu s-ar fi invoit
Sa taca la sfarsitul lumii.

(In roamaneste de Constantin ROMAN,
Bucuresti 1965)

Josef Ozga MICHALSKI, Poland (1919-2002)


Plopii temerilor
Sustin boltile maniei
Vantul navaleste in sicriul mut al tacerii
Spaima intra
In gura abisului
In ieslea Soarelui
Devoreaza pleava vremii
Stropita de ploaie
Cosmonauti stau in saua constelatiilor
Si inconjoara
Palatul lui Dumnezeu.

(In roamaneste de Constantin ROMAN,
Bucuresti 1965)

Josef Ozga MICHALSKI, Poland (1919-2002)


Fii vantul meu
Eu nu am busola.
Fii panza mea:
Eu nu am camase.
Fii painea mea:
Eu nu am lanuri.
Fii ziua mea senina:
Eu voi fi norul tau.

(In roamaneste de Constantin ROMAN,
Bucuresti 1965)

Josef Ozga MICHALSKI, Poland (1919-2002)


Cate milioane de ani
Am privit in ochii marii
Doar ca sa tea flu pe mal?

Te iubesc mai adanc
Ca adancurile dorite de pesti
Ca inaltul cerurilor de vulturi
Ca noaptea dprita de zori
Si care totusi nu se intalnesc niciodata.

(In roamaneste de Constantin ROMAN,
Bucuresti 1965)

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Poetry in Translation (LIII-LVII):Cinci Poeti Canadieni: Jean-Guy PILON, H. de SAINT-DENIS GARNEAU, M. WADDINGTON, Gregory M. COOK si E.W. MANDEL

August 22nd, 2006 · PEOPLE, Poetry, Translations

Jean-Guy PILON (Quebec, Canada)


Era dintr-o tara de corsari bigoti
Unde inconstienta era luata drept dogma,
Imbecilul drept stapan
Iar nebunul drept ntelept

Era o tara de lupte inutile
Si de ruini magnifice
O tara mancata de viermi

Cand a vrut sa-si strige mania
Nu i s-a ingaduit sa o faca

De abea l-au lasat sa moara.

(Published under the title “Din poezia Canadiana’, Luceafarul, 19 February 1966, nr 8/199, An IX, Bucharest, 1966)

L’Etranger d’ici

Il etait d’un pays de corsaires devots
Ou l’inconscience etait prise pour le dogme
L’imbecile pour le maitre
Et le malade pour le voyant.

C’etait un pays de lutes inutiles
Et de ruines magnifiques,
Un pays ronge de vermine.

Quand il a voulu crier sa rage
On ne lui a pas permis

C’est a paine qu’on l’a laisse mourir.


Jean-Guy PILON (n. 1930) (Canada)

Am scos din apele repezi
Lemne pretioase
Venite din continente
Pe care timpurile noastre nu le mai cunosc.

Am cules intr-o gradina pustie
O singura floare de praf, fragile,
Protejata de maracini patai de sange.

Am scobit in mijlocul oglinzii
O alveola secreta
Ca sa amestec o picatura de parfum si de lapte de femeie.

Eram prea bogat
Am dat foc casei
Fara sa privesc frumosul incendiu.

Pe cenusa, in curand rece,
Vom recladi
Cu o fata noua.

(In romaneste de Constantin ROMAN, Bucuresti, 1965)

Miriam Waddington (Canada)

Nu mai departe decat vara trecuta
Mi-ai spus, dragostea mea,
Te-am ales pe tine, numai pe tine
O, delicatul de-
li-ca-tul zambet tradator al buzelor tale
fermecatoarea minciuna m-a orbit
cu darul si flacara
bucuriei si am fost o neghioaba.

Am fost o neghioaba, cuprinsa de visare
Uluita de timpul acela, inca
Fascinata si ratacind
In murmurul linistit al
Sufletului meu fara experienta
Eram ata de indragostita
Ata de imbatata de\dragoste si dragoste
Si tot mai multa dragoste.

Nu mai departe decat toamna trecuta
mi-ai spus, draga mea.
Iubita mea, te-am ales pe tine
Intotdeauna pe tine, m-ai zalogit
Iubire si-n spatamanile
Cu rosii aripi, fara teama
Am dansat dupa cantecul tau
Si-am pus cununa acestor
Dulci primejdii.

