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POETRY IN TRANSLATION (407), Anonymous, ENGLAND: “Epitaf pe o lespede de mormânt”

December 30th, 2016 · No Comments · Diaspora, Famous People, International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

POETRY IN TRANSLATION (407), Anonymous, ENGLAND: “Epitaf pe o lespede de mormânt”



Am plâns şi-am râs, ca nou născut:
Timpu-a ‘nceput.
Ca tânăr am iubit în vers –
Timpul a mers.
Când om în fire-am devenit –
Timpu-a fugit.
Când bătrâneţea s-arătat –
Timpu-a zburat.
Mergând prin viaţa ce-am avut –
Timpu-a trecut.
Eu Ţie, sufletu-mi închin –

Versiune în limba Română de Constantin Roman, Londra 1997

© copyright Constantin Roman, London, 2016


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Constantin ROMAN

Constantin ROMAN

  SHORT BIO: Born in Romania where he was trained as a scientist and linguist. Educated at the University of Cambridge, as a Scholar at Peterhouse. For a number of years Constantin ROMAN lived in France, Norway, Holland and Indonesia  and traveled extensively, as guest speaker to Academia and Industry. He published articles in scientific journals (“Nature”, “New Scientist”, etc.), newspapers and magazines (“The Times”, “Cambridge Review”, “Encounter”, “Revista Monumentelor Istorice”, “Manuscriptum”, “Magazin Istoric”) on a variety of subjects relating to History of Art, Architecture, Conservation, Poetry and Earth Sciences (Seismology and Petroleum Geology). On the latter subject he successfully produced limited editions of technical monographs, which were bought by clients world-wide. Constantin lives in London, where he contrives to indulge in serendipity and esoterism.

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