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Poetry in Translation (CCCXC), ROMANIA, Adrian MUNTEANU (b. 1948, Braşov): “Ia-mă de mână! Mit 3”, “Take My Hand! – Myth 3”

April 5th, 2016 · No Comments · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Poetry in Translation (CCCXC), ROMANIA, Adrian MUNTEANU (b. 1948, Braşov): “Ia-mă de mână! Mit 3”, “Take My Hand! – Myth 3”

Discard the oar and let the doubt to perish… Give me your hand, take me afar, at last.

Discard the oar and let the doubt to perish…
Give me your hand, take me afar, at last.

Adrian Munteanu

(n. 1948, Braşov)

Ia-mă de mână! Mit 3


Mă poartă Adeona-n labirintul
Acelor paşi ce i-am făcut în veacuri.
Îndreaptă-mi gândul de la simple fleacuri,
Să pot gusta din cupa ta absintul.


Pierde-mă-n văi cu cenușii hogeacuri,
Să-ndrept în iarbă rostul şi alintul
Din care-a fost să izvodesc argintul
Tainei ce-aşează-n trup uitate leacuri.


De ce mă laşi acum, când caut drumul,
Să rătăcesc în valuri ce se sparg,
Abia zărind, prin abur des, albumul


Cu pânze vechi şi cu-n pieziş catarg?
Aruncă vâsla, risipeşte fumul,
Ia-mă de mână, scoate-mă în larg!

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Adrian Munteanu

(b. 1948, Braşov)

Take My Hand! – Myth 3


As Daedalus is giving me the vigour

To find my way along the maize of tidings,

Please, take my thoughts away from simple nothings,

So that I drink, instead, your cup of liquor.


Do let me err along the darkest sightings,

To walk the path of truth and loving ardour,

Which made me forge the silver of the armour

And bring about all the forsaken tidings.


Forget me not, whilst trying to distinguish,

In vain, the image of an elusive cast,

As I can hardly see afar the blemish


Of distant sails and of a tilted mast…

Discard the oar and let the doubt to perish…

Give me your hand, take me afar, at last.


Rendered in English by Constantin ROMAN, London,
© 2016 Copyright Constantin ROMAN

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