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Poetry in Translation (CCVII): Manuel Álvarez Torneiro, (b. 1932, La Coruña), GALICIA, SPAIN, “On The Matter of Adagio, In Tribute to Tomaso Albinoni”, “Adagio, Tribut lui Tomaso Albinoni”

August 16th, 2013 · No Comments · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Poetry in Translation (CCVII): Manuel Álvarez Torneiro, (b. 1932, La Coruña), GALICIA, SPAIN, “On The Matter of Adagio, In Tribute to Tomaso Albinoni”, “Adagio, Tribut lui Tomaso Albinoni”

Tomaso Albinoni

Tomaso Albinoni

Manuel Álvarez Torneiro
(b.1932, La Coruña, Galicia)
On The Matter Of Adagio
In tribute to Tomaso Albinoni

The hour arborescent in the shelter of evening.
That voluptuous taffeta of sense.
And life,
which binds severe moments.
A lit blade of grass touches the tremulous flesh,
elaborates the happy flowering of what’s lost.
Nothing is shipwrecked definitively.
The viola turns into sheer silk.
Great scars receive their oils.

Adagio Albinoni

Adagio Albinoni

Tribut lui Tomaso Albinoni
Manuel Álvarez Torneiro

(b.1932, La Coruña, Galicia)

Clipă arborescentă la adăpost de seară.
Tafta voluptoasă de înţelesuri.
Și de viaţă, încercată de timpuri grele.
Un fir de iarbă atinge trupul zvâcnind
Bucuros să reînvie floarea pierdută
Sfidând o catastrofă sigură.
Arcuşul devine mătase pură.
Cicatrici adânci primesc balsamul lor.

(Rendered in Romanian by Constantin ROMAN, London,
© 2013 Copyright Constantin ROMAN)


Manuel Alvarez TORNEIRO

Manuel Alvarez TORNEIRO

Manuel Álvarez Torneiro, nado na Coruña o 7 de xullo de 1932, é un xornalista e poeta galego. Cursou estudos na Escola Superior de Altos Estudos Mercantís da Coruña. Despois de desempeñar varios traballos entrou a traballar en La Voz de Galicia. Foi un dos fundadores do grupo poético Amanecer nos anos 1950 na Coruña. Foi nomeado membro de honra da Asociación de Escritores en Lingua Galega en 2011.

Manuel Álvarez Torneiro (b. Coruña 1932): is a Galician poet and journalist, who publishes both in Castilian and Galician languages. An Economics graduate from his native city, Torneiro worked for the “Voice of Galicia” and is a founder of the poetic circle Amanecer. In 2011 he was elected an honorary member of the Association of Galician Authors.

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