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Entries Tagged as 'Reviews'

Mircea Milcovitch: «Le Grand Mystère», Les Editions Romaines

September 23rd, 2013 · 1 Comment · Books, Diaspora, International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, quotations, Reviews

L’ouvrage que vous, lecteur, tenez entre vos mains n’est pas à proprement parler un ouvrage de théologie. D’ailleurs, l’auteur n’en aurait pas la prétention. Il s’agit en revanche d’un livre dans lequel Mircea Milcovitch a consigné l’ensemble de la logique biblique, de son intelligence de la foi chrétienne, qu’il a, au préalable, fait valider au fur et à mesure par de nombreuses conversations avec des théologiens de l’Institut Saint‑Serge de Paris (surtout Constantin Andronikof), et des moines‑théologiens du monastère bénédictin de Chevetogne, en Belgique.



Love at the time of Swine Flu

June 21st, 2013 · No Comments · Books, Diaspora, PEOPLE, Reviews, Uncategorized

Hysteria has gripped the city: I wonder what might have been like living in London, centuries ago, at the time of the Black Death?
As always, the blame was left on the doorstep of hapless immigrants, foreign sailors, or refugees fleeing the horrors of repression on the Continent: Flemish Huguenots, Jewish Estonians coming from Russia, Spaniards who brought the decease with them, decimating good Christians, like us, living in fear of God… Yes the ‘Spanish Flu’ most certainly came from the Peninsula. What the Spaniards of Armada memory did not succeed, they certainly managed rather well with this pandemic. We were very lucky indeed to avoid it during the Peninsular War, but what, with the rock of Gibraltar still being British, the border acted more like a sieve than a proper filter. We may have won the battle but surely not the ongoing war: in 1918 one million of our people died of Spanish flu, caused by this mysterious virus called H1N1. After such massive population cull, do you think, Britain might have become a better place? I doubt it: the flu unleashed the beginning of the end, the very decline of our great British Empire, as both WWI and the Spanish flu had a propensity of killing sturdy young men. It caused our genetic pool to be frustrated of the best input: look at the result of these insipid pen pushers in our Civil Service not to mention greedy MPs, or incompetent financiers!




February 28th, 2013 · Comments Off on «COMPTES RENDUS D’OUVRAGES – BOOK REVIEWS – BOEKGESPREKINGEN». Geologica Belgica, · Books, International Media, OPINION, quotations, Reviews

“Cambridge was almost like a mythical mistress, whose eroticism would excite my resolve against obstacles put in the way by sundry bureaucratic tormentors and moral dwarfs”.
This is an exhilarating book and I can fully subscribe to Professor J. F. Dewey’s view (Oxford), who wrote the Foreword of the book: “Continental Drift offered me a relaxing excellent read full of humour, wisdom and good science, way beyond the History of Science”.



Isabela Vasiliu-Scraba: Despre lipsa individualizării în personajul anchetatoarei din romanul eliadesc “Pe strada Mântuleasa”

February 7th, 2013 · Comments Off on Isabela Vasiliu-Scraba: Despre lipsa individualizării în personajul anchetatoarei din romanul eliadesc “Pe strada Mântuleasa” · Books, Diaspora, International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, Reviews, Uncategorized

