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Entries Tagged as 'International Media'

Poetry in Translation (CCXXI): Anonymous, British Author, “Follow Your Path”

November 10th, 2013 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCXXI): Anonymous, British Author, “Follow Your Path” · Diaspora, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

To G.A.
Follow Your Path

Please, just follow your path,
In these sorrowful moments,
Which are, often, so brittle.
Yet, reflect our Love!

For I hope you will worship
Our wonderful longings,
Though we live in the Present,
Just to steal passing Dreams.

Whilst you’ll reach newer Havens,
Leaving the Past behind you,
I shall still be your beacon
Lighting your Road ahead!

As I’ll shepherd your Yearnings,
Striving for new Horizons,
I shall beg now to snuffle
All I cherished in you!



Poetry in Translation (CCXX): Aleksandr SOLZHENITSYN (1918-2008), Russian Poet, “Confession”, “Spovedanie”

November 7th, 2013 · 1 Comment · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

How easy it is to live with You, O Lord.
How easy to believe in You.
When my spirit is overwhelmed within me,
When even the keenest see no further than the night,
And know not what to do tomorrow,
You bestow on me the certitude
That You exist and are mindful of me,
That all the paths of righteousness are not barred.
As I ascend in to the hill of earthly glory,
I turn back and gaze, astonished, on the road
That led me here beyond despair,
Where I too may reflect Your radiance upon mankind.
All that I may reflect, You shall accord me,
And appoint others where I shall fail



Poetry in Translation (CCXIX): Vasko POPA (1922-1991), SERBIAN -VLACH, Poet of Serbo-Croat Expression, “Soare Orb”, “Blind Sun”

November 4th, 2013 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCXIX): Vasko POPA (1922-1991), SERBIAN -VLACH, Poet of Serbo-Croat Expression, “Soare Orb”, “Blind Sun” · Books, Diaspora, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Two blighted legs
Holding a blind Sun.

The morning rays – gone to work
On the other side of the sky,
Rather than its threshold.

The Noon is beyond the Pale.
Cavorting with thunders,
She’s never at home.

The evening takes to the road,
The bedstead on her back,
She’s begging on some constellation.

Only the Night appears,
With outstretched arms,
To welcome a blind Sun.



Collection of Antique Prints and Engravings (16thc – 19th c), (Part II)

November 2nd, 2013 · Comments Off on Collection of Antique Prints and Engravings (16thc – 19th c), (Part II) · Art Collections, Art Exhibitions, Diaspora, International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, Reviews

From a prima facie evidence it seems that this collection is not matched by similar efforts in the public domain, either in Romania, or elsewhere. The Victoria and Albert Museum in London, also has not got this material although it covers immediately adjacent areas, such as the Levant and the Middle East, through the recent acquisition of a collection from a retired Shell executive.
The late Professor’s Oprescu’s collection, given to the Romanian Academy Prints Department, has some beautiful examples of watercolours and sketches, some by Count Prezziosi, but does not overlap with our prints. Prince Nicholas of Romania’s collection of maps has been dispersed soon after the Second World War. Sadly “Ceausescu’s surrogate “Muzeul Colectiilor” of Calea Victoriei, in Bucharest has relegated an important inter-war collection of historic engravings, donated by a private collector, to a “deposit” in a damp basement, sadly forgotten and most certainly ruined: such is the wisdom of our Wallachian luminaries, otherwise, known as “boierii mintii”(…).



Collection of Antique Prints and Engravings (16thc – 19th c), (Part I)

October 29th, 2013 · 1 Comment · Diaspora, International Media, PEOPLE, Reviews

Constantin ROMAN bought his first prints whilst a postgraduate student in Cambridge, in the early 1970s, when very few people were interested in the subject and prices were accessible. Over the following thirty years, as a Geophysicist, he had the opportunity to travel extensively and added substantially to his collection, mostly from dealers in England, France and Holland. His particular interest concentrated on images from the Ottoman Empire in Europe, with emphasis on Wallachia and Moldavia (the Lower Danube and the Carpathians) as well as the Eastern part of the Habsburg Empire, (the Principality of Transylvania). Auxiliary themes of a wider regional interest (Polish, Russian, Balkan, Hungarian, Austrian, Turkish) are also present.

Subject Matter:

The subject of the collection has a strong topographical interest. It consists of maps (including plans of battles and strategic fortifications), views (landscapes and townscapes), costumes, portraits of historical characters, scenes of social and political interest, architectural / natural monuments, political cartoons of the 19th century, etc.



