Had we never met before
(Incidentally, by mistake)
You’d have loved, for Goodness’ sake,
Any lad and any bore.
Had we never met before
(Incidentally, by mistake)
You’d have loved, for Goodness’ sake,
Any lad and any bore.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"George TOPÂRCEANU"·"Poetry in Translation"·accident·chance·editor·English·Gelozie·întâmplare·Jealosy·London·love·poem·poet·poetry·poezie·Romania·romanian·TOPÂRCEANU·traducere·translation·translator·whim
Forget me not, whilst trying to distinguish,
In vain, the image of an elusive cast,
As I can hardly see afar the blemish
Of distant sails and of a tilted mast…
Discard the oar and let the doubt to perish…
Give me your hand, take me afar, at last.
Rendered in English by Constantin ROMAN, London,
© 2016 Copyright Constantin ROMAN
Tags:"Constantin Roman"·"Poetry in Translation"·Adrian MUNTEANU·Brasov·Romania·romanian·sonet·sonnet·translation Romanian to English·“Ia-mă de mână! Mit 3”·“Take My Hand! - Myth 3”
Când te vei trezi, lipiţi de geamuri,
arlechini din sticle colorate
vor lăsa prin ei să-ţi cadă-n braţe
soarele, mereu la jumătate.
As you will find it, early in the morning,
the arlequin will start his joyful dancing:
as all resplendent sunrays will be donning
the immortality in which you will be basking.
Rendered in English by Constantin ROMAN, London,
© 2016 Copyright Constantin ROMAN
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Poetry in Translation"·arlequin·editor·English·imortality·London·love·poem·poet·poetry·poezie·Romania·romanian·Stained glass·traducere·translation·translator·Vitraliu
time, I roll you up,
I deposit you in my
bait box
and I am off to fish
with your long line
the fishes of the dawn!
Acum a sosit
timpul să te înfăşor,
să te pun în
si să pescuiesc
cu undiţa ta lungă
peştii zorilor.
Rendered in Romanian by Constantin ROMAN, London
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Poetry in Translation"·Chile·Pablo Neruda·poet·poetry·poezie·Spanish·traducere·translation·translator·“Odă Bătrâneţii”·“Ode to Age”
În cursul vieţii lungi ce am avut
Bătrâna barcă vântul a-nfruntat
S-ajungă-n portul unde-a ancorat
Să ispăşesc păcate din trecut.
Mânat de fantezia mea şi arta
Din care am creat un Dumnezeu
Iluziile şi vanitatea, tot mereu
M-au amăgit, ademenindu-mi soarta.
Visul de-amor acum e prea puţin…
Ce-oi deveni, să mor de două ori,
O dat-aici şi-o alta la răscruce …
Sculptura, arta nu mai pot să-nchin
Când Duhul Sfânt mă chiamă-n zi de zori
Să fiu martir cu braţele pe cruce.
Rendered in Romanian by Constantin ROMAN, London,
© 2016 Copyright Constantin ROMAN
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·Bătrâneţe·cruce·editor·Iluzii·Italian·Italian to Romanian·Martir·Michelangelo Buonarotti·răscruce·romanian·sonnet·Toscanam Florence·traducere·translation·Tuscany·vanitate·Visul de-amor
(b. 1948, Brasov)
“The Sonnet – an Eternal Tease”
I write a sonnet as a constant tease –
Its rules are there to liberate my dream,
To be myself and follow, as I seem
To play with empty words of love and ease.
Rendered in English by Constantin ROMAN,
© 2016 Copyright Constantin ROMAN
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"I am born again"·"liberate my dream"·"Poetry in Translation"·"Romanian to English"·ease·editor·empty words·England·English·London·love·poem·poet·poetry·poezie·Romania·sonet·sonnet·traducere·translation·translator
I don’t believe in age.
All old people
in their eyes,
a child.
Nu cred in vârstă.
Toţi bătrânii
în ochii lor,
un copil,
iar copiii
ne privesc
cu ochii înţelepţilor de demult.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Poetry in Translation"·Chile·Chilean·editor·Nobel Laureate·Pablo Neruda·poezie·romanian·Spanish·traducere·translation
Când în albastrul, de-azur, orizont
Soarele-apare aşa minunat,
Oare de ce m-a împins a mea soartă
Spre mii de primejdii să fi înfruntat?
Rendered in Romanian by Constantin ROMAN,
© 2016 Copyright Constantin ROMAN, London
Below, a current azure bright,
Above, a golden ray of sun…
Rebellious, it seeks out a storm
As if in storms it could find peace!
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Poetry in Translation"·19th c.·editor·London·lonely·Mikhail Lermontov·Pânzele Albe·poem·poet·poezie·rebellious·romanian·Russian·storm·The Sail·traducere·translation·translator
Don’t seduce me down dark alleys,
To the places left behind –
To the bold or to the timid
Lips I’ve kissed so many times.
Nu mă-mbia să merg pe căi de noapte,
Spre locuri ce-am lăsat demult departe.
Celui mult prea timid, sau prea adept
De sânuri, ce demult am strâns la piept.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"dark alleys"·"Poetry in Translation"·Astăzi nu vă vreau·editor·embrace·England·English·heart·kiss·Lesbian·lips·lovers·poem·poet·poetry·romanian·Russia·Russian·saxrioege·seduce·Sophia PARNOK·Today I do not want you·traducere·translation·translator