CRITERII DE DISCRIMINARE (fragmente): (…) Prima tentativa de a obtine un pasaport a fost la varsta de 14 ani, la eliberarea primului meu buletin de identitate, cand am crezut ca in mod automat sunt indreptatit sa obtin si pasaport. Pentru ca aveam niste strabuni cehi, eram nerabdator sa descopar familia indepartata din Cehoslovacia. M-am dus […]
Entries Tagged as 'Books'
Sfidarea Idiocratiei (I) – Memorii din Romania si Anglia
December 3rd, 2009 · Comments Off on Sfidarea Idiocratiei (I) – Memorii din Romania si Anglia · Books, Diaspora, quotations, Reviews
Tags:"Constantin Roman" carte·Anglia·book·cambridge·Diaspora·Memorii
Cambridge Memoir (II) – Peterhouse
December 3rd, 2009 · Comments Off on Cambridge Memoir (II) – Peterhouse · Books, Diaspora, PEOPLE, quotations, Uncategorized
Cambridge Memoir (II) – Peterhouse 17. Lord Dewar’s rescue No sooner that I accepted, with great glee, my Presidency of the Peterhouse Grad. Soc. the style of leadership had to change. New blood was needed to inject some tonus in the proceedings and I was determined to encourage more social contacts amongst its members, by […]
Tags:"Continental Drift"·cambridge·Dewar·Memoir·painting·Peterhouse·portrait·Romania
Cambridge Memoir (I) – Peterhouse
December 2nd, 2009 · Comments Off on Cambridge Memoir (I) – Peterhouse · Books, Diaspora, quotations, Uncategorized
Peterhouse has the oldest Hall in Cambridge, going back to its foundation, in 1284. The Hall was restored in the 19c century when it was decorated by William Morris. It could take up to over one hundred undergraduates, but as their number grew, two sittings were introduced and eventually a self-service system. Formal dinners got fewer and attendance was no longer compulsory. However, as meals were heavily subsidized from college funds and benefactions,
Tags:"Continental Drift"·book·cambridge·etract·Memoir·Peterhouse·Romania
Confluente culturale Anglo-Romane – Romancele la Londra
November 28th, 2009 · Comments Off on Confluente culturale Anglo-Romane – Romancele la Londra · Books, Diaspora, PEOPLE, quotations
CONFLUENTE CULTURALE ANGLO-ROMANE (I) – ROMANCELE LA LONDRA Hotelul Savoy, din Strand, in inima cartierului Westend, era uneori resedinta Martei Bibescu cand trecea pe la Londra si care consemna in jurnalul ei: Regele mi-a intrerupt visarea cu un mesaj de bun-venit – dar refuz sa fiu deranjata. Personajul acesta era George al V-lea, varul reginei […]
Orwell Diaries (ed. Peter Davison, Harvil Secker, London 2009)
November 17th, 2009 · Comments Off on Orwell Diaries (ed. Peter Davison, Harvil Secker, London 2009) · Books, Diary, PEOPLE, quotations, Reviews
Orwell Diaries 1931- 1949 Edited by Peter Davison, Publ: Harvil Secker ISBN 9781846553295 (sourced from ten original diary notebooks) I bought Orwell’s Diaries thinking that I could glean more information about his philosophical conversion from Spanish Republicanism to what had become later a lucid critic of left-wing dictatorship. It appears, sadly, that two notebooks of […]
ROMANIA VAZUTA “ALTFEL”: ‘Blouse Roumaine – the Unsung Voices of Romanian Women’
October 22nd, 2009 · Comments Off on ROMANIA VAZUTA “ALTFEL”: ‘Blouse Roumaine – the Unsung Voices of Romanian Women’ · Books, Diaspora, PEOPLE, Poetry, Reviews, Translations
ROMANIA VAZUTA “ALTFEL”: ‘Blouse Roumaine – the Unsung Voices of Romanian Women’ (O carte ilustrata, in limba Engleza, 1.100 pagini, 160 biografii, 600 citate, 4.000 referinte bibliografice.) De ce si pentru ce “altfel’? Din mai multe puncte de vedere: In primul rand mesajul lucrarii NU este unul ‘oficial’, parafat de cei care ne dramuiesc adevarul. […]
Tags:"alternative Romania"·"Blouse Roumaine - the Unsung Voices of Romanian Women"·"Blouse Roumaine" Anthology "Romanian Women" gender·"Romania vazuta altfel"·Romania Romanian Anthology book Women feminism "Eastern Europe" politics History literature "Book Reviw" "E-Book" Dracula orphanages "Post-communism"
The Best Times, This Side of the Atlantic…
October 20th, 2009 · Comments Off on The Best Times, This Side of the Atlantic… · Books, International Media, PEOPLE, Reviews
All these events were chronicled by the Irish Times during its twists and turns of fortunes and soul-searching which remains truly amazing in being able to secure a steady readership AND survive through thick and thin. Dermot James relates these events from within with the sharp eye of the journalist and his story is riveting – it is not just about the humdrum of life of editors but reflects the beating heart of a whole nation: he tells it with zest and irony in the best tradition of Irish humour. The reader is certainly not disappointed – there is no dull moment, just an alert pace where light stories intermingle with hard facts which caught the staff of the Irish Times at the core of each historic event.
