Entries Tagged as 'Famous People'
June 13th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXXXVIII), Thomas BOBERG (b. 1960), DENMARK: “Dictatorial Poem”, “Poem Dictatorial” · Famous People, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations
(Thomas Boberg, Danemarca)
Toţi oamenii care nu se pot plimba pe Corso,
Toţi oamenii care au uitat de unde vin
Toţi oamenii care şi-au pierdut cheile
Toţi oamenii care nu pot fi membrii clubului
Toţi oamenii care nu pot fi pe buzele mele
Toţi oamenii care nu înţeleg tactica scorpionului
Toţi oamenii care trec unii pe lângă alţii
Toţi oamenii care sosesc la timp dar care nu reuşesc
Toţi oamenii care refuză să trăiasca experienţa viitorului
Toţi oamenii care rămân deşi trenul aşteaptă
Toţi oamenii care nu pot fi unde sunt.
Traducere – Constantin ROMAN, Londra
Tags:"Constantin Roman"·"Poetry in Translation"·Danemarca·Denmark·Dictatorial Poem·editor "Centre for Romanian Studies - London·poem·Poem dictatorial·poet·poetry·poezie·romanian·tactica scorpionului·Thomas Boberg·traducere·translation·translator
June 13th, 2015 · Comments Off on POETRY IN TRANSLATION (CCCXXXVII), Tadeusz RòZEWICZ (1921– 2014), POLAND: “Supravieţuitorul”, “The Survivor” · Famous People, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations
Virtue and crime weigh the same
I’ve seen it:
in a man who was both
criminal and virtuous.
I seek a teacher and a master
may he restore my sight hearing and speech
may he again name objects and ideas
may he separate darkness from light.
I am twenty-four
led to slaughter
I survived.
rumuseţe şi sluţenie
curaj şi laşitate
toate cântăresc de-opotrivă
am văzut-o
la un om care era de o potrivă
criminal şi virtuos.
Caut un dascăl şi un îndrumător
ca să-mi redea văzul auzul şi graiul
ca să pot desluşi obiectele şi ideile
să pot distinge întunericul de lumină.
Am ani două zeci şi patru
fiind mânat la abator
am supravieţuit.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Poetry in Translation"·editor·London·Londra·Poland·Polish·romanian·Tadeusz ROZEWICZ·traducator·translator·“Supravieţuitorul”·“The Survivor”
English is the language of war
We cannot say what we mean any more.
In English there are words
For all things which cast a shadow:
Do not translate these words.
English is the language of war:
Do not speak it.
Engleza este limba războiului
Nu mai putem spune ce gândim nicidecum.
În Engleză sunt cuvinte
Pentru orice obiect care proectează o umbră
Nu traduce aceste cuvinte.
Engleza este limba războiului
Nu o vorbi!
Rendered in Romanian by Constantin ROMAN, London
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"English into Romanian"·Diarmuid Johnson·editor·engleza·English·language·poet·translator·Wales·War·Welsh
June 13th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXXXV), Giacomo LEOPARDI (1798-1837), ITALY/MARCHE: “To The Moon”, “Luna” · Books, Famous People, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations
Dar ce plăcut a fost, când, tânăr fiind,
Să sper într-un parcurs strălucitor,
Dar umbre din trecut nu m-au lăsat
Pe ele sa clădesc, căci triste sunt.
Rendered in Romanian by Constantin ROMAN, London
© 2015 Copyright Constantin ROMAN, London
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Luna"·"Poetry in Translation"·"The Moon"·editor·Frederick Townsend·Italia·Italian into Romanian·Italy·Leopardi·Marche·năpăstuit·poet·poetry·poezie·Romantic·strălucitor·traducator·traducere·translation·translator·triste
June 12th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXXXIV), Robin ROBERTSON (b.1955), UK/SCOTLAND: “Vino”, “Trysts” · Famous People, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations
la fântâna fermecată
pa câmp de dor şi sete
în inima furtunii,
în cele mai bune încălţări
în rochiţa ta preferată
singură în junglă
tu eşti iubita mea din totdeauna
la albia râului
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"English into Romanian"·"Robin Robertson"·"Vino"·editor·poet·poezie·Scotia·Scotland·scottish·traducator·traducere·translation·translator·trysts
April 7th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXXXIII), T. S. ELIOT (1888-1965), U.S.A./ENGLAND: “Hysteria”, “Isterie” · Famous People, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations
decided that if the shaking of her breasts could be
stopped, some of the fragments of the afternoon might
be collected, and I concentrated my attention with
careful subtlety to this end.
