Michael H. Lord Gallery is a prestigious Art Venue in Palm Springs, California. Established in 1978, the Michael H. Lord Gallery is located in the Palm Springs Uptown Design District at 1090 North Palm Canyon Drive.
he three sculptures seen in the centre of the showroom for the current exhibition are by American-Romanian artist Christopher Georgesco. Born in Nebraska, Christopher grew up in California, where his father, Haralamb Georgesco had his private practice. Georgesco Senior was an internationally renowned architect of the early Modernist movement in Europe and the United States. His archives were donated by Christopher to the Getty Museum in the care of Special Collections Department.
Pasinetti House a listed building by Haralamb Georgesco, situated in LA and restored in 2008 by Willow Glen Partners. Georgesco Jr sculpture is in the background (permission; Tim Braseth_
Entries Tagged as 'Art Exhibitions'
Palm Springs Art Gallery (California) exhibits American-Romanian sculptor Christopher Georgesco
September 20th, 2010 · Comments Off on Palm Springs Art Gallery (California) exhibits American-Romanian sculptor Christopher Georgesco · Art Exhibitions, Diaspora, PEOPLE
Tags:"Christopher Georgesco"·"Getty Museum"·"Haralamb Georgesco"·"Los Angeles"·"Michael H. Lord Art Gallery"·"Modernist Movement"·"Palm Springs·"Pasinetti House"·"Tim Braseth"·architect·California·Sculptor
The Lost World of Old Europe – The Danube Valley 5000 – 3000 BC
June 19th, 2010 · No Comments · Art Exhibitions, Books
The Lost World of Old Europe – The Danube Valley 5000 – 3000 BC
Maria Mesterou – Galerie Etienne de Causans, Paris 6e, 17-26 Mai 2010
April 26th, 2010 · No Comments · Art Exhibitions, Diaspora, PEOPLE
Maria Mesterou Romanian-born French painter, personal exhibition, Galerie Etienne de Causans, Rue de Seine, Paris 6, from 17 to 26 May 2010
Tags:"Galerie Etienne de Causans"·"Maria Mesterou"·exhibition·France. diaspora·paintings·Paris·Romania
Christopher Georgesco (California) – First-Generation Romanian-American Sculptor
April 25th, 2010 · 3 Comments · Art Exhibitions, Diaspora, PEOPLE
Like his father, Christopher is a talented and inspired artist: he attended the Santa Monica City College at the age of 20 he part took in a group show and at 28 had his first one-man show. Subsequently and with great determination he put his mark on the Californian and the International artistic map, with an impressive array of monumental sculptures:Grand Hyatt Hotel., Tokyo. Japan, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, La Jolla Musem of Contemporary Art, CA, Laguna Beach Museum of Contemporary Art, CA, Santa Barabra Museum of Art, CA, University of California Los Angeles, CA, University of California Santa Barbara, CA, Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA, Plaza Pasadena, City of Pasadena, CA, Valley Presbyterian Hospital, Los Angeles, CA, King World Productions, Merv Griffin, Los Angeles, CA, Knapp Communicatons, Los Angeles,CA, McCrory Corporate, New York, NY, Raychem Copporation, Los Angeles, CA, Sea Horse Corporate, Manzanillo, Mexico, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, “Oasis of the Sea”, Installation Finland, Princes Cruise Lines, Installation Italy, Smithsonian Archives of American Art, Washington, DC, City of Palm Springs, CA
Tags:"Christopher Georgesco" sculptor·"Haralamb Georgesco"·American-Romanian·architect·California
Mircea Milcovitch – “Le Génie du Sphinx” – Confessions sur la gestation d’une sculpture
April 24th, 2010 · No Comments · Art Exhibitions, Diaspora, PEOPLE
En 1991, j’achevais une série de dessins et sculptures. La source d’inspiration était l’ancienne Égypte, dont j’avais essayé d’extraire l’esprit, à ma manière, c’est-à-dire selon mon propre code de formes, et après un long travail d’élaboration. Sans que ce soit l’unique « source » de mon travail, je regardais et interrogeais cet art sculptural depuis longtemps, depuis mon arrivée à Paris. Lorsque je l’avais rencontré au Louvre, j’avais subi un choc. Je m’étais rendu compte que les reproductions ne pouvaient pas rendre compte de la réalité, remplacer la rencontre, le contact avec cet art monumental. J’avais senti une communion, un lien avec ceux qui l’avaient conçu et exécuté. Dans le sous-sol du Louvre, où ces sculptures étaient exposées, j’ai posé la main sur l’épaule d’une sculpture égyptienne en basalte noir. Je suis resté longtemps figé à côté de cette sculpture, ma main sur son épaule. La pierre froide sentait le toucher et transmettait quelque chose à son tour. Ce n’était pas uniquement une impression. La sculpture me devenait étrangement proche.
Tags:"Ancienne Egypte"·"Le Génie du Sphinx"·"Mircea Milcovitch"·"Pierre de Poitou"·1991·France·Milcovitch·Roumanie·Sculpture
Pictori romani in Bretania 1880-1930 – sau cu Institutul Cultural Roman (Paris), din lac in put.
March 18th, 2010 · 3 Comments · Art Exhibitions, Diary, OPINION
este absolut eveident ca dupa expozitia Grigorescu dela Agen si Barbizon, urmata de expozitia de la Quimper toate localitati cu o populatie redusa si de un interes cultural limitat, putem afirma ca Arta culturii romanesti, asa cum este ea gerata de nastrusnicii nostri kulturnici este plimbata “in parteneriat” prin locuri periferice si provincii cu densitate urbana scazuta, ca “din lac in put,” iar impactul cultural in strainatate este absolut infim. Aceasta este cu atat mai jenant cu cat fondurile de organizare nu ar fi cu mult mai mari daca asemenea expozitii ar avea loc in marile orase ale Frantei, cunoscute vaduri de cultura si de intelectualitate. Dar aceste ‘detalii’, asa cum am mai spus, nu sunt luate in consideratie de cei (i)responsabili, fie pentru ca nu isi dau seama, din lipsa unei suprafate intelectuale sau fie pentru ca, pur si simplu, nu se sinchisesc pentru ca nu o fac pe banii lor si ori si cum nimeni nu le tine socoteala: sau cu alte cuvinte orbul conduce pe orb in acea atmosfera calduta de autosatisfactie inepta ale infinitelor cumetrii.
Tags:"expozitie pictori romani in Bretania"·"ICR Paris"·Franta·Quimper
Mircea Milcovitch – Retrospective
November 8th, 2009 · 6 Comments · Art Exhibitions, Diary, Diaspora, PEOPLE
Romanian-born French man, Mircea Milcovitch is a sculptor, painter and engraver whose profile in the French artistic landscape gained not only national but international recognition. His latest retrospective at the Hôtel Montulé, Dreux is open to 30th November 2009. Here the visitor could see for the first time the most representative oeuvre of the artist’s […]
Tags:"Mircea Milcovitch" art sculpture retrospective France Romania exhibition·Diaspora·PEOPLE
Orpheus never turned up for tea – considering a painting by Janet CREE (1910-1992)
May 13th, 2006 · Comments Off on Orpheus never turned up for tea – considering a painting by Janet CREE (1910-1992) · Art Exhibitions, PEOPLE
Orpheus never turned up for tea Looking at a painting by Janet Cree (1910-1992) ————————————————- There is an instant fascination which this painting on panel offers the neophyte, as he identifies himself without any difficulty to the main personage – a scantily clad youth playing an antique harp, surrounded by a bevy of entranced females, […]
Tags:"Janet Cree"·art·essay·orpheus·painting