I don’t believe in age.
All old people
in their eyes,
a child.
Nu cred in vârstă.
Toţi bătrânii
în ochii lor,
un copil,
iar copiii
ne privesc
cu ochii înţelepţilor de demult.
Entries Tagged as 'PEOPLE'
POETRY IN TRANSLATION (CCCLXXXV): Pablo NERUDA (1904-1973), CHILE – “Ode to Age”, “Odă Bătrâneţii”
March 4th, 2016 · Comments Off on POETRY IN TRANSLATION (CCCLXXXV): Pablo NERUDA (1904-1973), CHILE – “Ode to Age”, “Odă Bătrâneţii” · Books, Famous People, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, POLITICAL DETENTION / DISSENT, quotations, Translations
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Poetry in Translation"·Chile·Chilean·editor·Nobel Laureate·Pablo Neruda·poezie·romanian·Spanish·traducere·translation
BOOK REVIEW: A Romanian close encounter – “The Romanian – Story of an Obsession
February 27th, 2016 · Comments Off on BOOK REVIEW: A Romanian close encounter – “The Romanian – Story of an Obsession · Books, Diary, International Media, PEOPLE, Reviews
A literary critic of “Le Monde” who is quoted on the front cover of this book states that: “what astonishes and intrigues is Benderson’s way of recounting in the sweetest possible voice, things which are considered shocking… ”
If the French are “shocked”, then the Romanians would certainly be outraged, not by the lack of prudery, as by the fresco of the Romanian society of motley pimps, hustlers, prostitutes, bureaucrats, hangers-on, desperate people and the whole gamut of poor destitute of all ages, social background and ethnic origin, neither of whom come out too well, in the end: TOUGH!
Tags:"Book Review"·"Bruce Benderson"·"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"The Romanian"·American·editor·Friendship·London·Romania·romanian
Constantin ROMAN – Book Review: Orwell behind the Iron Curtain
February 26th, 2016 · Comments Off on Constantin ROMAN – Book Review: Orwell behind the Iron Curtain · Books, Communist Prisons, Diary, Famous People, History, International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, quotations, Reviews
Orwell behind the Iron Curtain
Margot Eftimiu,, my private French language teacher in Buchrest, was educated in Vevay, Switzerland and fell on hard times after being expropriated by the Communist regime. She borrowed these magazines and transcribed by hand the whole of Orwell’s 1984 novel- no mean feat and a labor of love. I had the privilege of being lent these notebooks when I was just 15 years of age, and found the reading fascinating.
As a teenager, during the dire Stalinist years I identified myself perfectly well with the character of Orwell’s book and with the whole atmosphere described by the author, as one which we were experiencing in Romania under a communist dictatorship.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"George Orwell"·1984·Academia Romana·Academician Matei Draaghiceanu·boo review·book·Bucharest·Diaries·French Embassy·Life under Communism in Romania·Margot Draghiceanu Eftimiu·Paris Match·review·Romania·secret service·Securitate·Transcript
Constantin ROMAN’s Book Review: “Bread, Salt & Plum Brandy” by Lisa Fisher Cazacu
February 26th, 2016 · Comments Off on Constantin ROMAN’s Book Review: “Bread, Salt & Plum Brandy” by Lisa Fisher Cazacu · Books, Diaspora, OPINION, PEOPLE, Reviews
FIRSTLY she comes to realize the true blessing of being born in a country where public services function properly and are taken for granted:
– “what, no bus service to take children to school? What, no compulsion by RomTelecom the national telephone company to fix the fault on Lisa’s line at a weekend?”
– Who needs a phone, anyway?
The list of Ubuesque mishaps is endless and a great eye-opener both for the reader who could not imagine it and for the natives who got used to and put up with it for far too long!
