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Poetry in Translation (CXIV): Joan Salvat-Papasseit (1894-1924), Poet Catalan – “BATTLE SONG” (CÂNTEC DE LUPTĂ)

July 12th, 2012 · No Comments · International Media, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Joan Salvat-Papasseit-Toti (1894-1924)

Joan Salvat-Papasseit (Barcelona, 1894 – 1924) was a Catalan poet, who also wrote political articles, primarily in Catalan, although he had an early period of essay-writing in Spanish.

His work is notable for its nonconformity, idealism and foreboding of premature death. His poetry, with both avant-garde and traditional influences, begins with the publication of “Poemes en ondes hertzianes” (Poems in Hertzian Waves) in 1919. The cover illustration for the Book was created by Joaquín Torres García. Further works of poetry were “La gesta dels estels” (The Exploit of the Stars) in 1922 and the culmination of the poet’s vital enthusiasm in “El poema de la rosa als llavis” (Poem of the Rose in the Lips) in 1923.
The city of Barcelona has honored him with a statue at the Moll de la Fusta wharf by Robert Krier (Luxembourg, 1938), the pedestal of which bears a plaque with his poem, “Nocturn per a acordió”, referring to the period when the poet was a night watchman there. His poetry has been brought to the public at large, in particular through musical arrangements and recitals.


Canto a la lluita

Joan Salvat-Papasseit-Toti Soler (1894-1924)

Cavaller d’un corser
qual crinera és de flames
só jo l’incendiari de mots d’adolescent.
Blasmo els déus a ple vol:
l’arraulit bestiari
tem el fuet del meu cant!

I he maridat la lluna…
(Però no dormo amb Ella, si el filisteu governa els meus domenys)

Joan Salvat-Papasseit-Toti Soler (1894-1924)

Rider on a courser
whose mane is aflame
I am the incendiary of the words of adolescence
I curse the gods in full flight:
the quivering bestiary
cringes at the whip of my song!
And I have married the moon…
(But I do not sleep with Her if the philistine rules my domain.)

Joan Salvat-Papasseit-Toti Soler (1894-1924)

Călăreţ pe armăsar
Cu coama în flăcări
Eu sunt focul incendiar al viselor de adolescent
În plin zbor blestem zeii:
Bestiile înfricoşate
Tremură sub biciul cântecului meu!
Deşi m-am însurat cu Luna…
Noi nu dormim împreună când barbarii cârmuiesc ţara.

Versiune în limba Română de Constantin ROMAN
Londra, 12 Iulie 2012
© Copyright 2012, Constantin ROMAN


Chevalier d’un coursier
À la crinière flamboyante
Je suis l’incendiaire à la parole adolescente
Je blâme les dieux en plein vol :
Le bestiaire rétif
Craint le fouet de mon chant !
Je suis marié à la lune…
(Mais ne dors pas avec Elle, si le philistin gouverne mes domaines)

Traduction de Maryse Badiou
pour le site du Centre d’Etudes Roumaines – Londres
© Copyright 2012, Maryse Badiou

Joan Salvat i Papasseit (1894-1924)

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