făcut socoteala, dacă săltatul sânilor ei ar putea cumva fi
oprit, atunci poate câteva frânturi ale după amiezii ar putea fi
salvate, astfel ca să-mi pot concentra atenţia, în acest scop, cu
o subtilitate bine pusă la punct.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"English to Romanian"·a concentra atenţia·afternoon tea·aleatoriu·American·boierul şi coniţa·breasts·British·ceaiul în grădină·editor·English·escadron·esofag·garden tea·Hysteria·Isterie·lady and gentleman·laughter·poem·poet·poetry·poezie·râsul ei·sâni·shaking of breasts·squad-drill·subtilitate·throat·traducator·traducere·translator·waiter·zvâcnire
April 4th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXXXII), T. S. ELIOT (1888-1965), U.S.A./ENGLAND: “Aunt Helen”, “Mătuşa Ana” · Famous People, International Media, Poetry, quotations, Translations
Miss Helen Slingsby was my maiden aunt,
And lived in a small house near a fashionable square
Cared for by servants to the number of four.
Now when she died there was silence in heaven
And silence at her end of the street.
The shutters were drawn and the undertaker wiped his feet —
He was aware that this sort of thing had occurred before.
The dogs were handsomely provided for,
But shortly afterwards the parrot died too.
The Dresden clock continued ticking on the mantelpiece,
And the footman sat upon the dining-table
Holding the second housemaid on his knees —
Who had always been so careful while her mistress lived.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin ROMAN" London·"English to Romanian"·"Poetry in Translation"·American·cioclu·editor·English·fashionable square·footman·heaven·housemaid·maiden aunt·majordom·papagal·poet·potaie·servants·T. S. ELIOT·Testament·translation·undertaker·writer·“Aunt Helen”·“Mătuşa Ana”
March 23rd, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation, (CCCXXX), Stéphane MALLARMÉ (1842-1898) – FRANCE: “Brise marine”, “Briză marină” · Famous People, International Media, Poetry, quotations, Translations, Uncategorized
La chair est triste, hélas ! et j’ai lu tous les livres.
Fuir ! là-bas fuir ! Je sens que des oiseaux sont ivres
D’être parmi l’écume inconnue et les cieux !
Rien, ni les vieux jardins reflétés par les yeux,
La chair est triste, hélas ! et j’ai lu tous les livres.
Fuir ! là-bas fuir ! Je sens que des oiseaux sont ivres
D’être parmi l’écume inconnue et les cieux !
Rien, ni les vieux jardins reflétés par les yeux,
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin ROMAN" London·Brise marine·Briză marină·catarg·chant·corabia·cœur·Ennui·espoirs·exotique·French·inima·mateloţi·matelots·mouchoir·naufrage·păsări migratoare·poezie·romanian·Stéphane Mallarmé·traducere·translation·triste·verse
March 21st, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXXIX), Constantin ROMAN, GREAT BRITAIN/ENGLAND: “Chelsea Bridge” (Romanian version) · Books, Diaspora, Famous People, OPINION, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations
ne vom înşira amintirile în faţa focului, până seara târziu
ca să înfruntăm viscolul
ţinând piept furtunii
amândoi fiind
pustiiţi de vechile
visuri inimaginabile
de sentimente nemărturisite
în cătuşele trecutului nostru
ca să ne despărţim cu acelaşi zâmbet complice
conform scenariului dinainte stabilit
bine pus la punct
până la urmatoarea întâlnire ilicită
care poate nu va mai avea rost
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Chelsea Bridge"·"Constantin Roman"·"River Thames"·'Continental Drift – Colliding Continents Converging Cultures"·Brancusi·British Council·cătuşele trecutului·dreams·editor·English·fireplace·întâlnire ilicită·Lord Goodman·Pub·romanian·sentimente nemărturisite·Sir James Dewar·traducere·translation·visuri inimaginabile·zâmbet complice
March 20th, 2015 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CCCXXVIII), Valeria GROSU (1950-2012) – ROMANIA/MOLDOVA: “Criză”, “Crisis” · Famous People, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations
The poplar rages gusts of wind against my window,
Alas, it can no longer our ancient tongue avenge.
As a fakir, whose act to mesmerize is over,
The most docile of cobras now seeks to take revenge.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"lost tongue"·"Romanian to English"·ancient tongue·cobra·editor·fakir·Moldova·Romania·romanian·translation·traucere·Valeria Grosu