Un an s-a scurs de-atunci
Si mi-ai spus, sotie
Am aflat o alta iubire, si o,
Delicatul, de-
li-ca-tul zambet tradator al gurii tale3
m-a inselat adanc si dureroase
pumnale cioplesc chipul
mortii, am fost ata de neghioaba.

(Published under the title “Din poezia Canadiana’, Luceafarul, 19 February 1966, nr 8/199, An IX, Bucharest, 1966)

Hector de SAINT-DENIS GARNEAU (1912-1943, Quebec, Canada)


Eu nu sunt decat ca sa te iubesc
Sa te vad
Si sa imi placa sa te vad.

Eu nu sunt ca sa-ti vorbesc
Nu sunt pentru un schimb de fraze
Gen – ti-am dat ceva, am retinut altceva
Pentru compromiterea insusirilor noastre.

Eu sunt doar ca sa stu ca tu existi
Si sa imi placa sa existi.

Eu nu sunt decat ca sa te iubesc
Sa te primesc
In valea larga a reculegerii mele
Unde vei pasi singura, fara mine
Complet libera.

DOMNUL stie ca vei fi fara teama
Ivaluita de soare
In toata splendoarea florii tale
Si fara vre-un gand ipocrit
In jocul tau.

Vei fi limpede si singura
Ca o floare sub cer
Fara vre-o taina
Fara vre-o ezitare in nobila ta pudoare

Eu voi fi singur la randu-mi
In jurul vaii
Sunt colina desteapta
In jurul vaii
Unde gazela gratiei tale va evolua
In siguranta si puritatea aerului.

Singur la randu-mi voi avea
In fata mea bucuria
Gesturilor tale perfecte
Atitudinii perfect
A singuratatii tale.

Si DOMNUL stie ca tu vei pleca
Asa cum ai venit
Si ca nut e voi mai recunoaste altadata.

Poate ca nici eu nuvoi mai fi atunci singur
Dar valea imi va parea pustie
Si cine imi va vorbi de tine?

(In Romaneste de Constantin ROMAN, 1967)

Hector de SAINT-DENIS GARNEAU (1912-1943, Quebec, Canada)


Pasesc alaturi de o bucurie
De o bucurie ce nu-mi apartine
De o bucurie a mea ce nu o pot cuprinde.

Pasesc alaturi de mine cu bucurie
Cu bucurie imi ascult pasul ce merge alaturi de mine
Dar nu-mi pot schimba locul pe trotoar
Nu-mi pot pune piciorele in pasii aceia si sa spun: iata-ma, eu sunt acela.

Pe moment sunt multumit de aceasta companie
Dar complotez in taina schimbari
Prin tot felul de operatii, de alchimii,
De transfuzii de sange,
Prin permutari de atomi, prin joc de echilibru.

Astfel ca intr-o zi, odata transpus
Sa fiu purtat de dansul acestor pasi de bucurie
In zgomotul descrescator al pasilor mei alaturi de mine
Cu pierderea pasilor mei pierduti, ce se sting la dreapta mea
Sub pantofii unui strain care trece pe o strada transversala.

(In romaneste de Constantin ROMAN, Bucuresti, 1965)

(Gregory M. COOK, b. 1942, Canada)

To be unfaithful to her
As the sun to the winter
Is to bring an unwept torrent of tears
That wash away our love
As the rain does the snow.

And she becomes a conversation-piece
As the weather to the public
And I become the hero of an epic
Written in the middle of the gossip of a small town.

(Gregory M. Cook, b. 1942, Canada)

Sa-I fiu infidel
Asa cum ii este soarele iernii
Inseamna sa provoc un nesecat izvor de lacrimi
Care sa topeasca dragostea noastra
Asa cum ploia topeste zapada.

Si ea va deveni un subiect de conversatie
Asa cum este vremea pentru lume

Iar eu (as deveni) eroul unei epopei
Compusa pentru palavrageala inutila
Al unui mic orasel de provincie.

(In Romaneste de Constantin ROMAN, 1967)

Elias Wolf MANDEL (n. 1922 Saskatchewan – m. 1992) Canada


Cand se stinge ecoul ultimilor pasi
Si intorci privirile goale pe strada pustie,
Ce crezi ca vei vedea?
Un calau si o spanzuratoare.

Cand se stinge ori si ce glas
Si totusi auzi glasuri cantand in strada fierbinte,
Care crezi ca va fi cantecul lor?
Slava calaului care nu greseste nicodata.