În L’epreuve du Labyrinthe (entretiens avec Cl. H. Rocquet, Paris, 1978), este inserată o discuţie (3) în marginea acestei cărţi, considerată de critica europeană drept una dintre capodoperele literare ale scriitorului Mircea Eliade. De aici aflăm părerea hermeneutului credinţelor religioase cu privire la “universul nesecat al vechilor poveşti care ne încântă mereu”.
In Le vieil Homme et l’officier (Paris, 1977, 189 p.) ceea ce contează ar fi în primul rând “faptul că Fărâmă se face ascultat”, că “cititorul, ca de altfel şi poliţia, este sedus, fascinat”(Mircea Eliade, Încercarea labirintului, trad. rom., Ed. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1990, p.155).
Sensibil la tragedia românilor ajunşi după 23 august 1944 să fie martirizaţi cu sutele de mii prin puşcăriile politice şi în lagăre de muncă forţată, Eliade sublimează “teroarea istoriei” în pagini de literatură filozofică la care ştia bine că nu mulţi vor avea acces (4). Căci literatura poate deveni o “cale de cunoaştere”, când ajunge a “mânui verbul în toată amploarea lui, şi nu numai o parte din el, specializată într-un sector sau altul al cunoaşterii” (cf. Vintilă Horia, Despre numele exact al lucrurilor, in Revista Scriitorilor Români, Muenchen, 21/1984, p.129).
Mircea Eliade (din 1970 membru al Academiei Britanice, din 1973 al Academiei Austriece şi din 1975 membru al Academiei Belgiene), în conversaţia sa cu Rocquet, l-a îndemnat pe acesta să rezume subiectul romanului său (5), foarte citit în occident, fiind tradus în germană şi olandeză fără nici o schimbare de titlu cum s-a întâmplat cu traducerea franceză şi cu unele traduceri în alte limbi.



They came by Orient Express – Cameos of Times Past by Constantin ROMAN (I)

January 13th, 2013 · Comments Off on They came by Orient Express – Cameos of Times Past by Constantin ROMAN (I) · Books, Diaspora, OPINION, PEOPLE, quotations, Reviews, Translations

It must have taken the future English bride infinitely longer to get used to her picturesque, yet desperately primitive, adopted country. The couple got married, in spite of the many differences that separated them – Antoine being Elizabeth’s senior by 19 years and Elizabeth herself still being rather bruised from an emotional relationship with a previous English suitor. In the event it was quite understandable that the Asquith parents, while finding the Romanian prospect quite charming, would still have preferred their daughter to marry an Englishman of the best type. Nevertheless, the wedding to the Romanian diplomat, Prince Antoine Bibesco, took place in London’s fashionable St. Margaret’s church Westminster, in April 1919. It was a time when the Romanian nobility married frequently into French, German or Italian aristocratic families. The Bibesco-Asquith wedding was London’s wedding of the year, with the great and the good attending, from Queen Mary to George Bernard Shaw.



“Despre Faustul lui Nae Ionescu” (Isabela Vasiliu-Scraba)

October 23rd, 2012 · 1 Comment · Diaspora, International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, quotations, Reviews, Uncategorized

Emil Cioran observase într-un articol din 1937 că la prelegerile de logică ţinute de Nae Ionescu, “parcă s-a rătăcit un plâns de clopote într-un tratat de logică” (v. Isabela Vasiliu-Scraba, În labirintul răsfrângerilor. Nae Ionescu prin discipolii săi:P.Ţuţea, Cioran,Noica, Eliade, M. Vulcănescu, Vasile Băncilă, Slobozia, Ed. Star Tipp, 2000, ISBN 973-81340506, p.46). Pentru că indiferent de cursul pe care îl preda, fie de logică, de metafizică sau de teoria cunoştinţei, profesorul ştia foarte bine să deschidă un orizont religios, un orizont metafizic. Asta l-a impresionat desigur şi pe Mircea Eliade. Ceea ce Eliade a strâns în volumul Roza vânturilor (1937), toate acele articole pe teme religioase sînt extraordinar de interesante. În prelegerile despre Problema salvării la Faust, Nae Ionescu luase drept repere de interpretare unele dintre ideile cursurilor predate în anii anteriori. M. Eliade scrisese în postfaţa volumului din 1937 că Nae Ionescu a “adus un suflu nou în universitate”. Universităţile noastre erau cumva pe calapod francez. Ele târau după ele toată atmosfera aceea îngustă spiritual a scientismului din secolul XIX. Nae Ionescu a adus în Universitatea bucureşteană o deschidere spre religie. Era un lucru de care tocmai se simţea nevoie. Secolul dinainte fusese raţionalist şi apoi a venit spontan interesul acesta pentru religie. Nu numai la noi, ci în toată Europa [atât la protestanţi cât şi la catolici].



