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Poetry in Translation (CCCXI): Radu GIR (1905-1975), ROMANIA – Poet of the Romanian Communist Prisons, “Întrebare ”, “Question”

January 2nd, 2015 · No Comments · Communist Prisons, Famous People, History, PEOPLE, Poetry, POLITICAL DETENTION / DISSENT, quotations

Poetry in Translation (CCCXI): Radu GIR (1905-1975), ROMANIA – Poet of the Romanian Communist Prisons, “Întrebare ”, “Question”

Pitesti Political Prison (Romania) - Painting (detail)

Pitesti Political Prison (Romania) – Painting (detail)


Adâncă-i noaptea, orele profunde…
Gemând, spre raftul cărţilor mă-ndrum
Şi-ntreb în şoaptă fiece volum:
-Tu eşti? Şi cartea fuge şi se-ascunde.

Plângând, întreb portretul ei acum:
-Tu eşti? Însă iubita nu-mi răspunde.
Îmi umplu cupa-n vin să mă scufunde,
Întreb: -Tu eşti? Şi cupa piere-n fum.

Şi-ntreb şi spada mea: -Tu eşti? Şi tace.
Şi, cum mă prăbuşesc în jilţ, înfrânt,
Din zid o umbră albă se desface…

Mă-ntorc spre ea cu sânge în cuvânt
Şi-n ochii lui Iisus e numai pace.
Întreb: -Tu eşti? Şi umbra spune: -Sânt.
* * * * *

A silent night. The hours sail in darkness.
In utter pain, I walk towards the shelf
To query slowly every single volume:
No sooner that I ask, it melts to note.

As tears flow on my face, I ask his image:
Might this be you, Milord? But he is silent…
I fill my silver cup with tears so bitter
No sooner that I call, his face is fading…

I query now my sword: might this be you? it’s silent…
As I collapse, forsaken and forlorn
A shadow suddenly, appears, resurgent…

I turn to it, with all my hope, reborn,
As Jesus Christ inspires utter Peace…
I ask: that’s you, Milord? He says: I am, my Son!

Rendered in English by Constantin ROMAN, London
© 2014 Copyright Constantin ROMAN, London
* * * * *

Radu GYR (1905-1975) Poet of the Romanian Communist Prisons Communist Prisons

Radu GYR (1905-1975) Poet of the Romanian Communist Prisons Communist Prisons


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