Cand pe nisipul fierbinte al gandurilor tale arzatoare
Nu se mai aud pasii de fier
Privirile confuze nu mai vad
Iar glasurile fierbinti amutesc,
Ce scuza crezi ca vei avea?
Spanzuratoarea nu este destul de bune pentru mine!

(In Romaneste de Constantin ROMAN, Bucuresti, 1965)

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Poetry in Translation (LDII): Melina MERCOURI, “Amici de Demult” (Mes amis d’hier) in romaneste de Constantin ROMAN

August 20th, 2006 · Poetry, Translations, Uncategorized


Amici de demult, tovarasi de drum
Cu pasii pierduti
Prin ce tari ratacind prin coclauri de scrum
Sunteti toti disparuti?

La ce lupte ne luam
Trup la trup inclestati
Ne credeam neinvinsi, desi fragezi eram
La cei doua’s’ de ani.

Rasul nostru voios rasuna peste tot
Cand pe lume-am venit
Cu nevolnice maini ne strangeam cot la cot
Rascolind din adanc un oras amortit.

Printre voi mai zaresc, doar priviri din trecut
Doar vre-un zambet fugar
Pe o poza de-album dintr-un timp nestiut
Si uitata-n sertar.

Caci la voi ma gandesc, amici de demult
Retraind un parcurs incercat de destin
Cu speranta aprinsa intr-un proaspat tumult
Ca pe-un vesnic taram sa ne reintalnim.

Amici de demult, tovarasi de drum
Cu pasii pierduti
Prin ce tari ratacind prin coclauri de scrum
Sunteti toti disparuti?

(Mes Amis d’hier, cuvinte de C. MESLE pe muzica de S. Xarhakos,
pentru Melina Mercouri, 1971)
(In Romaneste de Constantin ROMAN
Londra 20 August 2006)

Constantin Roman © 2006-2009. All Rights Reserved.


Mes amis d’hier, mes compagnons,
Mes amis perdus,
Dans quelle île, quelle ville, dans quelle prison
Où avez-vous disparu ?

Nous prenions la vie au corps à corps
Nous mordions dedans
Nous étions fragiles et pourtant si forts
D’avoir ensemble vingt ans

Nous avions des rires à faire chanter
Les taudis du port
Et de ses révoltes à faire se dresser
Une ville qui s’endort

Aujourd’hui je n’ai de vos sourires
Et de vos regards
Qu’une ou deux photos qui s’en vont jaunir
Dans un livre ou un tiroir

Et pourtant c’est vous mes camarades
Que je vois toujours
Quand l’espoir nous prend dans ses embuscades
Quand nous parlons de retour

Mes amis d’hier, mes compagnons
Mes amis perdus
Dans quelle île, quelle ville, dans quelle prison
Où avez-vous disparu ?

Paroles: C. Lemesle
Musique: S. Xarhakos

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Poetry in Translation (XLI): Guy CHAMBELLAND (1927-1996), Poet Burgund: “Cand bataia inimii se stinge”/ “Quand le coeur tout d’un coup me manque”/”When the heart suddenly fails”

July 30th, 2006 · PEOPLE, Poetry, Translations

Guy CHAMBELLAND (1927 – 1996)


Quand le coeur tout d’un coup me manque, qui dois-je
me faire, eau ou pierre, pour m’habiter inhabitable?
Ne suis-je qu’une vieille, ne suis-je qu’un pitre?
Poème, statue sur l’eau, – mais moi?

Comme j’avançais encore, maladroit entre chiens et
roses, entre femmes et dieux, la mort me mit son bâton
dans le corps.

On peut me voir.
Il me tient debout.

(Poet Burgund: 1927 – 1996)


Cand bataia inimii se stinge, ce voi
ajunge, stanca, sau val, ca sa traiesc in ne-traire?
N-as fi oare decat o baba? Sau poate o paiata?
Vers ridicat pe valuri, – dar eu-insumi?

Pasind nesigur printre caini si
roze, printre femei si zei, Moartea-mi infipse coasa
in trup.

Cum ma tine-n picioare.

(in Romaneste de Constantin ROMAN,
Londra SW1, Iulie 2006)

(1927 – 1996)
Burgundy Poet


When the heart suddenly fails, what should I
become, rock or sea wave, to inhabit the uninhabitable?
Am I not, in the end, an old woman, or perhaps a clown?
A poem, a sculpture on the crest of the wave – and I?