Poetry in Translation (CCXVIII): Francesco PETRARCA (1304-1374), TUSCANY/ITALY, “Când soarele- şi purta cernită faţa”, “Era il giorno ch’al sol si scolaro” , “The day the sun’s ray had turned pale”

October 28th, 2013 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCXVIII): Francesco PETRARCA (1304-1374), TUSCANY/ITALY, “Când soarele- şi purta cernită faţa”, “Era il giorno ch’al sol si scolaro” , “The day the sun’s ray had turned pale” · Books, International Media, Poetry, quotations, Translations, Uncategorized

Când soarele-şi purta cernită faţa,
Plângând durerea zeilor din ceruri,
M-a dezarmat, surprins, şi fără vlagă,
Privirea ta ce m-a făcut ostatec.

Putere nu aveam să fug, pribeagul,
Căci suferind, adânc, atunci plecat-am
Fără-ndoieli, mereu urmându-mi soarta,
Când dintr-odată m-a lovit necazul.

Când dorul m-a surprins, aflându-şi calea
Direct în suflet, aţintind săgeata,
Nestăvilind a plânsului şuvoaie.

Căci mie-mi pare-o lipsă de onoare,
Fiind înarmat cu arcul, să se-ascundă,
Să mă rănească în această stare!



Poetry in Translation (CCXVI): Ferruccio GRECO, Poet of CALABRIA, “Tenerezze ”, “O mamă Calabreză

September 30th, 2013 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCXVI): Ferruccio GRECO, Poet of CALABRIA, “Tenerezze ”, “O mamă Calabreză · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations, Uncategorized

O mamă Calabreză

Abea doi ani de-aveam, şi îmi aduc aminte
Cum visuri din trecut în suflet se perindă.
Cât de amar plângeam, cu lacrimă fierbinte,
Iar mama mă strângea, la pieptu-i să m-alinte;

Ea mă-ntreba, duios , de ce, şi unde oare?
Şi-i arătam, plângând, la locul ce mă doare …
Atunci ma săruta, ca plânsul să-mi aline,
Şi lacrima să-mi treacă, din nou să zburd, în lume.
Versiune în limba Română
Constantin ROMAN, Londra,
© 2013, Copyright Constantin ROMAN



Mircea Milcovitch: «Le Grand Mystère», Les Editions Romaines

September 23rd, 2013 · 1 Comment · Books, Diaspora, International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, quotations, Reviews

L’ouvrage que vous, lecteur, tenez entre vos mains n’est pas à proprement parler un ouvrage de théologie. D’ailleurs, l’auteur n’en aurait pas la prétention. Il s’agit en revanche d’un livre dans lequel Mircea Milcovitch a consigné l’ensemble de la logique biblique, de son intelligence de la foi chrétienne, qu’il a, au préalable, fait valider au fur et à mesure par de nombreuses conversations avec des théologiens de l’Institut Saint‑Serge de Paris (surtout Constantin Andronikof), et des moines‑théologiens du monastère bénédictin de Chevetogne, en Belgique.



Poetry in Translation (CCXV): Anonymous, ROMANIA, “The Ecologic Princess and Prince Charming“, “Prinţesa Ecologică şi Făt Frumos”

September 23rd, 2013 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCXV): Anonymous, ROMANIA, “The Ecologic Princess and Prince Charming“, “Prinţesa Ecologică şi Făt Frumos” · International Media, Poetry, quotations, Translations, Uncategorized

Once upon a time,
In far-away lands,
There was a beautiful princess
Who just found a frog
Whilst she was contemplating ecologic aspects,
On the shore of an unpolluted lake,
In a green meadow
(recently re-granted by the Constitutional Court).

A fost odată
Ca nici odată
Şi dacă n-ar fi
Nu s-ar povesti.
A fost odată,
Pe meleaguri îndepărtate,
O mandră prinţesă
Care tocmai zări o broască,
În timp ce contempla aspecte ecologice,
Pe malul unui lac nepoluat,
Dintr-o luncă verde,
Lâng-un vechi castel,
(Restituit de Curtea Constituţională).

Adaptare liberă după un poet Anglo-Saxon anonim,
Copyright Constantin ROMAN, London, 2009



What has President Nicolas Maduro got in common with the late (dearly departed) President Nicolae Ceausescu?

September 22nd, 2013 · Comments Off on What has President Nicolas Maduro got in common with the late (dearly departed) President Nicolae Ceausescu? · Books, Diaspora, International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Christmas Carol, 1980 –
(A Parody sung by Romanian Gypsy Children)

Father Christmas we do beg
Bring us butter, bring us egg.
If you ever come on foot
Bring some cabbage, or beetroot
If your bag is large enough
Add some maize and garlic cloves.
Christmas Father don’t miss either
The potatoes and the flour.
Should you come, though, in a sleigh
Don’t forget for the New Year
Toilet paper that’s so sparse,
To wipe at least our arse.”