Mircea Milcovitch – Un irréversible journal de retrouvement, by Thiery Jolif (www.unidivers.fr)

October 21st, 2012 · Comments Off on Mircea Milcovitch – Un irréversible journal de retrouvement, by Thiery Jolif (www.unidivers.fr) · Books, Diaspora, International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, quotations, Reviews

Comment faire d’un chemin d’exil une marche de « retrouvement », de retournement sans retour ?
Si, ainsi qu’aimait le rappeler Claudel, « Dieu écrit droit avec nos lignes courbes », l’écriture pourrait bien alors se révéler être le vecteur de ce ré-embrassement à la fois charnel et spirituel, demeurer étranger à son pays, à son passé et pourtant présent à tout et à tous.

Il aura fallu plus de quarante années de maturation pour que l’artiste Mircea Milcovitch publie son « journal d ’exil ». Un journal qui n’est pas le fait d’un scrutateur de soi, d’un « indiscret observateur » de soi-même mais une toile écrite comme est tissée celle de l’araignée. Les gouttes de rosées qui ici s’irisent à la lumière du soleil de la mémoire sont des souvenirs. Ecrits, ils sont pris dans la toile fine, subtile, prisonniers ils étaient destinés à l’oubli…

Il faut écrire la pensée pour la dérouler. (p. 225



Mircea Milcovitch receives the French Literary Prize: Prix Contrelittérature 2012

September 10th, 2012 · Comments Off on Mircea Milcovitch receives the French Literary Prize: Prix Contrelittérature 2012 · Books, Diaspora, International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, Reviews

Mircea Milcovitch receives the French Literary Prize: Prix Contrelittérature 2012:
« Le colonel Lawrence d’Arabie disait par expérience que tout homme qui appartient réellement à deux cultures perdait son âme » : phrase vertigineuse du Démon de l’absolu d’André Malraux, remontée à ma mémoire, telle une épigraphe fulgurante, après avoir lu Journal d’exil de Mircea Milcovitch.
Je ne parlerai pas concernant cet auteur de talent littéraire car il s’agit de bien plus que cela : d’être, de densité humaine, d’âme et de corps, toutes choses ignorées des plates égobiographies d’aujourd’hui. Journal d’exil montre que la grandeur d’un écrivain, autant que sa prédication même, se trouve dans le lieu d’où il écrit. Le lieu de l’écriture est sa vraie profondeur, il est ce « Lieu seul situé » dont parle le poète Oscar Venceslas de Lubicz Milosz dans Ars Magna, lieu de l’exil qui exige le refus du mensonge et seul contient la mélancolie de l’instant : « moi dans le Lieu seul situé j’écris »
Alain Santacreu



Romanians have had enough: January 2012 Riots in pictures

January 18th, 2012 · 1 Comment · International Media, PEOPLE, Reviews








Book Launching (France): “Journal d’exil” by Mircea Milcovitch, Éditions Amalthée

January 8th, 2012 · 2 Comments · Books, Diaspora, International Media, PEOPLE, quotations, Reviews

Les “Éditions Amalthée” publieront dans la seconde moitié du mois de février 2012 le “Journal d’Exil”. Ce récit avait été rédigé après l’arrivée en France de l’artiste, entre octobre 1968 jusqu’à la fin de l’année 1969. Le livre est préfacé par le docteur Marc Andronikof.
he Éditions Amalthée publishing house will launch in February 2012 the Memoirs of artist sculptor Mircea Milcovitch (Mircea Milcovici), with a preface by Mark Andronikoff. This book is written by en exile, whose family was no stranger to the sad road of uprooting. Mircea’s father, himself a native of Bessarabia, was compelled to seek refuge in the Kingdom of Romania in the wake of the invasion by the Red Army, at the end of WWII. T
Whilst reading an early draft of this Memoir, one encounters a certain melancholy, imbued by generations of displaced ancestors, living at the confluence of warring empires. But beyond this one can detect a strong determination to live the newly-found freedom and to succeed in the artistic career.