As I was awkwardly making my way between dogs and
roses, between women and gods, death staked its distaff
in my body.

You could see me
Still standing.

(rendered in English by Constantin ROMAN
London SW1, July 2006)

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Le rayonnement de la culture Roumaine en France

July 5th, 2006 · Books, PEOPLE, Reviews, Translations

Le rayonnement de la culture Roumaine en France

(Plaidoyer pour la traduction en Français de l’Anthologie “Blouse Roumaine” par Constantin ROMAN – Juin 2006)

 Blouse Roumaine - The Unsung Voices of Romanian Women  (Centre for Romanian Studies, London, 2009)  http://www.blouseroumaine.com/freeexcerpt_download.html

Blouse Roumaine - The Unsung Voices of Romanian Women (Centre for Romanian Studies, London, 2009) http://www.blouseroumaine.com/freeexcerpt_download.html

Inspirée de la toile homonyme de Henri Matisse, oeuvre exposée au Musée d’Art Moderne du Centre Pompidou à Paris, “La Blouse Roumaine” est une anthologie des Femmes de Roumanie, présentant des personnalités incontournables de la culture universelle. Cet ouvrage contient une majorité des femmes francophones – des femmes qui se sont exprimées a un moment ou un autre dans cette langue, ont écrit ou écrivent en Français, ont vécu en France ou bien y vivent actuellement, contribuant à la culture française comme professeurs, écrivains, peintres, sculpteurs, psychologues, philosophes, médecins, analystes politiques, poètes, actrices de cinéma ou de théâtre (sociétaires de la Comédie française), des femmes qui ont tenu des salons littéraires à Paris, les égéries qui ont inspiré les artistes Rodin, Brancusi, Renoir, Vuillard, Matisse, Fantin Latour, les compositeurs Chausson, Poulenc, Gounod, Fauré ou Saint Saens et Ysaÿe, des écrivains comme Proust, Colette, Cocteau, Morand ou Anatole France et Sacha Guitry, des cinéastes comme Jean Renoir, Marc Allegret, Christian Jacques, Jean Boyer, ou Pierre Colombier et Claude Autant-Lara, des pianistes et violonistes, des chanteuses d’opéra, des ballerines, enfin, des françaises qui ont épousé des Roumains ou la cause de la Roumanie et qui ont eu par la suite une contribution à l’histoire culturelle et politique de ce pays, des conseillères politiques, ou des Roumaines naturalisées françaises ou des Françaises d’origine Roumaine.

Le fait qu’une partie du public français ne connaisse pas ou ne saurait concevoir l’apport de la Roumanie au rayonnement de la France n’est point étonnant si l’on pense que la seule femme écrivain dont l’appartement soit minutieusement reconstitué et conservé au Musée Carnavalet de l’histoire de la ville de Paris, Anna de Noailles, poétesse Parnassienne soit présentée comme étant d’origine “Grecque”, alors qu’elle est née – Princesse de Bassaraba-Brancovan, issue d’une famille historique Roumaine. Malheureusement, ce genre de malentendu est emblématique en France.

Countess Anna de Noailles, nee Pss Bassaraba-Brancovan (by Ignacio Zuloaga)

Countess Anna de Noailles, nee Pss Bassaraba-Brancovan (by Ignacio Zuloaga)

De surcroît, Anna de Noailles a été aussi la première femme décorée de la Légion d’Honneur. Ses obsèques à l’église de la Madeleine à Paris, en 1933, ont reçu des honneurs dont l’ampleur et la participation ont été proches de funérailles nationales.

Le prix littéraire Femina- Vacaresco “destiné à récompenser un ouvrage de valeur autre qu’un roman” est décerné tous les ans, depuis plus d’un demi siècle. Sa fondatrice est une roumaine d’expression française, femme de lettres, diplomate aux Nations Unies, Officier de l’Académie Française, Commandeur de la Légion d’Honneur. Elle était, entre autres, une proche de Clémenceau et une intime de Pierre Loti, Georges Duhamel, André Maurois et Aristide Briand.

