“Have Mercy, o God, on our King,
Lend your ear and hear
The prayer of our whole Land…
Give Him many days,
Anoint His brow with Thy Grace,
Have Mercy, o God, on our King!”
(Nichifor Crainic, (1889-1972). Poet)
“Have Mercy, o God, on our King,
Lend your ear and hear
The prayer of our whole Land…
Give Him many days,
Anoint His brow with Thy Grace,
Have Mercy, o God, on our King!”
(Nichifor Crainic, (1889-1972). Poet)
Tags:"·"Carmen Sylva"·"Constantin ROMAN" London·"Nichifor Crainic"·Alice Keppel·aristocrats·artists·Brancusi·editor "Centre for Romanian Studies - London·English·Gilberte Brassai·Hungarian·Kosuth Lajos·Orient Express·politicians·Princess Callimachi·Queen of Romania·revolutionary·romanian·Royals·traducere·translation·Violet Trefussis·writers
“Publishing Swift’s satires in 1985 (in Communist Romania, t.n.), I myself fought a lot with the censor in order to include “A Modest proposal” concerning eating Irish children, which had become ‘subversive’ here on account of meat shortage in Romania. Faced with the alternative of not publishing the book at all, or doing it without the famous text, I gave it up. The supreme level of censorship was a department of the (Communist) Party Central Committee.”
(Denisa Comànescu)
Tags:"Constantin Roman"·"Jonathan Swift"·"Nicolae STEINHARDT"·"Paul CELAN"·"Petru DUMITRIU"·editor "Centre for Romanian Studies - London·Judges·King James II·madeleine·Madeleine Cancicov·Mihail Sebastian·prodigal·Romanian Jewish Writers Union
“Imagination is the highest kite that one can fly.”
(Lauren Bacall, By Myself, Jonathan Cape, London, 1979)
Indifference: “Let man lose his faculty of indifference: he will become a virtual assassin. Let him now make God out of a transformed idea – the consequences are incalculable. ” (Emil Cioran (1911-1995), philosopher, writer) (“Précis de decomposition”)
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Stdudies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Dictionary of Quotations"·"Elizabeth ASQUITH·"Emile CIORAN"·"Isidore ISOU"·"Lauren BACALL"·editor·Imagination·Impulses·Indifference·Intimate·Irony·Pss Antoine BIBESCO"·Quoatations·Romania·translation
L-ai strigat pe Dumnezeu,
Ce-a coborât adânc, în trupul tău,
Să-ti dea curaj să-nvingi la drumuri noi.
Care-a fost împăratul
Ce te-a-njosit? Unde-ai plecat?
Te căutăm, dar încă nu te ştim…
Străjerii tăi se uită-n vârf de munţi şi-aşteaptă
Pasul tău.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin ROMAN" London·"Hector McDonnell"·"Irlanda de Nord"·"N. Belfast"·"Sf. Patrick"·artist painter·author·books·Co. Antrim·Dumnezeu·editor·editor "Centre for Romanian Studies - London·Glenarm·History·Ireland·Irish·Irlanda·PATRICK·poem·poet·religion·romanian·Străjeri·Ulster
These sketches are displayed like a series of miniatures in a virtual National Portrait Gallery: they are all glittering stars from Western galaxies and Eastern nebulae, in all 160 of them…
Tags:"Blouse Roumaine - the Unsung Voices of Romanian Women"·"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Marques de Tamarón"·19th and 20th centuries·anthology·Anthology. "Romanian Women"·Aocial history·author·Cambridge Scholar·communism·Diaspora·English·EXILES·Henri Matisse·Modern Romania·quotations·Romania
Mine is the moon at the far edge of the words,
And the bounty of birds,
And the immortal olive tree.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Poetry in Translation"·Arab·birth·disposession·editor·exile·London·Mahmoud Darwish·Palestine·Palestinian·poem·poet·poetry·poezie·resurrection·romanian·traducere·translation
This passport
Is written in my bones
On my skull, femur, phalanges and spine
All arranged in a way
To make clear
My right to be man.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Churchill College'·"Constantin Roman"·"George Steiner"·"Marin Sorescu"·"Poetry in Translation"·Anglo-American journal·cambridge·cold war·communism·Communism "Iron Curtain"·dissent·editor·Encounter magazine·English·Freedom·Literary magazine·London·Passport·Peterhouse·poem·poet·poetry·poezie·Romania·romanian·translator
Bruma de oro, el Occidente alumbra
la ventana. El asiduo manuscrito
aguarda, ya cargado de infinito.
Alguien construye a Dios en la penumbra.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin Roman"·"Jorge Luis BORGES"·"Poetry in Translation"·17th century·amado·amor·Amsterdam·Argentina·Dăruire·Dios·Dumnezeu·Dutch·editor·enfermedad·hombre·infinito·Iudeu·London·philosopher·poem·poet·poetry·poezie·Portuguese·romanian·Spinoza·traducere·translation·vitralii
Milita Pàtrascu (b. 31 December 1883, Nisporeni, Bessarabia – d. 1 February 1976, Bucharest): Sculptor, pupil of Constantin Brâncusi, graphic artist/illustrator, member of the 1930s-1940s Avant-Garde Group Arta Nouà Movement
Arrested in 1959 by Romania’s Communist regime but saved by writer and politician Mihail Sadoveanu and kept instead under house arrest.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Political prisoner"·"pupil of Brancusi·Aretia Tattarescu·Bucharest·Column of Infinity·editor·Eileen Lane·English·Gate of the Kiss·Milita Pàtrascu Chisinau·Moldova·Nisporeni·Paris·Romania·romanian·Sculptor·Table of Silence·Targu Jiu