Tags:"American Peace Corps"·"Lisa Fisher Cazacu"·"post-communism"·"Theatre of the Absurd"·American·anube·Balkan mentality·book·bureaucracy·Cazacu·children·D·Eomania·Giurgiu·idiocracy·Lisa·orphanages·review·Salt & Plum Brandy”·Ubu·Ubuesque·“Bread
Isabela Vasiliu-Scraba, „Rinocerizarea” criteriului biografic la un istoric dilematic
February 23rd, 2016 · Comments Off on Isabela Vasiliu-Scraba, „Rinocerizarea” criteriului biografic la un istoric dilematic · Communist Prisons, Diary, Famous People, History, International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, POLITICAL DETENTION / DISSENT, quotations
Isabela Vasiliu-Scraba, „Rinocerizarea” criteriului biografic la un istoric dilematic Motto: „Gnosticism is a type of thinking that claims absolute cognitive mastery of reality […]. In marxism (its immanentizing form) gnosticism considers its knowledge not subject of criticism, relying (as it does) on a claim to gnosis, a special gift of a spiritual and cognitive elite”. […]
Poetry in Translation (CCCLXXXIV): Mikhail LERMONTOV (1814-1841) RUSSIA: “The Sail”, “Pânzele Albe”
February 14th, 2016 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCLXXXIV): Mikhail LERMONTOV (1814-1841) RUSSIA: “The Sail”, “Pânzele Albe” · Books, Famous People, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations
Când în albastrul, de-azur, orizont
Soarele-apare aşa minunat,
Oare de ce m-a împins a mea soartă
Spre mii de primejdii să fi înfruntat?
Rendered in Romanian by Constantin ROMAN,
© 2016 Copyright Constantin ROMAN, London
Below, a current azure bright,
Above, a golden ray of sun…
Rebellious, it seeks out a storm
As if in storms it could find peace!
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Poetry in Translation"·19th c.·editor·London·lonely·Mikhail Lermontov·Pânzele Albe·poem·poet·poezie·rebellious·romanian·Russian·storm·The Sail·traducere·translation·translator
Poetry in Translation (CCCLXXXIII): Sophia PARNOK (1885-1933) RUSSIA: “Today I do not want you”, “Astăzi nu vă vreau”
February 12th, 2016 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCLXXXIII): Sophia PARNOK (1885-1933) RUSSIA: “Today I do not want you”, “Astăzi nu vă vreau” · Books, Famous People, History, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations
Don’t seduce me down dark alleys,
To the places left behind –
To the bold or to the timid
Lips I’ve kissed so many times.
Nu mă-mbia să merg pe căi de noapte,
Spre locuri ce-am lăsat demult departe.
Celui mult prea timid, sau prea adept
De sânuri, ce demult am strâns la piept.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"dark alleys"·"Poetry in Translation"·Astăzi nu vă vreau·editor·embrace·England·English·heart·kiss·Lesbian·lips·lovers·poem·poet·poetry·romanian·Russia·Russian·saxrioege·seduce·Sophia PARNOK·Today I do not want you·traducere·translation·translator
Poetry in Translation (CCCLXXXII): Marina TSVETAEVA (1892-1941) RUSSIA: “A kiss on the forehead”, “Sărut pe frunte”
February 12th, 2016 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCLXXXII): Marina TSVETAEVA (1892-1941) RUSSIA: “A kiss on the forehead”, “Sărut pe frunte” · Books, Diaspora, Famous People, History, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations
Sărut pe frunte
Un sărut pe frunte – şterge mizeria.
Iţi sărut fruntea.
Un sărut pe ochi – şterge insomnia
Iţi sărut ochii.
Un sărut pe buze – e-un pahar cu apă.
Iţi sărut buzele.
Un sărut pe buze – iţi şterge memoria.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Poetry in Translation"·A kiss on the forehead·editor·English·exile·Lesbian·London·Marina TSVETAEVA·poem·poet·poetry·poezie·romanian·Russian poetry·Sărut pe frunte·Stalin·traducere·translation·translator