Au Panthéon, les fresques de l’histoire de France peintes par Puvis de Chavannes représentant Sainte Geneviève, patronne de Paris, ont eu comme modèle l’épouse du peintre, Marie Cantacuzène, Princesse Moldave. Celon certains critiques d’art, cette femme aurait eu une influence primordiale, sur la peinture Française du 19e siècle, marquant ainsi un tournant dans la pose des modèles de peintre, donc dans la typologie, la manière et le style de la peinture, durant tout une époque, du passage du Romantisme classique de Delacroix à l’Impressionisme de la fin du 19e siecle. En 2003, le Musée du Petit-Palais a, pour sa part, fait préempter pour la somme de 29.000 € une esquisse préparatoire au décor réalisé par Puvis au Panthéon en 1874-1878, représentant l’Enfance de sainte Geneviève : c’était indirectement un hommage posthume, à Marie Cantacuzène épouse de Chavannes qui figure dans la “Blouse Roumaine”.

La première femme jamais admise aux cours de Droit à la Sorbonne, en 1884 a été Sarmiza Bilcescu, une Roumaine (contrairement a ce que l’on a évoqué par méconnaissance ou bien par vanité nationale). Elle soutient sa thèse de doctorat en Droit en 1890, deux ans avant sa collègue française Jeanne Chauvin. Sa thèse en Droit a comme sujet De la condition légale de la mère. Pendant toutes ses études à la Sorbonne, Mlle Bilcescu a été chaperonnée jusque dans l’amphithéâtre, d’un coté par son mari et de l’autre par sa mère – une aristocrate Roumaine: “Comment, Messieurs s’est-elle adressée aux professeurs de la Sorbonne – vous écrivez « Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” même a l’entrée des prisons en France alors que vous interdisez a ma fille de suivre les cours de Droit a la Sorbonne du simple fait qu’elle soit une femme?” Les hommes l’ont écouté, ont fléchi, ont réfléchi et ont fini par admettre cette formidable Roumaine, dont la présence parmi les mâles a failli provoquer une émeute: c’était le début d’une révolution qui a marqué un record européen : celui de la première femme avocate.

Victorine de Bellio daughter of romanian Impressionist Collector Dr georges de Bellio (by Renoir)

Victorine de Bellio daughter of romanian Impressionist Collector Dr georges de Bellio (by Renoir)

L’Impressionisme Français n’aurait pas été ce qu’il représente aujourd’hui (et les Musées Marmottan, d’Orsay, Giverny non plus) sans le mécénat, l’amitié, la clairvoyance et l’initiative du docteur Roumain Georges de Bellio, ami de Monet, Pissaro, Renoir, Cezanne, Manet, Sisley… Le terme même “Impressionisme” provient d’une toile que de Bellio avait achetée à Monet: ..”Impressions Soleil levant” (donation au Musée Marmottan). Aussi le mysterieux nu “Olympia”, peint par Edouard Manet, qui a scandalisé le public su Salon parisien aurait failli être perdu si de Bellio ne l’avait pas acheté, “pour la nation” (la nation française, bien entendu), en 1864, ayant initité une souscription publique

Marie-France Ionesco, fille de l’Académicien a contribué énormément à la promotion de l’oeuvre dramatique de son père – le théâtre de l’Absurde – elle figure dans la “Blouse”, tout aussi comme la fille du docteur de Bellio – Madame Donop de Monchy qui a fait don de son inestimable collection de peintures (léguée de son père) au Musée Marmottan et qui a encouragé aussi le fils Monet d’en faire autant avec la donation de Giverny.

Mais, au delà des noms qui portaient jadis en France une vraie résonance il y a bien des Roumains contemporains dont les cours sont suivis dans les Grandes Ecoles de France, dont les ouvrages se vendent dans les librairies et dont les manuscrits sont conservés à la Bibliothèque Nationale ….plus encore des femmes Roumaines dont les oeuvres se trouvent dans les expositions et les musées d’art et dont la présence est remarquée dans les salles de concert ou sur les scènes de théâtre ou d’opéra.

Si, toutefois, dans l’esprit public on ne saurait pas faire la distinction d’un nom étranger de souche Roumaine, Grecque, Russe ou autre, la raison de cette confusion serait bien comprise et la “Blouse Roumaine” serait en mesure de régler ce fâcheux malentendu.

