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Entries Tagged as '“engleza-romana”'

POETRY IN TRANSLATION (CCXLII): Herbert ASQUITH, (1881-1947), ENGLISH Poet, “A Dedication”, “Inchinare”

December 24th, 2013 · Comments Off on POETRY IN TRANSLATION (CCXLII): Herbert ASQUITH, (1881-1947), ENGLISH Poet, “A Dedication”, “Inchinare” · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

A Dedication
Herbert Asquith

FRIEND if all these verses die:
Soon will you, and soon will I
But, if any word should live,
Then that word to you I give.


Ptietene, când versu-mi va muri,
Şi noi aşa ne-om duce.
Şi-o rimă, doar, de ar mai fi, –
La piept să-ţi fie cruce.

Rendered in Romanian by: Constantin ROMAN,
© 2013, Copyright Constantin ROMAN, London



Poetry in Translation (CCIX): Branko CEGEC, (b. Croatia, 1957), CROATIA, “The sexuality of revolutions ”, “Sexualitatea revoluţiilor”,

August 21st, 2013 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCIX): Branko CEGEC, (b. Croatia, 1957), CROATIA, “The sexuality of revolutions ”, “Sexualitatea revoluţiilor”, · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Poetry in Translation (CCIX): Branko CEGEC, (b. Croatia 1957), CROATIA, “The sexuality of revolutions ”, “Sexualitatea revolutiilor”,

The sexuality of revolutions
Branko Cegec (b. 1957, Croatia)

a take of a vapid pedestal: I enter deeper into the night,
into sleep, into the ugly, into ire:
a row of amiable skeletons, dear cousins
who are no more: at the end of the road only the sad, jelly-like
girl swimmer waves back a greeting through the desert and
the grove of the earthly remains of the banal souls of slaves
from the garden of eden in the eyes,
a hour after midnight
through which rumbled years and condoms,
softness, nudity, the humidity of mortal meeting-points.

Sexualitatea revoluţiilor
Branko Cegec
(n. Croatia, 1957)

prvind acest piedestal banal: pătrund mai adânc în noapte,
în somn, în urât, în mânie:
un şir de schelete milostive, toate rude dragi,
răposate demult: la capătul drumului – doar silueta tristă, ştearsă,
a tinerei care înnoată, făcandu-mi semn cu mâna, prin pustiu, şi iarăşi
crângul cu rămăşiţele pământeşti ale unor robi fără nume
o oră după miezul nopții,
privind din grădina cerească,
prin care se perindă anii şi condomul
moale, gol şi umed – o convergență implacabilă.
Versiune în limba Română
de Constantin Roman, Londra,
© 2012, Copyright Constantin



Poetry in Translation (CXXXVIII): W.H. AUDEN (1907-1973) – “Epitaph On A Tyrant”, “Epitaf pe Mormântul unui Tiran”

November 7th, 2012 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CXXXVIII): W.H. AUDEN (1907-1973) – “Epitaph On A Tyrant”, “Epitaf pe Mormântul unui Tiran” · International Media, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Epitaph On A Tyrant
W.H. AUDEN (1907-1973)

Perfection, of a kind, was what he was after,
And the poetry he invented was easy to understand;
He knew human folly like the back of his hand,
And was greatly interested in armies and fleets;
When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter,
And when he cried the little children died in the streets.

Epitaf pe Mormântul unui Tiran
W.H. Auden (1907-1973)

Perfecţia, din mintea lui, era tot ce voia,
Iar lozincile ce le gândea erau lesne de înţeles;
El ştia pe de rost folia lumii,
Şi era obsedat de forţele terestre şi navale;
Când râdea, cei mai inţelepţi senatori hohoteau de râs,
Iar când plângea, copiii mureau la colţ de stradă.

(Rendered in Romanian
by Constantin ROMAN, London,
© 2012, Copyright Constantin ROMAN)

