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Poetry in Translation (LXXII): – Horia VINTILA, “Dedication”

December 17th, 2009 · 1 Comment · Diaspora, PEOPLE, Poetry, Reviews, Translations

Vintila HORIA (1915, Romania-1992, Spain)

Vintila HORIA (1915, Romania-1992, Spain)

Vintila HORIA (1915, Romania – 1992, Spain)

(Poet, Novelist  Diplomat, WWII concentration camp Detainee, Exile, Academic, Winner of the  1960 Goncourt Literary Prize)

Écrivain français d’origine roumaine (Segarcea, Roumanie, 1915 — Madrid, 1992).  Son œuvre en langue roumaine ainsi que ses écrits en français, Journal d’un paysan du Danube (1966) ou Persécutez Boèce (1987), entre autres, sont marqués par le thème de l’exil auquel il a été lui-même confronté durant presque toute sa vie pour son opposition au régime communiste et son anti-soviétisme. Une campagne politique acèrbe menée par les milieux communistes en France, inspirés par les services secrets Roumains le contraignit à refuser en 1960 le prix Goncourt pour son roman Dieu est né en exil.

DEDICATION (Horia Vintila)

Through streets of Babylon I look confused

For Thee my Lord to come in your pursuit

My voice is hoarse and broken like a lute

Which lost its soul for being over used.

For Thee, my Lord, I search in vain the mornings

At crossroads laden with the traffic warnings

My restless body tired without reason

Through hints of winter and of barren season.

You see, my Lord? To cope I do not seem

As you elude me through this tangled maize

Give me a sign to dedicate in praise

My heavy pen, my poem and my dream.

Do steel my voice and make the strings resound

My  forehead with Thy gentle hands surround

To place me on the whiteness of the page

And live again Thy spirit as a sage.

Rendered in English by Constantin ROMAN

(all rights reserved, 2009)


Inchinare   (Horia VINTILA)

Prin targuri, Doamne, sufletul mi-alunec
Si printre oameni in zadar Te caut.
Mi-e glasul rupt si ragusit: un flaut
Cu sufletul rapus de prea mult cantec.

Te-astept in dimineti intunecate,
Prin zgomotul rascrucilor umblate
Si-am obosit de cand Te caut Doamne,
Prin zvon de ierni si prin uscate toamne.

Nu vezi? Sunt singur si prea greu mi-e scrisul
De-a nu Te fi-ntalnit pe nici o cale.
Da-mi semn sa-nchin Minunatiile Tale,
Condeiul greu, poemele si visul.

Fa-mi glasul drept si coardele sonore,
Cuprinde-mi fruntea-n maini de aurore
Si lasa-ma pe albul unei pagini
Sa ma culeg sfios dintre paragini.

NOTE: The English version of this poem is to be found in the forthcoming  Anthology of Romanian Poetry in Translation:

Traducerea in Engleza face parte din Antologia intitulata “Poeme Razlete – Random Poems”, de Constantin ROMAN, editata de “Centre for Romanian Studies (London)”

“Poeme Razlete” – “Random Poems” by Constantin ROMAN, edited by the Centre for Romanian Studies (London)


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