Mais, au delà de pareilles considérations, la “Blouse Roumaine” parle aussi de grands hommes, peintres français, poètes, compositeurs ou écrivains, des époux, des amis ou des amours de ces mêmes femmes, d’hommes politiques, ou des personnages mondains de la Belle Epoque ou du Tout Paris., tous liés à la Roumanie. “Madame”, c’est adressé le Général de Gaulle à la Princesse Marthe Bibesco, “pour moi, vous personifiez l’Europe!”.

L’ auteur de l’anthologie est persuadé que le public français se laisserait séduire par cette démarche francophile et francophone. Car cette tentative de dialogue culturel transfrontalier reste un acte de foi, d’une vocation encore plus Francophone que la francophonie des Français. C’est ainsi que la Blouse se transformerait en une bannière, en un cri de joie, un cri d’espoir, mais aussi un cri de guerre et un défi adressé au lecteur français… puisque dans ce même dialogue entamé, l’auteur parle la même langue, raisonne aux mêmes valeurs spirituelles – dans l’espace d’un Univers de plus en plus transparent et accessible.

Bien que la “Blouse Roumaine” garde au centre de son plaidoyer la France et la culture française. au delà des confins de ces frontières nationales, la “Blouse” dévoile aussi une dimension européenne. Dans ce cadre, les cultures italienne, allemande ou anglaise gardent une place dans ce dialogue des nations à travers une trame qui développe des complicités universelles…

Pour cette raison fortuite invoquée par son aveu intime, l’auteur, Roumain francophone d’expression anglaise, prend l’Eurostar (et son parapluie britannique) afin de convaincre sinon de séduire le lecteur français de la justesse et de la valeur de cette démarche. Dans ce but peut être aucune autre citation ne saurait mieux exprimer la philosophie de la “Blouse Roumaine” que la voix de la fondatrice du prix Femina- Vacarescu, dans son discours présenté aux Nations Unies, il y a 80 ans, le 27 Avril 1925:

Helene Vacaresco, Foundder of the Literary Prize- Vacaresco-Femina

Helene Vacaresco, Foundder of the Literary Prize- Vacaresco-Femina

“ Ma voix vient d’un pays lointain et si elle parait faible c’est parce que c’est la voix d’une femme qui tremble d’une émotion imposée autant par votre présence que par l’honneur de se faire entendre. Ma voix vient d’un pays lointain et en dépit de cela, quand vous l’auriez entendue, j’espère qu’elle résonnera dans vos coeurs. Ma voix vient du sein d’une nation qui a toujours aimé et admiré la France et comme la France et souvent à travers elle, elle a rêvé de la Liberté, elle s’est promis d’accomplir une destinée splendide, en dépit de l’humeur changeante de sa fortune. Vous auriez reconnu dans ces qualités la Roumanie, terre de souffrance, de rayonnement et de bravoure, placée sur le promontoire de l’Europe contre les afflictions des hordes asiatiques, et qui, comme un phare, a été sensible a défendre la civilisation qui lui a donné son peuple et ses lois.”

Constantin ROMAN
Docteur es Sciences de l’Université de Cambridge (1974)
Professeur Honoris Causa de l’Université de Bucarest (1998)
Commandeur de l’Ordre du Mérite (Culture et Démocratie, 2000)
Ancien Conseiller Personnel du Président de Roumanie (1996-2000)
Editeur, “Centre for Romanian Studies”, London
Membre de la “Society of Authors” (GB)

Grande Bretagne
E: editor@romanianstudies.org


Fiche technique du texte en Anglais:

Note: De par sa structure et composition arrangé en ordre alphabétique des noms des 156 femmes, le texte serait susceptible d’être comprimé en renonçant à un pourcentage de fiches biographiques et de citations, sans pour autant changer la philosophie de l’anthologie. Les illustrations seraient optionnelles sauf pour un nombre restreint de la Préface du texte (environ 12 illustrations)

La Note Introductive est signée par Catherine DURANDIN (Institut National de Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris)

Nombre de pages: 1,100
Nombre d’Illustration: optionnel (a débattre)
Nombre de fiches biographiques: 160 femmes
Nombre de citations: 600
Nombre d’Indexes: 6
Nombre de références Bibliographiques: env. 3.000

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Poetry in Translation (XXXVIII – XL): Mircea Dinescu (b. 1953): Three Poems (Romanian English and French)

June 25th, 2006 · PEOPLE, Poetry, Translations

Mircea DINESCU (b. 1953) – Three Poems

“O BETIE CU KARL MARX”, (Poems, 1989).

