Centre for Romanian Studies

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Nobel prize Winner – Exorting Romania to be honest about its Communist Past

October 8th, 2009 · No Comments · Diaspora, PEOPLE

2009 Nobel Prize for Literature
(Romanian-born German from the Banat of Timisoara, living in Berlin)


mueller Herta by Doris PoklekowskiHerta Müller has a sharp sense of realities, as demonstrated in her article published in Tagesspeil of 17 July 2008, which is echoed by the Frankfurter Rundschau:

“It is a scandal that Romania put forward as its representatives (in Germany, a.n.) two persons who during the dictatorship (a.n. Ceausescu’s) were collaborators of the secret services. “

She is joined in her protest by her former husband, the writer Richard Wagner who adds:

As it happened before in the past we shall carry on talking about an East-West dialogue between useful idiots and secret services informers, about cultural exchanges as well as about trends and research methods. All of it as if nothing had happened, as if nothing mattered. Quite the contrary it does very much matter both in Germany and in Romania. One has barely started understanding the past that one falls victim to amnesia. Democracy remains helpless whilst being denied a template of real reference values.

(For more information Google “Blouse Roumaine – an Anthology of Romanian Women”)



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