Universul din care provine Constantin ROMAN este estompat de sita vremii. Odata ajuns in Anglia, meleagurile lasate in urma sunt distruse de sistematizarea revolutiei culturale ale lui Nicolae Ceausescu, iar ruinele lor raman dincolo de frontiere ostile.
Entries from February 9th, 2010
SFIDAREA IDIOCRATIEI, Constantin ROMAN, Prefata – John F. DEWEY (Recenzie – Partea I)
February 9th, 2010 · Comments Off on SFIDAREA IDIOCRATIEI, Constantin ROMAN, Prefata – John F. DEWEY (Recenzie – Partea I) · Books, Diaspora, PEOPLE, Reviews
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies"·"dictatura comunista"·"John F. Dewey"·"Sfidarea idiocratiei"·Anglia·Bucuresti·bursier·cambridge·Memorii·Peterhouse·Romania
40th BERLIN Film Festival (Feb. 2010):
February 5th, 2010 · Comments Off on 40th BERLIN Film Festival (Feb. 2010): · International Media, Reviews
Povestea Grupului Gavrilă primul film al trilogiei „Apoape linişte“ despre Rezistenţa Anticomunistă „Portretul luptătorului la tinereţe“ a fost selectat şi va fi prezentat la Festivalul Filmului de la Berlin
When the Soviet Army marched into Romania in 1944, a part of the Romanian population went “into the mountains”. Over a thousand armed resistance groups took refuge in the inaccessible forests of the Carpathian Mountains where they waited in vain for the support of the Western Allies. Thirty of them held their ground well into the 1950s. One was led by Ion Gavrilă-Ogoranu, who managed to remain undetected until 1976 when he was arrested.
Tags:"40th Berlin Film Festival"·"Ion Gavrila Ogoranu"·"Portrait of the Fighter as a Young Man"·"Portretul luptătorului la tinereţe"·2010·anti-communism·Berlin "Film Festival"·Berlinale·Carpathians·Fagaras·fighters·movie·Romania·trilogy·„Apoape linişte“
WWII Fighter Pilot Aurelian Livovschi (1902 – 1941), Posthumous Gold Cross War Medal, ‘Virtutea Aeronautica de Razboi’
February 2nd, 2010 · Comments Off on WWII Fighter Pilot Aurelian Livovschi (1902 – 1941), Posthumous Gold Cross War Medal, ‘Virtutea Aeronautica de Razboi’ · PEOPLE
Sixty years after the end of WWII the memory of Romanian airmen who fought to preserve the territorial integrity of their country is yet to be honoured in a manner which is done by all civilized European nations.
Tags:":Liceul Spiru Haret Tulcea"·"fighter pilot"·"virtutea aeronautica de razboi"·aircraft·Heinkel·Livovschi·pilot·razboi mondial·Tulcea·WWII