(Translated FROM ROMANIAN by Constantin ROMAN, London, February 2003)

“Venerable Marx, if you lived in these lands
You would be quickly clean shaven and sent to a school for re-education.
The fact that even the cows from the East
Which grazed near the railway line
Now think that they are locomotives and stopped giving milk
Is a mistake put to your name.
It would be so good if the cities were ruled by merchants
So that the marketplace should not stink of so much rhetoric
Let free the brewers, the pastrami makers, the milkmen
Full of the dialectics of fermented hops
And of the hardened cheese.

For the time being the farmer would gladly come to scythe
The green sepia of the punks heads
For the time being, thinking that you are dead
The new philosophers get drunk on the idea that they polemicise with you.
They have not got the daring to smell the yeast which ferments
To blow up the society
And start the alembic
Through which
The revolutionary Cohn Bendit
Precipitated into an amiable mayor.

In fact even myself who am an ordinary character
I am coming out like a slug from the syntax and the logic
To dream up that stomach virus
Which makes one drunk on a piece of bread.
Come on, taste it
We are on the right course
In Berlin the clocks started to go haywire.”



Poet’s NOTE:

Once upon a time, when we kept our sharp claws hidden in a velvet paw, an anonymous cat taught the Romanians a splendid lesson of Dignity: during a working visit on the Cathedral Hill in Bucharest, the “Most Beloved Son of the People”, accompanied by Raven, his favoured Labrador dog (Corbul – a present from the British Liberal party leader the Right Honourable the Lord David Steel of Aikwood, n.t.), descended from his official limo in order to admire the bulldozers inflicting a Hiroshima-like destruction to a historical residential neighborhood in downtown Bucharest. In the meantime a lone cat, which just lost its masters, was sitting on a pile of rubble, surveying like an omen the ruined housing estate, apparently defiant of the official visitor who just arrived.
At this point, Colonel Raven – because in those days all dogs belonging to the Comrade had grades, made a run for the ancient goddess, being encouraged to the task by its master. As it happened, just when action was meant to reach its climax, a lightning of claws emerged from the fur ball resulting in a fountain of blood and squeals. Uncle Nick flabbergasted by the shame inflicted on his gun dog, ordered his praetorian guard: “You catch that cat!”
In disdain, the culprit which was guilty of the punishable offence of undermining the national security, made itself scarce under a fallen fence and the lads sweated it out until late at night chasing up the illusory ghost of the cat, through the ossuary of a neighborhood, which only fourtyeight hours earlier was full of life and smelling the scent of lilac trees in bloom.
A few years later as a homage to this feline dissident teacher I wrote the following poem:

Translated from Romanian by Constantin ROMAN, London. June 2006

You catch that cat, shouted the Regent,
For it the Law can’t be so linient,
The foreign cat which does not give a dime
The Balkan cat, illegal and supine
Politically incorrect feline –
The hungry Balkan cat!
The metaphysics cat in search of trysts
Congenitally anti-communist
Consumerist who never tried alone
To strip a salmon fillet off the bone
Who never listened to the BBC
Who never went to Harrods for a spree.
How come that we inherited such cat?
Maybe from sermons of Adam Bhayat?
Or was it from some petty bourgeois gal
As surely not from the Neanderthal?
For Goodness’ sake do something with that cat!
Do kill it with a stroke of cricket bat
The Government will surely not complain
So long as it will not affect its gain
The bad-luck, idle cat and poor achiever
Which purrs and purrs whilst you all slog like beaver
Its languid manner shows its true disdain…
You Celtic ancestors, in overalls,
Do come and rescue us, heed our calls!



(Gandul, II, nr.329, Bucharest, 30 Mai 2006)

Excise of Brutality; teh Destruction of the Historical centre of Bucharest by ceausescu, to make room for his Paraoh's project of the Biggest building in the World. Inhabitants were given 72 hours to move out before the bulldozeres moved in.

Excise of Brutality; teh Destruction of the Historical centre of Bucharest by ceausescu, to make room for his Paraoh's project of the Biggest building in the World. Inhabitants were given 72 hours to move out before the bulldozeres moved in.

Pe vremea cand noi înca aveam ghearele îmbracate în catifea, o pisica anonima a oferit o frumoasa lectie de demnitate poporului român.