This particular phenomenon of change and adaptation through choppy waters merits in itself the attention of the media in other countries which were equally visited by revolutions, civil wars, strife and radical changes of government and of political directions. Such is the case of the young nations of Eastern Europe, in a broad way going through a same process of renewal as Ireland did, but also of nations of Central Europe who lived through upheavals which toppled monarchies brought in dictatorships, suffered the indignity of defeat or the weighty burden of victory: how might their newspapers been affected? The difference between the Irish Times and its counterparts on the Continent of Europe is that the former has survived through constant change, whilst in most of the other countries, especially behind the Iron Curtain newspapers disappeared overnight. So far as the ethos of this web site is concerned the comparison with the Romania media is of special interest, as one feels that the Irish Times offers a good template for comparison.
Tags:"Book Review"·"Dermot James"·"From the margins to the centre"·"history of the Irish Times"·"Irish Times"·"Woodfield Press"·Dublin·History·Ireland·media
Herta Müller – the Journey to the 2009 Nobel Prize for Literature:
October 19th, 2009 · 6 Comments · Books, Diaspora, PEOPLE
Herta Muller.05 Herta Müller (born in 1953) is an unusual choice for a Nobel prize for several reasons, some of which create, of necessity, controversy and heated debates not just in Germany, her adoptive country, but in Romania too – her country of birth.
Müller is ‘unusual’ because she is only the 12th female to get the Nobel for Literature in the last one hundred years: She also happens to come from a small and much troubled German ethnic minority from the province of Banat known as Suabian Germans (Schwaben Deutsche).
Furthermore, not since the Nobel Prize was given to Solzhenytsyn that such an accolade had been awarded to a writer who focussed on the repression under dictatorship in Eastern Europe and for this reason alone this event is significant.
ceausescu-china-1971196601- Finally, from the Romanian perspective, Müller comes from a country which lives badly the complex of being a ‘small country’ (like Belgium, or Ireland, or perhaps even the Basque Country – Euskal Herria), little understood and much misunderstood. At least through her literary output Müller could change this perception: being nominated for the Nobel Prize, puts Romania on the map in a very different way from the past stereotypes, of vampires, orphanages, human trafficking, trampling on human rights and more. Today and for the past twenty years since the end of Nicolae Ceausescu, the cobbler-dictator, dubbed by its sycophants ‘the Genius of the Carpathians’ (oh, yes…) modern Romania finds itself at the horns of a dilemma: that is not so much HOW TO CONFRONT one’s historic past and assume it, but rather HOW TO BURY this past. In this context Müller is a trouble-maker because she puts the finger on it and confronts headlong those in a position to make a CHANGE. yet are lacking the moral fibre to carry it out: Müller is the girl who kicked the hornet’s nest!
Tags:"Blouse Roumaine"·"Herta Müller" Germany Romania "Nobel prize" Literature 2009 "anti-communist" writer poet journalsit Romania Timisoara "post-communism" Securitate "conspiracy of silence"·exile uprooted·http: //·the Unsung Voices of Romanian Women"
“Blouse Roumaine – the Unsung Voices of Romanian Women”: what the Readers say:
September 3rd, 2009 · 2 Comments · Books, Diaspora, PEOPLE, Poetry, Reviews, Translations
Constantin Roman invites us for a walk, during which he enjoins past and present alike, in a brisk coming and going of the narrative. It is a narrative that cannot suddenly end, but rather one which compels us to start all over again and revisit. It is a truly wonderful gift, a very happy surprise indeed of an inherently original book, which haunts us like the persistent music of those Romanian women’s voices.” (French Government Adviser, Paris)
Tags:"19th Century"·"20th century"·"Blouse Roumaine"·"Post-Communism" QUotations·"Romanian Women". Romania·"Social History"·anthology·Culture·Europe·Feminism·Multi-disciplinary·politics·quotations·translation
Voices & Shadows of the Carpathians – an Anthology of Romanian Thought
June 23rd, 2009 · 4 Comments · Books, Diaspora, PEOPLE, Translations
Voices & Shadows of the Carpathians …………………………………………………………………………………….. An Anthology of Romanian Thought – selected and introduced by Constantin Roman. POSTFACE: A Conspiracy of Silence Now, I am a person who likes simple words. It is true, I had realised before this journey that there was much evil and injustice in the world that I had […]