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Poetry in Translation (XXII): Sanda STOLOJAN (1919-2005) – “Three Trees”

August 22nd, 2005 · No Comments · Diaspora, PEOPLE, Poetry, Translations

Three Trees (Trois arbres):

“The forest tree
Shakes its harvest
Silently in itself
Then into the outer world.

You too
Welcome winter
and you shall find under the deep snow
The path
the shroud
forever green.

The lonely tree
awaits the moment
which comes
and goes
Up there in the mist
Just a single apple
A possible sun.

to the highest
the coldest top
the tree which is thought
seeking for the word

(From the collection of poems entitled:
Sur les abîmes verts,
translated into English, from the original French
by Sanda Stolojan, 12 May 2003)

Poem from the volume:

Blouse Roumaine – The Unsung Voices of Romanian Women

(Centre for Romanian Studies, London, 2009)

(1,100 pages, 160 Biographies, 600 quotations)


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