Aflat într-o vizita de lucru pe Dealul Mitropoliei, cel mai iubit fiu al poporului, însotit de cîinele favorit pe nume Corbu, s-a dat jos din limuzina sa admire joaca buldozeristilor „de-a bomba de la Hiroshima” din cartierul Uranus.

Pe o gramada de moloz, o pisica ramasa fara stapan veghea ca un duh al caselor demolate, ignorand parca voit alaiul oficial. Colonelul Corbu – caci ai cainii din preajma tovarasului aveau grade – s-a repezit spre zeitatea antica, încurajat de stapan, numai ca, în clipa fatala, un fulger de gheare izbucnit din ghemul îmblanit a transformat botul fiarei într-o fantana arteziana de sange si schelalaituri.

Atunci nea Nicu, îngrozit ca odorul sau a patit o asemenea rusine, a strigat catre garda pretoriana: „Prindeti pisica!”

Infractoarea ce adusese atingere sigurantei nationale s-a furisat însa dispretuitoare pe sub un gard prabusit, iar baietii au transpirat zadarnic, pîna pe înserat, fugarind stafia pisicii prin osuarul unui cartier care cu cateva zile înainte era înca viu si mirosea a liliac înflorit.

Profesoarei de disidenta felina i-am dedicat eu, cativa ani mai tarziu, acest poem omagial:


Prindeti pisica!, a strigat regentul,
Pisica ce sfideaza Parlamentul
Pisica hamesita din Balcani,
Ca-i apolitica si ilegala
si fara buletin de Capitala,
Pisica hamesita din Balcani.
Pisica metafizica si trista
Prin nastere cam anticomunisa?,
Cu gena dintr-o lume de consum,
N-a dezbracat în viata ei vreun peste
N-a cumparat jurnal în frantuzeste
Si nici gumari din magazinul Gum.
De unde dracu’ am mostenit pisica?
Din neorealismul lui De Sica?
Din mediul mic-burghez?
Din Neanderthal?
Faceti ceva! Dati-i în cap cu steagul
Caci nu va protesta areopagul
Din gaurile lui de cascaval.
Ea cîntareste lumea doar cu ochii
Ea poarta ghinionul precum popii
Ea toarce-n vreme ce voi toti munciti,
Lingoarea ei s-a cam mutat în lucruri,
Extrageti sabia din strung si pluguri
Voi, traci în salopete, si voi, sciti!


Mircea Dinescu (b. 1953): “EXILE” (Romanian English and French)


Au inflorit cartofii in Marmatia
si voi tocmai acum plecati spre sud
cind ceru-i aiurit si descusut
cind se confunda bocetul cu natia ?

Veti inventa durerea ca o tara
poate veti da peste-un mormint mai cald…
Scobim scobim cartofii de smarald,
saracii mei cartofi de piatra rara.

Ce zeu pastrat in saramuri celeste
ar fi dispus din nou sa ne adune ?
La noi la voi e plins de-ngropaciune
la voi la noi e-un capat de poveste


(Mircea Dinescu)

Translated from Romanian by Constantin ROMAN
(London SW1, 25 June 2006)

As the potato flowers are in bloom
You take the road which ever us do part?
Now that the sky is grey and overcast
And tears confound the country and the doom?

The grief will be for you the new abode
Perhaps a warmer grave and newer ethos
We shall unearth those emerald potatoes
Those precious stones dug out from where we hoed.

What kind of God preserved in secret heavens
May still be glad to gather our bones
With you, with us we cry on our tombs
With you with us a story ends in ruins.


par Mircea Dinescu.
Traduit du roumain par Sanda Stolojan.

Les pommes de terre ont fleuri en Marmatie?
et c’est maintenant que vous prenez le chemin du sud?
quand le ciel bat la campagne éperdu?
quand se confondent les pleurs et le pays???

Vous inventerez la douleur comme une terre?
vous trouverez peut-être une tombe plus chaude?
nous déterrons, nous déterrons les pommes d’émeraude,?
ces pierres précieuses mes pauvres pommes de terre.??

Quel dieu conservé dans les saumures divines?
viendra encore nous ramasser tous à nouveau ??
Chez nous chez vous on pleure près des tombeaux?
chez vous chez nous une histoire se termine.


Read more about Romanian Exiles and Poets in:

Blouse Roumaine – The Unsung Voices of Romanian Women

(Centre for Romanian Studies, London, 2009)

(1,100 pages, 160 Biographies, 600 quotations)


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